Obama vol Skinny, Ghetto Crackhead smh

How did yall take "which he might want to say he does" as anything other than what it is? Do any of you guys have any type of comprehension skills whatsoever, or are you really that thirsty for that reach? Do you know the difference between "which he does" (which is what yall are making it seem like is what he said) and what he actually said? He was still going off the hypothetical, and he was simply stating that chris matthews does wanna say that, not that Obama does look like a crack head. Unless yall know this man and know the hidden meaning to what he said yall stupid as *#*% and need to go back to school 
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

It means that there are people out there that actually believe that, but would never say that because there would be backlash and job loss. Apparently every single word needs to be broken down for some of you idiots. Like I said keep taking things out of context to play the race card......
Not people, he was speaking on one person. Clearly why he said "He might want to say" but yeah to think there are some grown men in this thread is sad. Yall can't follow a conversation, yet you guys are attempting to follow politics, %**% cray
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

Are you stupid?  What part of
He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes

don't you understand?  Go watch the video 100 more times until you understand the point he was making if you don't.

 @ believing that calling someone a "carbomber" is based off of prejudicial stereotypes.
 @ equating that to racially deriding a sitting president using elementary logic, as if Fox News had any.

 @ NT scholars, who think they know enough about anything to speak in half of these threads..

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by H8MENOW

It means that there are people out there that actually believe that, but would never say that because there would be backlash and job loss. Apparently every single word needs to be broken down for some of you idiots. Like I said keep taking things out of context to play the race card......
Not people, he was speaking on one person. Clearly why he said "He might want to say" but yeah to think there are some grown men in this thread is sad. Yall can't follow a conversation, yet you guys are attempting to follow politics, %**% cray

Even if this were true, which I don't think it is, but you do...
Where do you think the skinny Ghetto Crackhead came from, do you think this was out of nowhere.. You are the one who should stop reaching.. because this is racist.

if it was someone saying George Bush is a "dumb, redneck hick,"(Im using terms I've heard others actually say about him, not how I feel) but it was only "hypothetical" how do you think Fox news would react... All I'm saying. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by JD214

I ain't even mad.

So you racist and a homophobe?

You going places kid.

In another thread he says ignorance and stupidity doesn't phase him because he sees it in the South everyday. A lot of that ignorance rubbed off on him, I'm glad I don't associate myself with people like this.

Unfortunately, he lives in my state.

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