Offical Don't MEss With Salvia.... BADTRIP

I think i had some 15x last summer and I tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out for about 45 seconds... Other than that I couldn't stop laughingfor a couple minutes

I don't think I had a bad trip.. but i wouldn't do it again.
Salvia trips can pretty crazy. I packed a bowl of it into my bong and ripped it. Bad move. I yellow walled the bong and had a pretty crazy trip. Things wererepeating itself. My body felt incredibly heavy and my face was really tingling. I saw the wall and floor of the room being ripped open and felt like I wasabout to fall though, so I ran out of the room, tripped and rolled down the stairs and made a hole in the wall. I snapped out of it and had no idea what hadhappened. The second time I tried it wasn't bad at all. I took a smaller hit and the trip felt nicer. I recommend you doing it in a safe place andpreferably not alone.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

be drug free


You're right..

Next time I have a headache, I won't take an aspirin...Or if I get a cold, I won't take penicillin.

Tried a little once with some friends but for some reason I thought it was a type of ___. SMH @ me... I had to go to the city right after.. and as I waswalking to the train there were little gnome things following me, and when I turned around they would hide behind cars.. and were giggling n stuff.. it waskinda fun though.. I'd like to try it for real though, interested in what I would see/what would come to light.

This %#%% had me and my boys crawling along the outside of the big windows at Denny's while ppl were eating, drooling on the windows and %#%% laughing our+@#@% off.
Then after the 10 minute trip we walked in to get seated onthe Fear and Loathing tip.
I've done it 2 times. First time smoked out of a water pipe and had am amazing trip. I was laughing like crazy and I had some wild visions. I thought therewas a cartoon street corner in my room.

Second time wasn't so great. Hit the bong and I kinda freaked. I exhaled and all I could see was a big wall of color. I could put my hand through it butnot my whole body. I thought I might be stuck behind that wall forever (I forgot I was tripping) and kinda spazzed out. Starting sweating real bad and iteventually wore off.

I know people who hate it and people who love it. I don't think ill try it again though. Only one kinda green goin in my body.
Some narcotics, legal or illegal, will have pretty standard effect on almost everyone who take that substance. When it comes to the hallucinogenic drugs, theeffects can vary widely from person to person and they can vary for a single person based on differences of time and mood and a lot of other factors. So whensomeone says salvia did such and such to me, that is usually not a very good predictor of what it will actually do for you and how you percieve it.

BTW, most of the people who smoke salvia and post it on youtube are idiots and/or total noobs. You generally do not want loud music in the background, you donot want to do it during the day time, you are supposed to hand off any glass piece you use and your friends are supposed to be there and support youemotionally for those few minutes. The problem is that some teenagers cannot even be serious for a few minutes so they want to be funny and mess with theirfriends on salvia. That is not cool and that is what can trigger a very bad reaction.

Salvia can be enjoyabe if it is the right person, under the right conditions, with the right type of friends ect. If things are off, I have heard that it canbe very, very unpleasant for the person taking the salvia.
damn when i did it i felt like i was an inanimate object looking at myself, then suddenly i felt like i was on some sort of conveyor belt producing likemicrowaves and jeans O_O, after that everything i looked like it was made of legos, even my friends. my trip didn't last too long but i felt like i wasgoing to be stuck in that weird dimension forever. kinda scary.
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