obama vs clinton: who will be our next president?

Obama is a good speaker, but he is setting himself up making promises that he cant fulfill, he needs to start addressing the problems he is GOING TO BE facinginstead of what he would do in an ideal perfect society.

And stop all this "black man wont win" %%@!%$$!. He can run again in 8 years and be more qualified. Because right now, he is about as experienced asBush was when he was getting elected.

McCain is from the "urea" y'all. gotta show love y'all, I guess Hate Is The New Love.
^Exactly, Obama won in a state that historically (and from my experiences) is one of the most racist states in the country (South Carolina) and was speaking atthere football field. Stop dwelling on this "pitty Obama" and "nobody likes him because he is black" the numbers arent showing that, sowhere are you getting these notions from?
hey, in my humble opinion the primary's don't mean !%!#. it's all up to the electoral college and i believe that the nation is ready for a blackman or woman running the US but i think that racism/sexism is still very prevalent/alive in society; it's just on the humble in regards to the people with power. and once again, I THINK that whoever the republican candidate is, he's gonna win becauseof that security of no change.

mind you, all of the thoughts/statements above are from a dude that doesn't believe in voting because it really doesn't matter in my opinion due to ourwonderful electoral college. Now if the electoral college were to give up their vote to the popular vote of the state then my mind would change...
Random Thoughs:

In most years the primaries decide who the party representative is going to be. I would say that matters.

As far as the Republican candidate goes, I think it is safe to say that it will be McCain. The right wingers are fronting! There is no way they would abstainfrom voting or go the complete opposite way and vote for the Demo candidate. With that said, I think Obama has the better shot against McCain. He can pull someof those moderates, independents and undecideds away from the Republican party. I don't think Hilary can do the same. In another situation, I think she isjust as viable as Obama.

On the topic of day one readiness, I think it is all BS. This is the one of the very few jobs you can't have previous experience in. lol

The major gripe I have with this election is that I have to be strategic in how I vote. I would prefer just to vote for the person I think will do the bestjob, but I also am having to think about the bigger picture and what evil is the better evil in some respects.
Originally Posted by Scott Scotch

Random Thoughs:

In most years the primaries decide who the party representative is going to be. I would say that matters.

As far as the Republican candidate goes, I think it is safe to say that it will be McCain. The right wingers are fronting! There is no way they would abstain from voting or go the complete opposite way and vote for the Demo candidate. With that said, I think Obama has the better shot against McCain. He can pull some of those moderates, independents and undecideds away from the Republican party. I don't think Hilary can do the same. In another situation, I think she is just as viable as Obama.

On the topic of day one readiness, I think it is all BS. This is the one of the very few jobs you can't have previous experience in. lol

The major gripe I have with this election is that I have to be strategic in how I vote. I would prefer just to vote for the person I think will do the best job, but I also am having to think about the bigger picture and what evil is the better evil in some respects.

McCain and Romney will be the Repub ticket......

As far as Obama on the issues at hand... how has the last 20 years of Bush, CLinton, Bush done on the issues?

A fresh start is obviously on the minds of many Americans; all you have to do is look at the voter turn out for the primaries across thecountry

He (Obama) deserves a shot as much as anyone...
Experience in politics doesnt always mean an ability to actually SOLVE major issues... plenty of experience in the White House now..... how's that workedout???

Because right now, he is about as experienced as Bush was when he was getting elected.

rest my case...
Definitely agree, Rudo.

And as the second quote points out, Bush had the experience of a Gov. So I guess his experience came from his daddy's nuts? So I find it funny when thepundits are raking on Hilary being the first lady. As if she wasn't working (in government) during those 8 years that her husband was in office. She,unlike the "iconic" Mrs. Regan, had a real job. Not some stupid *** slogan that meant the total opposite of what her husband and his cronies weredoing.
Has Super Tuesday Happened already? Im sooo out of the loop on who's winning in the Primaries... I have had to use Stephen Colbert and John Daily for myPolitical News lately..

Somehow Obama has more states but Hilary has more delegate votes? Not that again...
According to CNN.com

The Dems. split the delegates based on the percentage they collect in the states. So if Clinton pulls 67% of the vote, she gets 67% of the delegates. Whereason the Repub. side they do winner takes all.

The second difference is that the Dems. have "Super Delegates." These are senior members of the party and their vote is their vote. They can decideto follow the people in their state or they can vote on their personal opinion. A number of Super's put there vote behind Clinton early in the game. Butjust last week, one of them switched his support to Obama because of "what the people wanted."

Outside of the primaries today, the switching of Super Delegate support has to be the Clinton campaign's number one concern.


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