OBAMA lied about ending the War in Iraq to get elected

Son, he can't just pull out, look what happened when we pulled out of Afghanistan, they got the chance to rebuild their forces and now we have to go back..We have to keep an occupancy in Iraq to make sure that it is kept safe for us and the people in Iraq.. He may have lied but he's doing the right thinghere.
did he ever mention the number of troops that gonna be coming home? if not ....he didn't lie, cuz troops are gonna come home just not all of them...andlike i mention before dont be surprise if a fulltime military base gonna be over there (example:wow:kinawa)
I mean who cares that we had to deal with the Iraq war for the past 6 years, let's continue and support Obama blindly because hey it's OBAMA?
Congratulations you just defined what happens in an election! You pick one of two people and say, "I'm going to follow you blindly forthe next four years." It's really easy to sit back and say McCain wouldve done better, but you don't really know that for a fact. I'm notsaying Obama is right but you don't really know how these things are going to pan out when you elect someone to office in ANY case.

I don't really know what your deal is but you sound like someone who has absolutely zero idea how politics works, I get this from the fact that you seemsurprised that something like this has happened. The people have no choice but to follow the president blindly for the next four years because that'sexactly why you elect a president. This is how it's always been. Like I said earlier, it took over 5 years from the day it was promised that we would getout of Vietnam because these things don't happen in a short period of time, like everything in politics, it takes time. I wouldn't be surprised ifwe're not out of Iraq in 4 years.

Try to educate yourself in a different way then just reading blogs, you'll be surprised how much you'll learn.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

the faux outrage towards Obama is really getting played out.
Word! If you notice it's always the same group of tools posting these topics too
Originally Posted by From Da South06

Originally Posted by vctry20

Can we sticky an: "Official I Just Voted For the First Time and All My Wet Dreams About Barack Obama Didn't Come to Fruition In Two Weeks and Now Im Mad and Want to Piss and Moan About it Thread"

All in favor say I....I
Iraq is a safer place then America right now.

why are you crying so much, give it a rest, let this post die already
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Don't get me wrong, Obama was a better candidate than McCain but dude just contradicted everything he said in his campaign about ending the war in Iraq.
Its not like its his fault they are over there in the first place.

...and you cannot just withdraw troops out 1-2 months into office, this kind of thing takes several years.
UMMM the situation is not as easy as we think it is. do you think we can just pull everyone out at a certain time. not gonna happen there are alot of factorsinvolving a pullout its not just a plain cut decision it changes as time goes by including insurgent attacks, increasing hostility.
i think obama's doing a good job u know hes trying his best...who cares that he lied theres no way that we can leave iraq just like that it takes time toestablish things like peace and order...if we were to leave im talking every single last troop the taliban's al queda's would just take over again withmore anger towards us...you see the videos them fools look crazy with anger towards america what else do they got to do they dont got xbox360 and ps3 no flashycars with rims and our women are the easiet around so i guess thats what they are all living for
this was already talked about that it was going to take 3 years to get everyone out of iraq
You can just end a war whenever you want, by just pulling everyone out at once. Its stupid to just pull everyone out at once.
How quickly we forget McCain said we could be there up to 100 years


%#$$! with all this obama bashing...how would y'all like somebody walk on your job after a month and a half and say you aren't living up to thepromises you made in your interview?

Its always different once you are actually sitting in that seat as opposed to talking about what you would do once you are in it.

After looking at all the intelligence this is what he decided...

the troops are still coming home in around the same time frame he promised and anyone who thought we could just pull out of this country and leave no presenceis just an idiot. Once you take over a country its yours, you can't return it like a pair of J's
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

you are a $#@*@%@ moron.

try reading.

He's bringing most home in august 2010. (Which is very close to what he said he'd do.
all U.S. forces will be out of Iraq by December 31, 2011

you're the worst kind of reporter, %@!#@%$.
Try LISTENING.... to what Obama said prior to being elected genius. He's said he wanted to end things ASAP in Iraq.... in NOWAY did he say he wanted to stay as long as 2011.

Obama to extend Iraq withdrawal timetable; 50,000 troopsto stay...

WASHINGTON - Amid complaints from has own party that he's moving too slowly to end the war in Iraq, President Barack Obama will announce Friday that U.S. combat troops will be withdrawn by Aug. 31, 2010, but that as many as 50,000 Marines and soldiers would remain until the end of 2011.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

So now every one here is saying oh since it's Obama (the Magnificant) what's another 3 years of the Iraq War?

I mean who cares that we had to deal with the Iraq war for the past 6 years, let's continue and support Obama blindly because hey it's OBAMA?

Sorry I am not like that, I tell it how it is.
And even though I disagree with you 95% of the time.....

I can RESPECT someone like yourself who stands by THEIR beliefs and principles..... and doesn't justfollow Obama (or Bush) like blind sheep.

I called out Bush for his stupid stimulus last year.... it was a terrible idea & he shouldn't have passed it..... just like McCain was dumb for votingFOR it.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

you are a $#@*@%@ moron.

try reading.

He's bringing most home in august 2010. (Which is very close to what he said he'd do.
all U.S. forces will be out of Iraq by December 31, 2011

you're the worst kind of reporter, %@!#@%$.
Try LISTENING.... to what Obama said prior to being elected genius. He's said he wanted to end things ASAP in Iraq.... in NO WAY did he say he wanted to stay as long as 2011.

- so what about:

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- i mean you cant fathom that maybe....just maybe he didnt lie, but once he got in a postition to do something he was shown how difficult or catastrophic it would be to pull out so early and backed up a bit?
@ you going straight for the throat calling him a liar.

- the real question is what difference did it make to pull out of Iraq when it was evident we were going to be right back in another war. be it Afganistan (Obama), or Iran (McCain)? point being you can cry and moan all you want about all the money going to Iraq, the money was going to go somewhere. people talk like that 10 billion spent each year on war was going to immediately go to feeding the poor once the troops came home.
Obama has done more for Americans in a month than Bush did in 8 years, at least morale about the Gov't in raising and the man said out his own mouth AUGUST31, 2010. He is closing Gitmo which has caused the rise of terrorism than anything, and all you racist republicans are just mad that for once this world isntat the mercy of an Anglo middle aged white male. its 2009, did you guys really think you were gonna run things forever, bigger empires have fallen, instead ofdevelopment you guys turned you focus to profit when it came to every aspect of LIFE and now it is biting you guys in your scrotum. Enjoy your waiting time atthe food stamp line, enjoy having to give back your luxury cars to the dealerships, enjoy the calls from the creditors, and mostly enjoy us takingover...................
Is he not to follow the opinions and recommendations of his staff/advisors on the war on Iraq?

It isn't him who "makes" all these decisions that you are so upset about.

Pegging him for this and being outraged about this is about as dumb as blaming everything that went wrong in the past 8 years on George Bush.
a lot of unaware people in this thread. it's common sense that even if you win a war or pullout you still have people stationed in that country to keeptabs/security.

there are still a bunch of u.s. troops in korea and that war was 50+ years ago. you can't just leave. you have to make sure everything is stable and thatprogress in that country is growing.
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