obama vs clinton: who will be our next president?

Apr 4, 2000
something i found interesting today...

[size=+2]Pr. George's Executive Jack B. Johnson Endorses Clinton[/size]
[size=-1]By John Wagner
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 2, 2008; 1:06 PM[/size]

Prince George's County Executive Jack B. Johnson (D) this morning announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, telling his supporters in one of the nation's most affluent African American jurisdictions that the New York senator "will fight for us on the issues."

Johnson said the endorsement had been planned for a couple of weeks, but his announcement came as a surprise to many in Maryland political circles, in part because Johnson had previously agreed to let the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) use his name in a listing of statewide supporters.

Speaking to about 100 constituents at a Greenbelt hotel, Johnson offered nothing but praise for Obama, saying it was "important to open the doors of opportunity" to a black candidate with a serious shot at the presidency. But Johnson urged support of Clinton in Maryland's Feb. 12 primary, saying she is the most electable Democrat in the general election and a proven leader on issues including national security and education.

"On all of the substantive issues, she's been there," Johnson said.

"We are not going to engage in why we are not supporting Barack," Johnson added. "We don't have to do that. We're not going to get into the negative at all. . . . We have two outstanding candidates running for president."

While many political scientists believe the value of endorsements is overrated, Johnson's announcement sent a potentially important signal in a majority black county where loyalties are divided between Obama and Clinton, based on years of affection for her and her husband, the former president.

Several other African-American supporters, including Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D), a former Prince George's delegate, joined Johnson at his event, which was not widely advertised to the press.

Johnson urged supporters to build a "Hillary presence in our community" by putting up yard signs and talking to neighbors about her candidacy.

For the first time in years, Maryland could play a meaningful role in the Democratic nominating process. The state has moved up its primary to Feb. 12, the same day as Virginia and the District. Clinton and Obama are expected to be continuing to fight for delegates, even after this coming Super Tuesday, when more than 20 states are in play.

African Americans account for about 29 percent of Maryland's population, and turnout in Democratic primaries typically reaches well beyond that figure.
Currently the only democrat I'd even remotely consider voting for President is if Mark Warner ran (which I'm assuming will be a future move for himafter winning and spending time in the US Senate). I just wish on the republican end there was someone running on some of the issues on Ron Paul'splatform but who possessed true leadership skills as well.
its sad that our future president will probably be voted in not because of anything other than their race or gender ... I hear black people all the timescreaming Obama but then when asked about anything remotely relevant to his policies they hit me with the 'youre just a white guy hating' attitude ...and you know theres white people out there that dont want to see a black president ... likewise, I dont want no woman on the dot pressin the big red button yadig lol ...
Originally Posted by Scott Scotch

Still undecided.
same here... I thought I was on the Obama bandwagon fully... but maybe as the debates heat up...I will study the candidates even more...

As far as the Repubs.. they have no one of interest... you can tell how far the GOP has dropped off when they put their faith in McCain...
Jack Johnson is an idiot. If you do the opposite of what he does in life you should be fine. SMH at PG County electing a ****** for County Executive.
Originally Posted by Willis03

Mitt Romney
Naw... Obama

I'm pretty skeptical of someone calling themselves a "Washington outsider" actually making immediate effective changes if they'reelected; I'm even MORE skeptical of a sitting Senator acting as if they're currently an outsider advocating "change" when 1. They're nota "Washington outsider" by any means and 2. Their past voting record in the Senate doesn't reflect any real independent thought that warrantsthem running the country. I'm not too thrilled with the choices but some of the phoniness in the candidates is pretty easy to spot.
"don't make sense for Obama to win
Hillary getting the votes from ya momma and them" Jadakiss

Hillary started crying when somebody asked her about her hair, so how she gonna handle a real crisis. She wouldn't have made this far if it wasn't forBill. Obama represent a new day...get some fresh blood in there
I just listened to Obamas speech from last week.....Dude sounds like THE ROCK.....DaRock Obama
Originally Posted by HMack007

I just listened to Obamas speech from last week.....Dude sounds like THE ROCK.....DaRock Obama

So I'm not the only one who thinks this HAHA
Actually on another message board I frequent where there's constantly political discussion so months ago I had created a BA-RACK identity with an avatar ofBarack's face on The Rock's body. To my knowledge Dwayne is a republican so I doubt he's supporting Obama's campaign but if he was supportinghim...it would be a no-brainer to put those two together.

Can you imagine Obama breaking out in The Rock-speak at a rally?
FINALLY...BARACK HAS COME BACK TO...(insert city here
Or against Hillary at a debate?
So Senator Clinton what do you think about...(Barack interrupts) IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT!
This is what I'm about!

And if anyone has one of these I want to buy it!
Originally Posted by TOWEH

This is what I'm about!

And if anyone has one of these I want to buy it!
You want to buy one eh? Got $700-1000 you don't need?

The resale now on Shepard's posters are RIDICULOUS now, if you can settle for a printable B&W version you can download it at www.obeygiant.com hope that helps.
There is not much difference between any of the 4 remaining candidates.

Im merely choosing thelesser of 4 evils. He is the only one that is trying to get out of Iraq ASAP which is killing the economy and my pockets!!!
I'm pretty skeptical of someone calling themselves a "Washington outsider" actually making immediate effective changes if they're elected; I'm even MORE skeptical of a sitting Senator acting as if they're currently an outsider advocating "change" when 1. They're not a "Washington outsider" by any means and 2. Their past voting record in the Senate doesn't reflect any real independent thought that warrants them running the country. I'm not too thrilled with the choices but some of the phoniness in the candidates is pretty easy to spot.
Maybe he is saying he's not a hypebeast like Hilary. lol
Originally Posted by Willis03

There is not much difference between any of the 4 remaining candidates.

Im merely choosing thelesser of 4 evils. He is the only one that is trying to get out of Iraq ASAP which is killing the economy and my pockets!!!

No.... a weak $%@ dollar, a trillion dollar trade deficit and the collapse of the housing market is killing your pockets...
But i will say, that for the rest of America that prolly doesn't think like i do, the Dem's are some idiots. A woman and a Black man? Genius! They mustreally think that American's learned from Bush, but i'll assure u that they didn't. They will be just as scared and ignorant as they were 8yrs agoor 4yrs ago and fall back on the White man. There must be a republican mole in the democrats think tank.
I just don't want another republican. The Dem's aren't offering up any real highlights either, End The War isn't the only thing that needs tobe addressed(although it's def important).
That said, i only hope that Obama's inexperience is actually an asset in Washington if he does win(which as far as i can tell it will be, the less you knowabout "how things work" in washington, the better in my opinion). We need someone who can actually change a lot of the problems in our country(notjust talk about it), and i truly hope that person is Obama.

All acceptable to me
I thought the Republicans would throw Condi out there once Hillary officially jumped in the race, but I guess they figured that they didn't need to go theminority route to beat her. Now there is some speculation that she may be offered as the VP.
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