Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

thanks for the wisdom,

your a boxer or retired one, you gotta be able to lay out some good workouts/diets Haiti5

as for the weightlifting goes, start doing less weight more reps, and then you might be noticing extra strength, but do that for like 2 -4 weeks, my onlyadvice... wish i knew more
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

i just started lifting a few months back im having trouble progressing.
it seems as if i just plateau at a certain weight for each excercise (bench, dumbells, etc.).
any tips on how to progress to a higher weight level?

I'm no expert - but i've read quite a bit on the general theories behind lifting between different places, and i'd suggest switching up yourroutine somehow.. you've gotta be constantly fooling your muscles, if they get used to the same routine then you can hit walls pretty easily. Try doingdifferent variations of exercises to target the muscle groups you're having the most trouble with.. if it's your bench, try doing some other sorts ofchest exercises for a couple of weeks and then going back. If you're already trying this, it could be a diet problem, it could be that you're notgetting enough rest (both at night, and in terms of resting your muscle groups between lifts)... Make changes, that's all i can really tell you.. keep yourbody trying to figure out what's coming next and you should see results in the weight-room, with a good diet and proper rest.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

i just started lifting a few months back im having trouble progressing.
it seems as if i just plateau at a certain weight for each excercise (bench, dumbells, etc.).
any tips on how to progress to a higher weight level?

I'm no expert - but i've read quite a bit on the general theories behind lifting between different places, and i'd suggest switching up your routine somehow.. you've gotta be constantly fooling your muscles, if they get used to the same routine then you can hit walls pretty easily. Try doing different variations of exercises to target the muscle groups you're having the most trouble with.. if it's your bench, try doing some other sorts of chest exercises for a couple of weeks and then going back. If you're already trying this, it could be a diet problem, it could be that you're not getting enough rest (both at night, and in terms of resting your muscle groups between lifts)... Make changes, that's all i can really tell you.. keep your body trying to figure out what's coming next and you should see results in the weight-room, with a good diet and proper rest.

dope. thanks for the advice!
i was also on the chubby side a while back ago, i was 6'5 about 225 and went down to 200 in like 4 months i know took a while but i dont regret it cause mybody tottally transformed. i have a noticable six pack, definition in my arm legs chest, and when my blood get pumping all the veins on my i like lol

basically my staples was tuna, chicken brest cop a foreman grill you wont regret it. whey protein mainly in morning and after workouts, peanut butter, waterwater water water. peoples were talkin about salt basically if i took alot of sodium i drank even more water. i drank water by the liter and had about 6 ofthose thorughout the day. when working out hit larger muscles harder cause they burn more calories. so stuff like squats and back excersises are really greatfor losing weight. i didnt really feel jogging so i just played ball or walked all over. dont starve yourself! i had a friend who was also big he lost weightthe wrong way he got thinner but he is skinny fat. which is basically a chubby slim person you look like a powder puff. i also gave my self days off where ideat anything i want any amount i want usaully with friends once a week, didnt bother my progress. take pics of yourself to track your progress and staymotivated. i like to watch people stuff theor faces just motivates me to not wanna do that. and your gonna drop alot of water weight like they mentioned sodont get to hype at start and patience going for a lb a day IS NOT SMART OR SAFE aim for like 2 lbs a week at most trust me you wont regret it.
let me finsih this long%%@@ post with my routine of foods

morning 80 grams oatmeal thats like a cup worth with 2 spoons peanut butter and cup of milk some splenda mixed in its crack! and healthy

school ill have some peanuts or baked lays

when im home tuna sandwich with light mayo. mayo taken with control is god has healthy omega fats so dont od and you will be fine like a table spoon is ok.

for a snack i can make a peanut butter sandiwch or a protein shake

dinner my mom make healthy stuff usaully a chicken or fish and try not to od on the rice of potatoe dont really need that much carbs at night.

try to focus your carbs around times where your gonna be active like working out or jogging or shoveling or anything that has you active. but if your gonna bechilling watchin tv or on pc has protein and healthy fats rather then carbs.

i can go on forever but if you or anyone got something specific to ask id love to help
good luck
I had been meaning to start an official workout thread, but just hadn't gotten around to it. Props for making one.

I've been going to the gym for around 2.5 months and have lost around 12 pounds give or take. I'm nowhere near an expert on lifting or proper diets,but I'm always looking for some input. I try and make it to the gym at least 4 times a week and I've been doing better at getting there lately. I canask a million questions, but I'll try and keep it to a minimum for my first post.

What muscle groups do you work on the days you train? How many sets, reps?
Abs everyday? Every other day? Sets? Reps? Before or after workout? (I do it after, but read you should do it before)
Cardio every time you go? Before or after workout? (I've been doing it after lately) 30 min on the elliptical

I just started taking Muscle Milk Light, No Xplode and Glutamine last week. I've used MM and No Xplode in the past, but never really stuck with them sinceI stopped training. The No X gives you a nice boost when you're lifting, but I've heard mixed reviews on it. Anyone else take any of these?

Thanks for any responses.
Sunday: Thighs
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Triceps
Thursday: Back/Shoulders
Friday: Biceps
Usually 18-20sets for large muscle groups, 12-15 For smaller ones.
Abs when I feel like it (2-3exercises,4sets), but breathing is more imporant than ab workouts.

NO-Xplode is pretty dope, gonna get back on that in the new year.

Remember guys, abs = mostly diet + cardio

And original poster, losing 1-2lbs/day is not good.
How bad is rice for you?

I know everything is 'ok' in moderation, but asians & middle eastern peeps have been macking on rice for CENTURIES.

Most of the asians and middle eastern peeps I know are not big, and rice plays a daily part of their diets.
Its cause some people have a very fast metabolism, as I do myself.
I'm asian but I lay off the rice, I go for WW pasta and bread.
White bread/rice doesnt really do much for you, its just empty carbs. Not much (if any) fiber in it.
everyday i am starting off with 2 peicese of toast with some penut butter, and a yogurt or apple something on the side.... I did get some oatmeal, so that willbe the new breakfast food.

as for abs, should i shoot for a certain amount while i work out?


should i shoot for a certain time limit, 10 min or 15 min and not worry about the amount?

also, do you think excersizing core muscles is a good way to go for like the first 3 weeks, with maybe some light lifting in between?


should i shoot for some lifting/abs/ then go for core excersizes ?

should abs be done at any spcial time, before/after workout/jogging?
Your goal is weight loss, your main things shoulda be
1. Cardio - to lose the fat.
2. Weights - to rev up metabolism
3. Core - shouldnt be about time. You can get a good core workout by keeping your abs tight while lifting weights, which is what you should be doing.

You can train abs between sets if you like, its up to you. I do that occasionally. But I usually train abs before I workout as a tiny warmup.
2-3 exercises should be good enough.
Something like decline situps/crunches. + maybe hanging leg lifts + cable crunches.
If you are trying to slim down your waist, I'd avoid oblique exercises.

You should try to add eggs to your breakfast, I dont think you're getting enough protein with that breakfast.
First off I am toned and have a slightly muscular build (5'10" 165lbs) and I workout at least 4 times a week (Lifting/Cardio after) but I seem to havetrouble losing weight around my belly. I think I am eating very good but Im not seeing results, am I eating wrong?

Breakfast 8:30:
2 Slices whole wheat bread + 2 slices of foster farms chicken breast deli meat + 1 Egg White

Lunch 1 11:30:
2 Slices whole wheat bread + 2 slices of foster farms chicken breast deli meat + 1 Egg White + Half tube of Ritz Wheat Crackers

Lunch 2 2:30:
2 Slices whole wheat bread + 2 slices of foster farms chicken breast deli meat + 1 Egg White + Half tube of Ritz Wheat Crackers
+ 1 Banana

Snack 5:30
1 Apple

After Workout 8:30
2 Scoops of ON Protein

Dinner 9:30
2 Chicken Breasts
2 Spoons Peanut Butter

Snack 11:30
1 Cup yogurt

Before Sleep 1:30
1 Cup Non Fat Milk
^^^ damn, i dont see anything wrong with your eating at all.
remember not to eat past 9pm because your body thinks its in "shutdown mode"
to where its not active anymore. it knows its time to unwind and when you do eat
it will store to fat because it thinks you are taking care of it sort of speak...

also remember to drink 70-100oz of water DAILY!!!!!!
do some type of abdominal excercise as well DAILY!!!!!
and make sure you get enough calories. calories are not a bad thing.
an excessive amount of them will obviously hurt you but your body still needs them.

what could happen is if you DO NOT eat enough calories. your body thinks its starving
and anything you do eat after that goes straight to fat. (possibly midsection) people
store fat in different places but you get the point...
^ Doing abs daily should not be gospel, just a side note.

Especially if you are doing heavy resistance with them.

You will read many lifters have different opinions and likes when it comes to ab work. Some do crunches and lightweight exercises nearly every day. Some doheavy weights (or core work) every 2-3 days.

ady2glude707 - if you feel you cannot lose that gut you may want to look to your diet first, then rework your cardio and lifting routine as well as that. Thereare numerous ways to speed up your metabolism in and out of the gym.

In your case looking at that diet you may want to try and switch things up, youre eating essentially the same meals each session from 8:30 to 2:30 in theafternoon every day. You also are eating your last "meal" before your workout at 2:30. I assume your workout is then around 7 or later based on whati can see. That might not be leaving enough fuel in your tank for your workout. It also looks like you are getting to bed pretty late (around 2am) and gettingup around 8 or so, which may lead to many nights with less than even 6 hours of sleep....that could be another cause. (These are just ideas). And as mentioned,if u think you've plateaued then look to completely revamp your lifting and cardio routine.
Ryguy, you seem very knowledgeable... can you lay out your diet routine and work out routine,???

If i have a protein shake/drink... should i skip a meal then? or just have a snack like apple or something with the shake?
can you guys explain eating to me! Thats always been my hardest part eating whole means...I can eat the grilled and baked chicken, but what are some healthysides that i can eat with it???

With Oatmeal, is brown sugar bad?
Here is BattsLM Daily diet routine, posted in a different forum, but still helpful

Here is my base diet for cutting.

2 scoops of whey upon waking up.

Meal 1-1 cup oatmeal with about 3 egg whites, and two whole eggs. Multi

Meal 2-1 cup cottage cheese with fruit

Meal 3- Lunch..Chicken Breast with veggies and rice, usually brown.

Meal 4-Can of Tuna with fruit, or 3 again.

Meal 5-Preworkout 1/2 cup oats with 3 egg whites..1 scoop of whey..Tea spoon of glutamine in water.

Meal 6-Postworkout, 2 scoops of whey in water. Banana for fast digesting carb to rebuild muscles

Meal 7-Chicken Breast/Steak/Tuna/ or Egg whites with veggies and sweet potato..Multi

Meal 8-Before bed. 1 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 oz of almonds.

alright Health experts ~

what vitamins do you guys take? are their any you guys like and see results from ?
If you eat a proper balanced diet, vitamins are unecessary, just like whey is unecessary if you eat well.
damn, i want to lean down quick! im going to explode during "training" and whatnot.
i look at the boxers/cage fighters (nh) and they are leaner than heck.
Im trying to get like that. not an ounce of body fat...

im so motivated right now but those guys have all day to train. thats their life.
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