
Jed- Those concords and cool greys.... disgusting

Jedis up there

Jordan11s- Thanks bro

Eciaccord- Dope outlet pickups...
Damn everyone is gettin hooked up with pearls, what's good with a sz14?

Got these in today:
DS '04 IIs

Kinda happy I passed on the recent retros
thanks for all the love fellas.
NT is still going strong on the pickups.

Feels like Im near retirement
Very surprised nobody at the post office jacked these (not double boxed)...

either way, thanks again greencelt06
^^^what? Did you post that so that we can give you props for having yeezys or do you really mean that?

The DMP box is part of the whole DMP deal. With that box being beat like that they loose so much value.
Since when do we wear boxes?

I'd be mad due to the sheer laziness of the seller. Have some respect for the buyer.
That DMP box is just shameful, sellers need to have a little more respect for buyers.

I got a good deal on the VI's I just posted above, paid about half the price they should have been, the box isn't in that great of shape, and the seller still TRIPLE boxed (double would have been fine) with padding so nothing moved in shipping.

Good care in shipping will get me to buy from a seller again, even if it's a little bit more money. Bad shipping like that DMP box would make me never buy from a seller again.
These came in today, they were expected on Monday, oh well, Mr. Cartoon Footscapes:

Nice stuff everyone

Damm I would be heated if I bought DMP and they didn't double box.

Nice snag Cris.

These came in today
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