Off-White x Air Jordan Thread - Rest In Peace Virgil Abloh

I believe my bank charges for a charge back in most cases but I could be wrong

I see on GOAT that there seems to be pairs labeled as missing laces so I would hope that the pair I bought has all accessories.

I may end up selling my pair to recoup the money as buying them was sort of an accident and they’d have to really blow me away not to try to get most of my money back
Well I just cancelled my $875 bid on Stock X for these. Im sorry but if im paying almost 5 times the retail price I want everything included with my purchase. That includes the laces and the box in pristine condition. Sellers who have any moral regard should have no problem listing their pair that missing items on GOAT and let me decide whether I want to pay that price for them.
I don’t think a chargeback would be the answer, you still have the product so more than likely it won’t go your way as planned. And chargebacks/disputes on credit cards affect your credit score. Is it really worth the hassle. I just closed on a house and these words came directly from the lender.

This is false info. Surprised a lender would speak and give you bad info. Chargebacks don't affect your credit score, a credit card could close your account if you're abusing it. Also a card like AMEX which is the Issuer and Network unlike visa and MasterCard, tend to push the issue quicker and easier with your chargeback. That's why merchants hate AMEX cause it's hard to fight claims/disputes/charge backs from customers who use it. Amex tends to favor their members more, but generally all credit cards will do so as well. I'm not suggesting to abuse it or take advantage, you should do it with compliance to the law and rules. But say you bought a shoe that is described as unworn, but it's obviously worn and you exhausted all options to get a refund, I would use a chargeback as a final weapon. I believe the card company sometimes asks you to return and send in the product and copy of receipt to them, but I've heard experiences where the CC company never asks for the product.
ha real mature. can't wait for the day you get played on stockx on a high reselling pair and hear you complain about charging back

if you've provided the correspondence between you and stockx trying to resolve the situation (and even offer to return the product), i don't see how that would mess up your credit score? meh

The act of disputing a charge affects your score. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong. Call Experian and ask them, they will confirm. A dispute is the same as a inquiry
The act of disputing a charge affects your score. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong. Call Experian and ask them, they will confirm. A dispute is the same as a inquiry you really keep pushing this false info. STOP. Do some due diligence. The act of disputing a charge DOES NOT affect your score man. And it's even more stupid to say it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, cause if anything I can see an illegal chargeback cause a CLOSURE OF your CC ACCOUNT thus possibly impacting a credit score/report. But disputing a charge and a chargeback itself does not affect your score, period. I used to be obsessed and a geek about this whole credit thing, I've done my research. And just for the record this is straight off Experian....
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This is false info. Surprised a lender would speak and give you bad info. Chargebacks don't affect your credit score, a credit card could close your account if you're abusing it. Also a card like AMEX which is the Issuer and Network unlike visa and MasterCard, tend to push the issue quicker and easier with your chargeback. That's why merchants hate AMEX cause it's hard to fight claims/disputes/charge backs from customers who use it. Amex tends to favor their members more, but generally all credit cards will do so as well. I'm not suggesting to abuse it or take advantage, you should do it with compliance to the law and rules. But say you bought a shoe that is described as unworn, but it's obviously worn and you exhausted all options to get a refund, I would use a chargeback as a final weapon. I believe the card company sometimes asks you to return and send in the product and copy of receipt to them, but I've heard experiences where the CC company never asks for the product.

Wrong. I just went through 4 months scrutinizing my credit and every little thing we went over. You people act like professionals but lack knowledge of the stuff you talk about. If you dispute a charge on any card besides your debit, it gets reported to the 3 major credit bureaus as a dispute, which does affect your score. I filed a dispute because Experian wasn’t showing my card correctly. It was showing I was using 0% usage which is also bad. I was told to call them and have the dispute removed. All facts. you really keep pushing this false info. STOP. Do some due diligence. The act of disputing a charge DOES NOT affect your score man. And it's even more stupid to say it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, cause if anything I can see an illegal chargeback cause a CLOSURE OF your CC ACCOUNT thus possibly impacting a credit score/report. But disputing a charge and a chargeback itself does not affect your score, period. I used to be obsessed and a geek about this whole credit thing, I've done my research. And just for the record this is straight off Experian....
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That says standing not score. Learn to read
The act of disputing a charge affects your score. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong. Call Experian and ask them, they will confirm. A dispute is the same as a inquiry

??? And now you're saying a credit card charge dispute is the same as a credit inquiry? lol......a credit inquiry is when you seek credit lol and that's when they make the hard pull and review your report, you take the hit. I believe legally they need permission from you to authorize it too. This is FAR LEFT from a credit card dispute/chargeback from a purchase. Seems like your CC company probably reported mistakes and errors to the credit agencies before, and now you're fixing it and believe that's how things work.
??? And now you're saying a credit card charge dispute is the same as a credit inquiry? lol......a credit inquiry is when you seek credit lol and that's when they make the hard pull and review your report, you take the hit. I believe legally they need permission from you to authorize it too. This is FAR LEFT from a credit card dispute/chargeback. Seems like your CC company probably reported mistakes and errors to the credit agencies before, and now you're fixing it and believe that's how things work.

I’m not saying it’s the same thing. It just has the same affect on your credit. The person telling you that your score won’t go down if they run it is a liar. Like I said. I just bought a $300,000 house and I had real-time credit monitoring. Just take my word for it, a dispute will affect your score negatively, just like too many credit inquiries.
I’m not saying it’s the same thing. It just has the same affect on your credit. The person telling you that your score won’t go down if they run it is a liar. Like I said. I just bought a $300,000 house and I had real-time credit monitoring. Just take my word for it, a dispute will affect your score negatively, just like too many credit inquiries.

It just clicked in my mind that I think you're confusing a DISPUTED ACCOUNT on your credit report VS a DISPUTED CHARGE purchase on your credit card. Those are two separate things. A disputed account on your report does impact your credit depending on the outcome and a mortgage lenders, etc may not proceed without it being resolved first, a disputed/chargeback from a purchase on a card which we are talking about does not impact your credit like I said.
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Good lord. Disputing a transaction/authorization on your affects your credit score?

Inquiries/hard pull, late payments, utilization rate on your CC’s are the culprits in affecting scores. If your bank is reporting “chargebacks and/or disputes” against you, then they’re not in compliance with the regulations in place and will get fined by the CFPB

Good lord. Disputing a transaction/authorization on your affects your credit score?

Inquiries/hard pull, late payments, utilization rate on your CC’s are the culprits in affecting scores. If your bank is reporting “chargebacks and/or disputes” against you, then they’re not in compliance with the regulations in place and will get fined by the CFPB


Seems like the wool has been pulled over everyone’s eyes. I have seen the exact correspondents where I made a disput with Tesla. I bought a car part and they never shipped. I disputed it with my bank, all during my home purchase and it showed on my credit report as..” consumer disputes charge”. It’s a Bank of America credit card. The lending agent told me to request for the dispute to be dropped. Whether you believe me or not it happened, you can all claim to have jobs in the field or b expects. I’m just saying what happened to me personally which outweighs anything anybody here has to say. I actually have proof besides running to google and searching
Seems like the wool has been pulled over everyone’s eyes. I have seen the exact correspondents where I made a disput with Tesla. I bought a car part and they never shipped. I disputed it with my bank, all during my home purchase and it showed on my credit report as..” consumer disputes charge”. It’s a Bank of America credit card. The lending agent told me to request for the dispute to be dropped. Whether you believe me or not it happened, you can all claim to have jobs in the field or b expects. I’m just saying what happened to me personally which outweighs anything anybody here has to say. I actually have proof besides running to google and searching

That’s a notation. Lenders do tend to pull a wider scope of your credit history but simply disputing a charge would not hurt your score, but it may be a speed bump in processing an application for a mortgage. Some lenders are much more anal than others.

If you refused to pay the disputed charge, despite losing the claim then it becomes delinquent. Other than that- Disputing a charge will not “negatively” affect your score.
Seems like the wool has been pulled over everyone’s eyes. I have seen the exact correspondents where I made a disput with Tesla. I bought a car part and they never shipped. I disputed it with my bank, all during my home purchase and it showed on my credit report as..” consumer disputes charge”. It’s a Bank of America credit card. The lending agent told me to request for the dispute to be dropped. Whether you believe me or not it happened, you can all claim to have jobs in the field or b expects. I’m just saying what happened to me personally which outweighs anything anybody here has to say. I actually have proof besides running to google and searching

You're just not understanding the point of the argument, and you're confusing and mixing up things when you absorbed your info from the lending agent when you got your new house. The act of disputing a charge purchase on your credit card is not going to hurt your credit score. I and others have said this repeatedly man. What don't you get? You're getting confused with an account you had on your report that was probably listed as a disputed account /When you get a mortgage they do a "manual review", and they probably saw one of your accounts in dispute status, like tatayniDarna tatayniDarna said its like a speed bump in the process of your application. They may not want to go any further and it can hinder the process until that dispute is resolved and updated on whats going on, hence why your lending agent told you to get the credit agency to drop that disputed account. This is what's making you think its IMPACTING your credit sore, but its not. This is a different thing then what we were all talking about which is simplying disputing a purchase on your credit card, which it does not hit your credit score at all. Look up the FICO FACTOR pie, no where in that says dispute charges affects your scores. its stuff like length of account, utilization, inquiries, etc. I'm done....say what you want. you should really thank people for giving you some education.
That’s a notation. Lenders do tend to pull a wider scope of your credit history but simply disputing a charge would not hurt your score, but it may be a speed bump in processing an application for a mortgage. Some lenders are much more anal than others.

If you refused to pay the disputed charge, despite losing the claim then it becomes delinquent. Other than that- Disputing a charge will not “negatively” affect your score.

I really hate to keep going back and fourth but you kinda just confirmed my point. If the dispute doesn’t negatively show on your report your lender wouldn’t even be able to see it. The fact that it showed up there means it’s no good. That’s all I’m saying. Maybe you lose a point or two, maybe your score doesn’t change at all. The fact remains that it still shows up. If the lender has a problem with it, you should too because ultimately it’s how “they” see you and your file. I can’t believe I’m the only one seeing this.
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