NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I hope he's out of his funk permanently cause he def has All-Star potential.
Stop. Saying. That.

What's wrong with y'all man? Lol. Shump on his best day barely touches what a guy like Steph Curry can do nightly and Steph Curry did not make the All Star game last year. Shump isn't getting anywhere near an All-Star game and expecting him to play every game like last night is unrealistic.
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That Shump tape just brightened my whole day
.  I'm still pissed that I missed the game last night.  I've been having to literally force myself to watch these atrocious games the past month, hoping that every game was gonna be the one to turn it around.  And then I miss THE game that literally could turn it all around.  Make no mistake about it...the Knicks have played awful ball all season, but I still believe in this roster.  It's some ball players on this team, which is why I've been completely baffled as to what has taken place so far this year.  This team is way too good to be so laughably bad.  They HAVE to turn it around.  

I really hope that tonight is the start of a real streak...
I hope he's out of his funk permanently cause he def has All-Star potential.
Stop. Saying. That.

What's wrong with y'all man? Lol. Shump on his best day barely touches what a guy like Steph Curry can do nightly and Steph Curry did not make the All Star game last year. Shump isn't getting anywhere near an All-Star game and expecting him to play every game like last night is unrealistic.
Key word there was potential, which means possibly in the future. I think shump is pretty raw but has the talent and could develop his game to an All Star level based on the coach and staff he's surrounded with. 

Sadly I dont think the Knicks can develop shump to the fullest of his ability.
im fit to bring in andre miller on this squad asap.shouldnt have to give up too much for him,unless of course denver does what they did last time we dealt with them.
Shump on Harden means nothing since Bargnani will be switched onto him after 8 seconds.
Touré is actually a breath of fresh air...as opposed to Felton's fat behind always whining and complaining about God knows what.
Heres to hoping felton gets traded and prigioni and murry are our point guards.

Felton for andre miller 
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