obese three year old vol. 132 pounds

If lil man doesnt have some knid of thyroid deficiency or some other ailment, his parents should be locked up.

IMO this is child abuse. That kid doesnt dictate what he eats, his parents do.

IDGAF how much he cries. That doesnt mean they should keep feeding him, more than what is needed for him to be nourished.

Now his life will be harder than it has to be. First he is extremely overweight which will most definitely cause heath problems.

Not to mention the possibilty of being picked on for being different.

It has already affected his self confidence. Instead of believing he can do anything( which is what he should believe at this stage in his life)

he has already embraced the mentality that he is "too fat" to do certain things. Of couse he was referring to something fantastical like flying,

but I'm sure that same mentality will corrupt his thinking in other matters.

There is no reason that he should look like this:
If lil man doesnt have some knid of thyroid deficiency or some other ailment, his parents should be locked up.

IMO this is child abuse. That kid doesnt dictate what he eats, his parents do.

IDGAF how much he cries. That doesnt mean they should keep feeding him, more than what is needed for him to be nourished.

Now his life will be harder than it has to be. First he is extremely overweight which will most definitely cause heath problems.

Not to mention the possibilty of being picked on for being different.

It has already affected his self confidence. Instead of believing he can do anything( which is what he should believe at this stage in his life)

he has already embraced the mentality that he is "too fat" to do certain things. Of couse he was referring to something fantastical like flying,

but I'm sure that same mentality will corrupt his thinking in other matters.

There is no reason that he should look like this:
#%%* he looks like a lil bathing ape
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