Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

If the Cavs play the Bobcats in the first round, which they probably will, the Bobcats MIGHT win 1 game. Aint nobody worried about them
Shush, scroll down or something. 
  I forget how to do spoilers anyways.  It's almost the next page, settle down. 
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

If the Cavs play the Bobcats in the first round, which they probably will, the Bobcats MIGHT win a 1 game. Aint nobody worried about them

the cavs are never worried. hows that gone for them?

underestimating your opponent always a good look. if you're a cavs fan.
Charlotte has beaten the Cavs 3 times in a row, including a 17-point blowout on Friday.

Yes it's the regular season, I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Shush, scroll down or something. 
  I forget how to do spoilers anyways.  It's almost the next page, settle down. 

My gf's Aunt Flo msut have rubbed off on me, I've been very pissy all day

Ya know, THIS is why I do like Bill and his writing.  The guy is smart, and loves the game.  He brought up some good stuff there.  But what scares me is, can you imagine that lockout/strike?  How horrible is that going to be?  That's cutting time on guys like Bron and Durant, and Melo and their career's.  What if it gets REALLY bad?  That stuff just plain bothers me.  I hate labor issues. 

We got about 30 games to go guys.  Those of you that been in here since Novemeber, this time of year is for us.  All those boring games in November/December, now every game is crunch time like, standings moving every which way, teams folding, rising, coasting, this is where the NBA gets going.  (I know March is more for college and what not, there will be some barnburners in the NBA in the next 6 weeks)  Can't wait. 
I have no idea what the right answer is, in regards to Collison.

Onone hand, his value will be far too high to justify him coming off thebench for 15 minutes a game. But, the more I think about it, I don'tthink there's any way a Paul and Collison backcourt wouldn't work.

Thereprobably aren't five players in the league that can stay in front ofCollison, and he's not even shooting as good as he showed he could incollege, yet he's still at about 45% for the season. There's too muchspeed, craftiness and playmaking ability between the two of them for itto fail.

Defensively is another story, but the Hornets areterrible defensively as it is, and it's primarily because Peja is slowand West and Okafor don't mesh well together, not anything to do withwhoever is in the backcourt. Speed and quickness make upfor a lot of things in this league.

All these doofus Knicks fanshad me confused when they talked about potentially signing Chris nextsummer. The earliest he can opt out is the summer of 2012, and theHornets have $30 million coming off after next season, so re-signinghim isn't going to be an issue. Plus, I assume Okafor will be moved atsome point, because the reason the Hornets traded Tyson Chandler forhim was because it was financially beneficial for them THIS season, butafter that, Okafor's contract overtakes Chandler's. By the time Chrisdoes have to make a decision, the only players on the team now thatwould still be under contract are Okafor and Collison, so there will beplenty of options over the next few years.

The Hornets couldplay it safe and not make any splashes in free agency until the yearthey re-sign Chris. Until then, re-sign West and Thornton, draft welland make smart, cheaper signings, then re-sign Chris and still haveenough money to throw at a big name.

Chris - $17-$18 million (re-signed)
West - $13-$15 million? (re-signed)
Collison - $2.3 million (still on rookie contract)
Thornton - $2-$3 million? (re-signed)
= ~$35 million

Another close to max free agent = ~$50 million
2-4 draft choices between now and then = ~$55 million?

Ihave no idea what the cap and luxury line will look like then, but it'ssafe to assume there would still be about $10 million left to fill out the rest of the roster, no?

Onceyou get past at least the Stojakovic, Posey and Peterson contracts, theHornets' financial situation isn't as bleak as it is made to seem. Move Okafor, and the Hornets can pretty much dowhatever they want after next summer. It's just a matter of being smartenough to not spend much money and stay competitive (competitiveenough, I guess) simultaneously until then.

Anyway, enoughfuture financial planning. I'll take this time to admit I was wrong(for the first time ever) about Collison and Thornton.

I thoughtdrafting another very small point guard, in the first round and to back up thebest point guard on the planet, no less, was a huge mistake. Also, Ithought drafting an undersized, averagely-athletic shooting guard wasalso a mistake.

In my defense, had Paul never gotten hurt thisseason, the Collison pick wouldn't look anywhere as good as it doesnow, and Thornton is still undersized and pretty averagely-athletic for a wing in the NBA, but Pauldid, in fact, get hurt (twice), and despite being maybe 6'4", Thorntonstill manages to score at will.

Collison as a starter + Thornton overall = 29.4 points per game on 24.6 shots per game; combined 44.9% from the field. Productive.

This post is much too long.
So do you trade collision or no? Both of them dominate the ball so much, all that stuff about the playmaking doesnt work out. They cant be playmakers without the ball in their hands.

And you're talking about another whole year of tanking man. Trade David West now while he has some value for more draft picks, or proven young talent, and keep building around. That squad is never going to have any success imo.

Now that you've read the article CP, cliffnotes?
Don't kill me. 

CP3 as a trade asset gets you what, compared to what Collison would bring you? 

2 solid players and a pick or two?  They go with Collison and Thorton, West, Peja, Omeka, 2 picks in an upcoming first round.  Does that work for you? 

Again, I get that trading Paul would be suicidal.  But would trading him to OKC really kill anyone?  Would OKC move Westbrook or Green and Harden or one of the 3 plus picks, plus any other assest they might have?  Would Memphis make a nice package to get Paul?  I'm not tryin to send Paul to Bolivia or anything, he still goes to a contender, just not the Hornets.  Don't they have to at least, THINK about it a little? 

*ducks and hides* 
Trading CP3... Not unless they just flat go BROKE or he demands out... Neither of which is exactly a far-fetched possibility, but they can't justify trading him and keeping Collison unless CP forces the issue...
Cavs fans aren't over confident because we were very worried about Orlando last year, and still are, but the Bobcats? [Sho-Nuff Voice] @+%%! Please [Sho-Nuff Voice].
So do you trade collision or no? Both of them dominate the ball somuch, all that stuff about the playmaking doesnt work out. They cant beplaymakers without the ball in their hands.
Why not? Not many backcourts are staying with either of them off the ball, either. Both of them can hit spot-up shots.

Itcompletely changes the dynamic of that offense. Run, run, run. TheHornets did that more last night than I've ever seen, and it resultedin 59 points on 56% from the backcourt. Think about adding an athletic three to that; one that can run out or spot up.

It's entirely possible that he gets traded; it wouldn't surprise me at all. But, with every game, it becomes increasingly clear to me that the dude is going to be really, really good. Not Chris Paul good, but not terribly far off, either. Why not keep him around and try to make it work first?
And you're talking about another whole year of tanking man.
They're not even "tanking" now. This roster is a ~45-win roster, not a 25-win one.
CP3 as a trade asset gets you what, compared to what Collison would bring you? 

2solid players and a pick or two?  They go with Collison and Thorton,West, Peja, Omeka, 2 picks in an upcoming first round.  Does that workfor you? 

Again, I get that trading Paul would besuicidal.  But would trading him to OKC really kill anyone?  Would OKCmove Westbrook or Green and Harden or one of the 3 plus picks, plus anyother assest they might have?  Would Memphis make a nice package to getPaul?  I'm not tryin to send Paul to Bolivia or anything, he still goesto a contender, just not the Hornets.  Don't they have to at least,THINK about it a little?
But why? Why trade one of the three best players in the league if you don't absolutely have to?

What is equal value for Chris Paul? If you assume that they keep Collison and West (and Thornton), your holes would be small forward and center (assuming Okafor gets traded). Hell, even if Okafor doesn't get traded; he's just not very good. Are the Grizzlies going to give up Marc Gasol, additional player and pick(s)? Are the Knicks going to give up Danilo Gallinari, additional player and pick(s)? I have no idea. Would that even be enough value for the best point guard on Earth? Probably not enough to justify it.
****** back courts generally just won't work out in the long run, though.

I'd sell Collison high, whenever that might be.

All I know is unless like dirk said, you're flat broke. ..You're not trading Cp3 with the hope Darren Collison being in the upper echelon of PG's in the league.
So the same fan base that puts so much goddamn emphasis on regular season wins is just going to write off the Bobcats even though they've lost 3 games to them this season?

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'd sell Collison high, whenever that might be.
And that's what I was offering, the alternative.  I'm don't think the Hornets need to just be rid of CP3 or anything, but I'm thinkin ahead that whatever they get for Collison, plus CP3, and the rest, is that enough to get them into the final four so to speak?  I don't think so.  But if they moved Paul, and got a great deal out of it, would THAT be enough to get them to the final four?  Again, depends on the deal.  I dunno. 

I thought we talked about Paul and Durant in the offseason thread, what a pairing that would be. 

It's just really interesting to me with #'s Collison has been putting up.  Somebody is going to be makin calls to NO for a PG, just a matter of where it leads too I guess. 

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21


you really think Von will make a difference JA?

Yall really jumping on my back recently about ANYTHING I post Mavs.

I said Mavs sign Wafer and why they waited.

And I say he's going to-be-a-difference-maker?

And then I post the Mavericks schedule and say it's light, and the clown CP says I'm trying to say we're going for the #1 seed? (Joking CP.

Originally Posted by Al3xis

****** back courts generally just won't work out in the long run, though.

I'd sell Collison high, whenever that might be.

All I know is unless like dirk said, you're flat broke. ..You're not trading Cp3 with the hope Darren Collison being in the upper echelon of PG's in the league.
Only rime it work was Isiah and Joe.
[h1]Nuggets covet former Cavs big-man Ilgauskas[/h1]
By Benjamin Hochman
The Denver Post

Posted: 02/24/2010 02:50:08 PM MST

Updated: 02/24/2010 03:53:21 PM MST

The Nuggets are making a strong push toacquire coveted big man Zydrunas Ilgauskas, who will likely be boughtout by the Washington Wizards soon.

"There hasn't been a day go by that I haven't heard from Mark(Warkentien, the Nuggets vice president of basketball operations),"said Herb Rudoy, Ilgauskas' agent. "He had a great relationship with'Z' (back in Cleveland). Mark has been very aggressive to convince meto convince 'Z'."

Ilgauskas is currently at his home in New York City, waiting to hearwhat happens next. He was traded by Cleveland near the trade deadlineto the Wizards. And the plan is for the former all-star center to getbought out of his contract so he can sign with a contender.

"He wants to win a championship," Rudoy said.

The Nuggets have a coveted facet to this deal, too — the biannualexception, which pays a player $1.99 million. That's what Denver woulduse on the center, if the center agrees to sign with Nuggets, the No. 2team in the Western Conference.

The Washington Post reported that the 34-year-old Ilgauskas couldland in Dallas, Utah, Atlanta or back in Cleveland. If he signs with ateam by March 1, he can be on the playoff roster, which is obviouslythe plan.

Rudoy said a decision could happen within the next week as his client feels out all the possibilities.

"He has a lot emotionally invested," the agent said.

The 7-foot-3 big man averages 7.5 points and 5.3 rebounds this season.

Benjamin Hochman: 303-954-1294 or [email protected]
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

So do you trade collision or no? Both of them dominate the ball somuch, all that stuff about the playmaking doesnt work out. They cant beplaymakers without the ball in their hands.
Why not? Not many backcourts are staying with either of them off the ball, either. Both of them can hit spot-up shots.

Itcompletely changes the dynamic of that offense. Run, run, run. TheHornets did that more last night than I've ever seen, and it resultedin 59 points on 56% from the backcourt. Think about adding an athletic three to that; one that can run out or spot up.

It's entirely possible that he gets traded; it wouldn't surprise me at all. But, with every game, it becomes increasingly clear to me that the dude is going to be really, really good. Not Chris Paul good, but not terribly far off, either. Why not keep him around and try to make it work first?
And you're talking about another whole year of tanking man.
They're not even "tanking" now. This roster is a ~45-win roster, not a 25-win one.
CP3 as a trade asset gets you what, compared to what Collison would bring you? 

2solid players and a pick or two?  They go with Collison and Thorton,West, Peja, Omeka, 2 picks in an upcoming first round.  Does that workfor you? 

Again, I get that trading Paul would besuicidal.  But would trading him to OKC really kill anyone?  Would OKCmove Westbrook or Green and Harden or one of the 3 plus picks, plus anyother assest they might have?  Would Memphis make a nice package to getPaul?  I'm not tryin to send Paul to Bolivia or anything, he still goesto a contender, just not the Hornets.  Don't they have to at least,THINK about it a little?
But why? Why trade one of the three best players in the league if you don't absolutely have to?

What is equal value for Chris Paul? If you assume that they keep Collison and West (and Thornton), your holes would be small forward and center (assuming Okafor gets traded). Hell, even if Okafor doesn't get traded; he's just not very good. Are the Grizzlies going to give up Marc Gasol, additional player and pick(s)? Are the Knicks going to give up Danilo Gallinari, additional player and pick(s)? I have no idea. Would that even be enough value for the best point guard on Earth? Probably not enough to justify it.

Yes. Yes we would depending on who that other player was.
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