Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

Never thought I'd say it but I hate the Chicago Bulls.
Overachieving, inexperienced...
You should be mad at the Celtics. You hate the Bull's because they are overachieving and inexperienced? You should hate your own team forchoking this series away. You see how many turnovers the Bulls had, and the Celtics still lost. Ray Allen had 50+ and the Celtics still lost. Don't bemad at the Bulls for finding a way to shoot themselves in the feet and still win the game. Be mad at the Celtics for being paper champions who boughtthemselves a ring.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Bulls are going to get demolished in Game 7.. no overtimes. Quote me on that.

Play of the game

Maaaaannnnnn , I've had like 9 heart attacks tonight .

That Noah dunk was INCREDIBLE .

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Maaaaannnnnn , I've had like 9 heart attacks tonight .

That Noah dunk was INCREDIBLE .

sometimes I want to punch that dude in the neck, but I agree.. what was Pierce thinking...?
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

Jwill JR wrote:
^^^^ i could see why you say Rondo, but Ray? because dude is lights out? thats cheating?

Nah elbowing dudes in the balls is cheating.

oh.... I didnt see it... when did that happen ( I missed the 1st half due to work)
while watching the game i was trying to remember who Chicago traded to get John Salmons n Brad Miller. i still don't know. Great Game.
I couldn't even post in the thread while I was watching it on the computer...too much @@#+ was going on for me to take my eyes off this game.

It sucks this is only the first round...


I wouldn't have said so before this game...but now...yeah.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Never thought I'd say it but I hate the Chicago Bulls.
Overachieving, inexperienced...
You should be mad at the Celtics. You hate the Bull's because they are overachieving and inexperienced? You should hate your own team for choking this series away. You see how many turnovers the Bulls had, and the Celtics still lost. Ray Allen had 50+ and the Celtics still lost. Don't be mad at the Bulls for finding a way to shoot themselves in the feet and still win the game. Be mad at the Celtics for being paper champions who bought themselves a ring.

Oh I am mad at Boston, very much so.

I think it's pathetic they went 7 with Atlanta last year, and it's even more pathetic going 7 with the Bulls this year, even without Garnett and Powe.

Paper champions? Ask the Lakers how it felt to be destroyed.
i just realized that we guys are so lucky.. we have amazing technologies.. for example, i recorded that game on a dvr..
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

do yall think rondo is going to get suspended for game 7 for that lil elbow he sneaked in on hinrich?


Shut up.

Ill put my entire life savings on this.

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