Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Does anyone know if diet sodas are bad for you? They contain no calories or sugar, but i do know it contains does that affect your health?

The carbonation is what will hurt you the most... it causes your body to leech the calcium out of your bones and can decrease your lung capacitytemporarily...
no offense but go to professionals for help. ive seen alot of misinfo here

im one of the biggest advocates of sugars being ok. but almost everyone in here says there bad.

i guess whatever works for you. but definetly try diff. methods first if you get them from here and dont automatically throw out other ideas
i guess whatever works for you. but definetly try diff. methods first if you get them from here and dont automatically throw out other ideas
Word, everyone has a different body so what works for someone else MIGHT not work as well for you.
Alright, guys i guess i'll throw my situation out there. Quick background: I played basketball in high school, was 6'4" about 225 and good. Wasteam MVP and an All-League selection, this was in 2004.

Fast Forward to now, i'm 6'4" 283 pounds and pretty out of shape. I don't look disgustingly obese, but i'm a big dude. Think Shaq. Anyway,that is actually an improvement over 2 months ago when i was 291 pounds. In those 2 months i have also dropped my body fat from 33% to the 29-30% range. Mygoal is to play basketball at my CC next year. I know i have a long way to go, but i want to give athletics one last shot. If i get in shape but don't makethe team, i'm going to take up boxing competitively.

Anyway, here is the diet im now trying to stick to daily, and my workout routine. Number-wise i want to get back to my playing weight of 225 by the end ofjune, so i can have the rest of the summer to conentrate on Basketball-specific workouts. If anybody has any suggestions on anything, PLEASE help my fat%#**out. I need it.

Breakfast: Bowl of cereal with non-fat milk and a fruit

Snack: Fruit or Nutri-Grain Bar

Lunch: HUGE salad, a 2 pound bag of lettuce generally lasts me 2 salads, lo-cal dressing, and a PB&J sandwich.

Snack: Vegetable or Nutri-Grain Bar

Dinner: Huge salad again, canned vegetable like Corn, green beans, peas, etc. and 1 Lean Cuisine dinner thing

Work-out routine
20 Minute Jog
20 Minutes hitting heavy-bag (2 sets of 10 min. with 5 minute break in between)
Upper-Body weight lifting

20 Minute Jog
20 Minutes Jump Rope
Lower-Body Weights

20 Minute Jog or Eliptical machine if legs are too sore
30 Minutes hittng heavy-bag (2 sets of 15 min. with 5 minute break in between)

20 Minute Jog

Any comments gladly welcome.
Professor, you need to eat man.

You have no food of sustenance in your diet. You have almost zero protein. You have almost no fiber.

Cut the Nutri-Grain bars. Add cottage cheese to your breakfast. Stick with the salad and add vegetables to it. Eat some sort of lean meat at lunch. Get rid ofthe Lean Cuisine. No frozen dinner is going to benefit you. Get a cut of lean meat (frozen chicken breasts are dirt cheap) and combine it with something likebrown rice.

Remember, you are still 283 pounds. You're eating like you weigh 125 pounds. At your weight, you will still lose good amounts quickly if you increase yourcalories. I'd aim for 2400-2600 calories a day in combination with your exercise. If I'm looking to lose weight, I do around 2000-2200, and I'm at195 pounds.
thanks for the info Joka. I do have a protein powder, but must admit that i have only been using it sporadically, simply because sometimes i forget to or justsay *@+% it.

As for the actual foods, will definitely add the cottage cheese, and i do add tomatoes and cucumbers to my salads, otherwise i'd probably go through theentire 2 pound bag in one sitting. As for lean meat at lunch would something like a Ham sandwich be cool, with light/no mayo and all that stuff? And as far asthe lean cuisine's go, i only have like 2 left, so at least that won't turn into wasted cash

As for my exercise, that schedule seems alright, at least for now? Also, do you think getting down to 225 by the end of june is a reasonable/healthy timetable?
week 2 is offically in the books,

I feel a bit healthier, battled through my cold and feel better...

I been eating alot of Frozen Vegetables and Frozen fruit for snacks later on at night

Chicken has been the main course 8 times outa 10

I had my first steak in like 2 months tonight

still havent the gotten any cottage cheese, but its a work in progress

Anyone want to spill some nutrition info/supplement info FEEL FREE!!!

as for my eating routine today


2-3 servings of vegetables/mixed varitey
ham snadwhich
small side of Jello
N 2 hard boiled eggs

mac n cheese very small helping
3 deep fried shrimp
small serving of chicken soup

midnight snack

1 Pomegranite (heard they are really healthy)
small bowl of strawberries

wore my Cool Grey XIs today for the first time outside
broke about 100 + necks at the mall
For the cottage cheese, mix it with some sugar free preserves. I can't stomach it by itself and I've been eating it for a while to cut weight. It makesit taste like a curdy cheesecake.

mac n cheese very small helping
3 deep fried shrimp
small serving of chicken soup
This isn't helping. Mac N Cheese isn't good for you even if it is a small helping. Steak is good for you depending on how lean the steakis and the size. What kind of chicken soup did you have? Chicken soup has too much sodium in it usually. The deep fried shrimp can be bad for you depending ona couple of things: the type of oil and how hot the oil was.
The sodium content of most cottage cheeses are VERY HIGH Stay away from the Deans Brand

Whole Foods is the only place I can find a no sodium cottage cheese
^ thanks for that info, i will check out the labels

Deans and sodium are infamous then....

anything else on labels i gotta look out for besides trans fat and #$!*


thanks mayhem and Stinger
I'm about to start another weight loss thread that will hopefully be more organized later today. A lot of people are being mis informed in this thread.

The one thing I will point out is professor stopped getting canned veggies and get frozen ones. The preservatives used in canned veggies contain a lot of salt.Also, you need to completley overall your diet. What you have laid out for a meal plan each day isn't nearly enough calories at all. There is nothing wrongwith eating good foods to loose weight. You don't have to eat like your scared of food or anything. Toss in some lean meats at least once a day. You canuse sources such as salmon, chicken breast, grilled shrimp, and talipa. Add some variety so you aren't eating the same exact things day in and day out.Throw in brown rice as well. There is nothing wrong with getting carbs in your diet. I'm actually on a Carb cycle diet right now. Your at a weight likejoka said that you can burn healthy amounts of fat a week with a higher calorie intake along with some cardio. As far as the cottage cheese you want to takethat at night before you go to bed you can even eat it with a little bit of jelly to help with the taste if you can't stand it, but the protiens in thecottage cheese act well overnight while your body is resting and repairing.

You guys check for my thread later on. I know a few things about dieting and weights and I won't front like some of these dudes like I know everything, butdon't just spit something out thinking your helping someone when your really misguiding them and aiding them in not reaching their goals.

Good luck professor on making the team and shedding that weight.
Good luck to dude trying to lose that weight but I do agree you should do it for yaself but having a chick as motivation will drive u.

Im currently trying to lose weight Im 27,28 in January 5'7''and right now I weigh 12 1/2 stone thats 175 US lbs.

Ive lost 7lbs(half a stone) in the past 2 months just from giving up dessert after meals I was just over 180.

My story is this aged 18 I got a trial with a top English basketball club here so I decided to do some serious training understand that I was already in prettygood shape Ive always been an athelete since aged 5 I ran cross country and track n grew up playing every sport u can name and could hold my own at most.I wasa natural athelete didnt stretch much even into my mid teens untill I played junior national league bball (understand theres no high school sports in Englandlike the US) so I was always quite tight in the muscles.

Thinking I was superhuman I seriously over trained (weights,running and bball drills) and payed they ultimate price I blew out my back running one day like idbeen stabbed in the back.I messed up my back about as bad as u can without needing surgery so Ive spent the past 9 years haveing chiropractic and physiotherapy going from 4 times a week to now just when I feel I require it and a monthly deep tissue sports massage.

When I got hurt I was a lean toned 145lbs lightining quick and had a 44 inch vertical now Im 175 with no ups and nowhere near as fast, alot of weight I havegained came in the past 2 1/2 years mainly from protein shakes and not doing enough cardio because of niggley injurys.I didnt stop takeing them and it turnedto fat I gained 30lbs of fat in about 8 months so Im now trying to shed that weight and get down to 160lbs.I have started to eat alot healthyer after spending6 months this year suffering from kidney stones wich made me give up soda and cut out alot of red meat in my diet my problem is all jokeing aside I cant eatvegatables,salad or fruit I dont like any of them to the point I throw up at the smell so a healthy diet is difficult for me so heres my my weekly diet:-

2x a week Pasta and Chicken/Turkey breast with baked beans
2x a week White rice with steamed white fish in lemon juice/black pepper
1 small pizza as a treat
1 roast dinner(Meat ,stuffing, roast potatoes)
2 boiled eggs with toasted soldiers

lunch is always wholemeal bread sandwiches or toast
breakfast 1 bowl of bran flakes with semi skimmed milk

I drink pure Apple juice and water diluted fruit cordial I have to drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day after my kidney issues

My problem right now is motivation for working out as Im scared to push the envelope as I get addicted and its a fine line between not enough and to much Icant lift weights or swimm right now as Im rehabing a left rotator cuff injury but I plan on running 4 miles 3x a week plus basketball drills.My goal is to bedown to 160lbs by the summer and then concentrate on building muscle with serious weight training.I plan to start on Dec 28th Im not waiting for new yearsresolutions I just need to stay committed and focused wish me luck fellas.

just wonderin how the post starter is doing? ive been in my workout/healthy mode for the past 2-3 months and have seen good gains at the gym.
Back from the dead.

I too have been working out 3-4 times a week.

Lost 35 pounds and added a lot of muscle mass.
i just got a gym membership and have been going for about a week.
ive only been running like 1.2 miles/ day but ima start bringing that up to like 2+miles.
then im going to try and do some shadow boxing or something to get the heart pumping.
but yea, i feel a lot better. my body feels tighter and i feel more confident already.
im sticking with this. i just need to lose a little midsection fat and get my chest chiseled.
stomach is my main concern though.

btw, im 5'11 and weigh 160lbs
jogging is over rated and mind draining... find it so bored, I can only play basketball or something for exercise. Also if you want to drink Vodka and ClubSoda aint going to made you fat. The calories dont really turn into fat from vodka.
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