Obama 'Joker' Picture

Originally Posted by drsfinest72


something seems really off in this gif lol
Bush deserved the criticism he recived.
We were attacked under his term.
He threw us in a war for an unclear reason.
Took no immediate action towards katrina an disaster in his own country.

These are things that have all happened.

The criticsim towards Obama is mostly assumptions and pure racism.
I never seen a pic of Bush as a ritz crakcer getting shot.

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Bush deserved the criticism he recived.
We were attacked under his term.
He threw us in a war for an unclear reason.
Took no immediate action towards katrina an disaster in his own country.

These are things that have all happened.

The criticsim towards Obama is mostly assumptions and pure racism.
I never seen a pic of Bush as a ritz crakcer getting shot.

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.
thank you.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Bush deserved the criticism he recived.
We were attacked under his term.
He threw us in a war for an unclear reason.
Took no immediate action towards katrina an disaster in his own country.

These are things that have all happened.

The criticsim towards Obama is mostly assumptions and pure racism.
I never seen a pic of Bush as a ritz crakcer getting shot.

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.
Though I agree Bush deserved criticism, just about everything you posted is false (except for the Iraq war).

1. Bush had nothing to do with 9-11, other than the fact that he was president when it happened.. Clinton gave Osama the weapons, Clinton pissed Osama offby deserting him, and Clinton refused to give the OK to kill Osama when our military had the clear shot. I'm not saying its Clinton's fault,but rather the actions of the Clinton administration directly affected the actions of Osama Bin Laden, which led to an attack on our country.

2. Iraq war, I agree with you on here, dudes just wanted to go to war and made up a bunch of reasons why we need to. But guess what, the democrats that justlove to bash Bush policy were on board, until it backfired.

3. Katrina. It is NOT, I reapeat NOT, the Federal Government's responsibility to prepare states for a hurricane. The Katrina disaster is a result ofabsolutely poor STATE RUN government. I live in Florida, we see more hurricanes than probably any other state, and I have NEVER ONCE seen the FederalGovernment come in and try to prepare our state for a storm. It is the job of the state to evacuate people if necessary, provide storm shelters, supplies,etc...The fact is that the the government of the state of Louisiana FAILED MISERABLY.

4. I am SOOOO *+#$$%% SIIIIIIICKKKKK of hearing the *+#$$%% race card everytime someone criticizes Obama. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS RACE, and everythingto do with his political idealogies and radical leftwing agenda, and the fact that he has broken nearly every campaign promise he made (and it tookless than 7 months for him to do it) So what assumptions and misunderstandings do think are the reasons people criticize Obama? Because all I see are peoplecriticizing WHAT HE HAS DONE WITH HIS 7 MONTHS IN OFFICE, AND WHAT HE PLANS TO DO WITH THE REST OF HIS TERM, AND MAKING OBSERVATIONS ABOUT HIS TRUE CHARACTERBY EDUCATING THEMSELVES ON HIS PAST.
The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.

102 US Soldiers killed since Obama become President is a FACT

Hundreds if not thousands of innocent victims continue to be killed in Afghanistan/Iraq due to Obama's policy of continuing Bush's wars inIraq/Afghanistan is a FACT

Funding of billions of US dollars continue in Iraq is a FACT( "We're spending $10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, at a time when the Iraqis have a$79 billion dollar surplus" Obama 10/7/08)

Torture continues at Bagram Air Force Base is a FACT

9.4% jobless rate in July is a FACT

Spending billions of US treasury while the US Govt continues to borrow money and currently is in a deficit of 1.3 Trillion dollars is a FACT

Throwing out the Racism card every time someone criticizes Obama is an EXCUSE.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Though I agree Bush deserved criticism, just about everything you posted is false (except for the Iraq war).

1. Bush had nothing to do with 9-11, other than the fact that he was president when it happened.. Clinton gave Osama the weapons, Clinton pissed Osama off by deserting him, and Clinton refused to give the OK to kill Osama when our military had the clear shot. I'm not saying its Clinton's fault, but rather the actions of the Clinton administration directly affected the actions of Osama Bin Laden, which led to an attack on our country.

2. Iraq war, I agree with you on here, dudes just wanted to go to war and made up a bunch of reasons why we need to. But guess what, the democrats were on board until it backfired.

3. Katrina. It is NOT, I reapeat NOT, the Federal Government's responsibility to prepare states for a hurricane. The Katrina disaster is a result of absolutely poor STATE RUN government. I live in Florida, we see more hurricanes than probably any other state, and I have NEVER ONCE seen the Federal Government come in and try to prepare our state for a storm. It is the job of the state to evacuate people if necessary, provide storm shelters, supplies, etc...The fact is that the the government of the state of Louisian FAILED MISERABLY.

4. I am SOOOO *+#$$%% SIIIIIIICKKKKK of hearing the *+#$$%% race card everytime someone criticizes Obama. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS RACE, and everything to do with his political idealogies and radical leftwing agenda. So what assumptions and misunderstandings do think are the reasons people criticize Obama? Because all I see are people criticizing WHAT HE HAS DONE WITH HIS 7 MONTHS IN OFFICE, AND WHAT HE PLANS TO DO WITH THE REST OF HIS TERM, AND MAKING OBSERVATIONS ABOUT HIS TRUE CHARACTER BY EDUCATING THEMSELVES ON HIS PAST.
I definitely agree with this here. Everybody was going nuts because they felt it was Fed's responsibility to help withKatrina, when it really wasn't. Anybody that's lived in the south for any sort of time at all KNOWS that Louisiana's state goverment is crappy. But the Fed caught almost, if not all, the flack from the public when the *%@# hit the fan. Only a few people even stopped to notice how crappy of a mayorthey have in New Orleans.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.

102 US Soldiers killed since Obama become President is a FACT

Hundreds if not thousands of innocent victims continue to be killed in Afghanistan/Iraq due to Obama's policy of continuing Bush's wars in Iraq/Afghanistan is a FACT

Funding of billions of US dollars continue in Iraq is a FACT( "We're spending $10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, at a time when the Iraqis have a $79 billion dollar surplus" Obama 10/7/08)

Torture continues at Bagram Air Force Base is a FACT

9.4% jobless rate in July is a FACT

Spending billions of US treasury while the US Govt continues to borrow money and currently is in a deficit of 1.3 Trillion dollars is a FACT

Throwing out the Racism card every time someone criticizes Obama is an EXCUSE.


so obama has a hand in killing US soldiers now?
and Obama is suppose to turn the jobless rate around in less than 6 months?!?!

some of you people sound so moronic.
normally a president's effect on the country doesn't start it's motion and becoming full surface until at least a year has passed.
Obama is not my mesiah or even close to it.
but it's ridiculous to bash a president 6 months into his term.
he hasnt even done anything of major significance yet!

if he fails or it becomes CLEAR that he is absolutely failing
then hell yeah i will bash him
but you all are so caught up in your "stand-outish" ways that you want to claim that a home run hasn't been hit before the batter has even swung.

go lay the !$$% down or somehting.

But as far as criticizing Obama goes...I feel like it has to get worse before it gets better. I mean, he JUST became the president. Idon't see the point in hating him now...if some of his promises don't manifest themselves a year or too from now, then I'd be pissed. But what doI know?

so obama has a hand in killing US soldiers now?
and Obama is suppose to turn the jobless rate around in less than 6 months?!?!

some of you people sound so moronic.
normally a president's effect on the country doesn't start it's motion and becoming full surface until at least a year has passed.
Obama is not my mesiah or even close to it.
but it's ridiculous to bash a president 6 months into his term.
he hasnt even done anything of major significance yet!

if he fails or it becomes CLEAR that he is absolutely failing
then hell yeah i will bash him
but you all are so caught up in your "stand-outish" ways that you want to claim that a home run hasn't been hit before the batter has even swung.

get off the computer &
go sit down and read a novel or something.


Got it. You're on the "he's only in office for 6 months" excuse. Great rebuttal champ. I am sure in a year... the excuse willbe.. "He's only in office for a year"

But wait wait.. lets wait for 3 years then the excuse will be.. "This is Obama's first term, most Presidents effect on the country doesn't happenuntil his 2nd term"

Obama has a hand in killing US Soldiers? Well yah. What part of Cmdr in Chief do you not understand?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

so obama has a hand in killing US soldiers now?
and Obama is suppose to turn the jobless rate around in less than 6 months?!?!

some of you people sound so moronic.
normally a president's effect on the country doesn't start it's motion and becoming full surface until at least a year has passed.
Obama is not my mesiah or even close to it.
but it's ridiculous to bash a president 6 months into his term.
he hasnt even done anything of major significance yet!

if he fails or it becomes CLEAR that he is absolutely failing
then hell yeah i will bash him
but you all are so caught up in your "stand-outish" ways that you want to claim that a home run hasn't been hit before the batter has even swung.

go lay the !$$% down or somehting.

1. Was Bush hand killing soldiers? No. So what is your point? Because his point was theObama is following the same Bush policies that HE CAMPAIGNED AGAINST.

2. Turning the unemployment rate around in less than 6 months IS EXACTLY WHAT OBAMA SAID HE WOULD DO. Or perhaps you forget thats why it was SOOOO URGENTthat we pass the stimulus bill with out even reading a single page of it. Remember when Obama promised the unemployment rate would top out at 8% ? Of courseyou don't....

3. Says who? You? Well guess what, we are feeling the effects of this president NOW.

4. I don't have a stone face worthy of such an utterly imcompetent statement. So spending $1.4 trillion dollars of taxpayermoney less than 3 months in office is not significant? Having a budget deficit of $3.5 trillion, bigger than all other Presidents in the 200 year history ofthe US COMBINED is not significant? Healthcare reform is not significant?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami


so obama has a hand in killing US soldiers now?
and Obama is suppose to turn the jobless rate around in less than 6 months?!?!

some of you people sound so moronic.
normally a president's effect on the country doesn't start it's motion and becoming full surface until at least a year has passed.
Obama is not my mesiah or even close to it.
but it's ridiculous to bash a president 6 months into his term.
he hasnt even done anything of major significance yet!

if he fails or it becomes CLEAR that he is absolutely failing
then hell yeah i will bash him
but you all are so caught up in your "stand-outish" ways that you want to claim that a home run hasn't been hit before the batter has even swung.

go lay the !$$% down or somehting.

I don't think anybody can cosign these points. I mean, I like the man too, but damn...

It's common knowledge that Obama pretty much used his "stance" against the war to win votes. Old, old, tactic. And to say that he hasn'tdone anything of significance is ridiculous. Cash for Clunkers? Do you watch the news? What about all the talks of health care reform? None of that ring abell?

I feel what you tryna say, but man...you trippin.

Ns gotta stop hating Obama. Let the man do his job. He's not superman but at the same time he's not the cause of all our problems. people are alwayslooking for a scapegoat and for the mess the USA is in, there isn't necessarily one person to blame. But since he's our president, people bash him insuch dumb and immature ways. calling the president of OUR country a socialist,communist,anti-christ, terrorist, etc. isnt doing anything but causing a biggerseparation in the country. MFers need to just get mature and not stoop to kindergarten tactics to get their point across.

i'm sick of all this dumb, completely misleading propaganda. it's dumb.
its %+#%%$@ freedom, and the picture is well done, they should be applauded not seen as terrorists or something, damn
I don't get it... Was Joker a socialist? He didn't seem so socialist in the movie.. More of an ararchist..

If they really wanted to spread their Obama hate that much, they could've at least make it so that it makes sense.. Like they could've photoshoppedObama's face instead of Lenin's on one of those Soviet paintings celebrating the Russian Revolution.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.

But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.

102 US Soldiers killed since Obama become President is a FACT

Hundreds if not thousands of innocent victims continue to be killed in Afghanistan/Iraq due to Obama's policy of continuing Bush's wars in Iraq/Afghanistan is a FACT

Funding of billions of US dollars continue in Iraq is a FACT( "We're spending $10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, at a time when the Iraqis have a $79 billion dollar surplus" Obama 10/7/08)

Torture continues at Bagram Air Force Base is a FACT

9.4% jobless rate in July is a FACT

Spending billions of US treasury while the US Govt continues to borrow money and currently is in a deficit of 1.3 Trillion dollars is a FACT

Throwing out the Racism card every time someone criticizes Obama is an EXCUSE.

You know damn well that most of this stuff you posted is directly related to the Bush administration and the mess it created.

No force would've been able to fix the economy and create jobs in such a short amount of time. Obama never said that he would fix everything six monthsinto the presidency. When he got elected, I promised myself that I wouldn't criticize him for at least the first year of his presidency.. If there are nosigns of improvement by mid 2010, then criticizm of him could be justified. But I will never doubt that between McCain with Saran Palin as VP and Obama, Obamawas the better choice.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

The criticism of Bush will draw back to facts.
But the as of now the criticism of Obama is based from assumptions, racism, and misunderstanding.

102 US Soldiers killed since Obama become President is a FACT

Hundreds if not thousands of innocent victims continue to be killed in Afghanistan/Iraq due to Obama's policy of continuing Bush's wars in Iraq/Afghanistan is a FACT

Funding of billions of US dollars continue in Iraq is a FACT( "We're spending $10 billion dollars a month in Iraq, at a time when the Iraqis have a $79 billion dollar surplus" Obama 10/7/08)

Torture continues at Bagram Air Force Base is a FACT

9.4% jobless rate in July is a FACT

Spending billions of US treasury while the US Govt continues to borrow money and currently is in a deficit of 1.3 Trillion dollars is a FACT

Throwing out the Racism card every time someone criticizes Obama is an EXCUSE.

Oh god .

Are you really comparing 102 soldiers that have died since Obama has been in office to the thousands since the war has started ?

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