October is anti-bullying month...might not mean squat to us in general but here's a vid....

and yes by some doctors charts... may even call me obese lmao, shes blatantly obese. She's just too insecure to let ppl like this bother her. I think is more important for parents to teach their kids how to be the bigger person. Either just ignore it or don't let them bully you around, no one wants to hear you b**** about it. Personally I have no sympathy for obese people, they're not only affecting themselves but their children and family. It's only a matter of time before their bad health choices come back to bite them. The majority of the time ppl are just too lazy or misinformed to lose the weight.
If getting rid of bullying means no more hilarious vids of bullies getting handled...I don't want to live long enought to see that happen.
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