Offical Manny Pacquiao VS Ricky Hatton May 2nd 9pmET/6pmPT HBO PPV

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

The only one who has a chance of taking Paquiao down is mayweather. Paquiao reminds me of Tyson at his prime, always hungry, a beast as soon as he hits the ring.

Mr.Marquez strongly disagrees, there is a reason pac man is dodging JMM...did you even see one of their two fights?
I doubt Manny is dodging him. We already know JMM is game for a 3rd encounter, and I'm just as sure Manny is too. The problem is what weightclass the fight will be held. We gotta remember that 2nd one was at 130 and after that fight Pac said in his interview that he was done with 130 because ittook a lot out of him to make weight, hence his move up to 135 and destruction of David Diaz. I think JMM might settle for a fight at 135 but I don't seehim wanting a battle with Manny at 140 'cuz it looks like 140 is Manny's comfort zone. If they do go a 3rd dance it's more than likely going to beat 135. But that's if, a big if. But Manny ain't ducking him...

And as for Jasmine Villegas she's my friend's cousin, she does a lot of national anthems in the SoCal region, most notably of the Lakers games. Andshe lives in the SD area, so all you SD heads out there...well there you go
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

The only one who has a chance of taking Paquiao down is mayweather. Paquiao reminds me of Tyson at his prime, always hungry, a beast as soon as he hits the ring.

Mr.Marquez strongly disagrees, there is a reason pac man is dodging JMM...did you even see one of their two fights?
I doubt Manny is dodging him. We already know JMM is game for a 3rd encounter, and I'm just as sure Manny is too. The problem is what weight class the fight will be held. We gotta remember that 2nd one was at 130 and after that fight Pac said in his interview that he was done with 130 because it took a lot out of him to make weight, hence his move up to 135 and destruction of David Diaz. I think JMM might settle for a fight at 135 but I don't see him wanting a battle with Manny at 140 'cuz it looks like 140 is Manny's comfort zone. If they do go a 3rd dance it's more than likely going to be at 135. But that's if, a big if. But Manny ain't ducking him...

And as for Jasmine Villegas she's my friend's cousin, she does a lot of national anthems in the SoCal region, most notably of the Lakers games. And she lives in the SD area, so all you SD heads out there...well there you go
San Jose.
I don't see why people are saying Manny is dodging JMM... what for? Manny always states that he lets his promoters handle the business.

Can't wait until December though
manny just owned tonite. his quickness and agility is on point.
and changed my avy to my baby jasmine.
half filipino-half latina.
Mannn...Floyd Mayweather Sr kept sayin that pacquiao can throw all those fast punches but he has no timing...watching that KO on hatton proves that hedefinitely does have timing. Talk is cheap.
Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by heat23

1stand15th wrote:

"Manny is a monster. He is the best fighter ever. There is no surprise here."

Uh, did Freddie really say this? I understand the excitement after such a huge victory, but calm down a little with BEST ever talk

When it's all said and done.............great chance he will be or damn near up there

are you serious?

Just my opinion. Not set in stone obviously just an opinion

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

all this talk about manny getting bodied by Mayweather needs to stop.

Mayweather vs. hatton went 7 rounds

Pacquiao vs. hatton went 2 rounds

I don't really see what you're trying to prove here

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

all this talk about manny getting bodied by Mayweather needs to stop.

Mayweather vs. hatton went 7 rounds

Pacquiao vs. hatton went 2 rounds

I don't really see what you're trying to prove here

Wrong, the fight was close for the first eight rounds, but Hatton tired and Mayweather knocked Hatton out in the 10th round.
Point is, Mayweather vs Pacman will be a great fight.
millions of filipinos can't be wrong... pacquiao is as invincible as anyone ever will be

Maaan.. i feel bad for my mom who paid just to see this lame !@% match

Hatton even got lucky he made it to the 2nd round
Originally Posted by miamib30514

now he all like i been a fan since 03 lets go pac?

word....been a fan of pacquiao since his 02' undercard during the tyson vs lewis.....back when his nickname I believe was "destroyer" ...thething is his fighting style was too anxious but fast ..back then which I was afraid of� since he needs to polish his boxing style or else he will be leftopen... why do you think JMM stunned him a little during the 1st fight� regardless of knocking him down 2x or 3x and then got tired in the later rounds tofinally neutralize in a draw...after that fight.... woww
way to go manny

lol mayweather you better be next ....
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by heat23

1stand15th wrote:

"Manny is a monster. He is the best fighter ever. There is no surprise here."

Uh, did Freddie really say this? I understand the excitement after such a huge victory, but calm down a little with BEST ever talk

When it's all said and done.............great chance he will be or damn near up there

are you serious?

Just my opinion. Not set in stone obviously just an opinion


You're probably just getting over the Swine and A lil slow today. I got your back though. Just read can read right?

But if you can't and/or NO Speakee No English......then it's ok..........

"When it's all said and done.............great chance he will be or damn near up there"

chance   /tʃæns,tʃɑns/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [chans, chahns] Show IPAnoun, verb, chanced, chanc⋅ing,adjective
-noun [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]the absence of any cause of events that can be predicted, understood, or controlled.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]luck or fortune.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]a possibility or probability of anything happening.[/td] [/tr][/table]

near   /nɪər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [neer] Show IPA adverb, -er, -est, adjective, -er, -est, preposition, verb
[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]close; to a point or place not far away.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]at, within, or to a short distance.[/td] [/tr][/table]

Just my opinion. Not set in stone obviously just an opinion

o⋅pin⋅ion   /əˈpɪn
yən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-pin-yuh
n] Show IPA
[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.[/td] [/tr][/table]

I Joke, I Joke. I kid, I kid. lol

Wasn't Bob Arum the one that said he'd be the greatest fighter of all time by the end of his career or something?
Am I the only one who feels really bad for...
Spoiler [+]
Floyd Mayweather, Sr? I just don't understand how you can train someone only for them to run in with their hands down. He knew Hatton was done judging by the "advice" he gave Ricky in the corner. I doubt he'll ever talk to Hatton again.

Hatton even got lucky he made it to the 2nd round

That's the sad and unfortunate truth. The ref could have easily called the fight in the 1st. And Hatton still came out with the samenonsense. Pacquiao did exactly what he was supposed to do, and I can't fault him in any way. It would have been nice to see him have a reason break a sweatthough (no 'mo). That "fight" was just sad.
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