Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

YO! THIS IS WHAT I DO!!!!! there's an EXPRESSIONS downtown now directly across from foot paths... they should have em as well as manhattans and foot action.

i could care less about the alt's i got my bk/red 13s for $75.
People who spread false info should be shot...
You sure thats false info cause I called shoe city and they said they aint getting the and that no shoe cities are getting them?
When your outgo exceeds your income, then your up keep becomes your downfall.
Success only comes before work in the dictionary.
15 people were already in line as of 5PM today.
Wow... Since when have Bay Area Heads been this crazy for kicks? I know sneakers are nothing new here but it seems like the Bay's the craziest part of the country right now for these J's.
so all the MD/DC Heads... who is going to PG and at what time?

I'll probally be up there about 5 or 6 o'clock and this is only because I'm a footlocker employee (tysons corner mall). Anyway being that it's 50% off weekend I've visited a few Footaction's and my friends who work at the stores have said that almost a hundred people called their stores every hour. That looks serious to me. Plus looking at the posts of people lining up in different cities is kind of giving me the heads up to do the same, but in DC,MD,VA, our shoeheads don't do that lining up 4-5 days prior to a release but believe me that it will be pandamonium tomorrow if that many people are geeked for these shoes. Good luck to all of my fellow NTER's and especially the ones in DC,MD, and VA.
This gonna be some funny ish @Ntla.Def gonna be some burners pulled if certain people dont get theres :evil:
.You can already expect to get in a fight over these kicks in La.Dudes gonna be mad wilding regardless if the police there or not.Watch ur back if u walking down those back streets over by nt :rofl:
.Bout to be funny when kids is walking home with no kicks....and yes the burner will be tucked on me so dont even try nothing stupid
gay *** store GC is sellin it 195+tax packeted with a t worth 20 bucks and a headband worth like 3-5 bucks which is made rape.. lol any one know bout any other spots/
You gotta be kidding me! You would actually pull some heat out foir a pair of kicks? That does not speak volumes about your intelligence, Einstein. YOU are what is wrong with people today. You probably had to look in the dictionary just to figure out how to spell burner. Lata!
I got a spot im going to 2moro in the mourn and i was wondering if anyone need a hook up i am charging 230 for a pair in your size

just EZBox me or email me your sz and location

[email protected]
You gotta be kidding me! You would actually pull some heat out foir a pair of kicks? That does not speak volumes about your intelligence, Einstein. YOU are what is wrong with people today. You probably had to look in the dictionary just to figure out how to spell burner. Lata!
Your an idiot,the only reason for carrying it is for other idiots who play dumb in the streets.At the melo 2 release cats were getting the heat pulled on them in braud daylight,and they had more of those kicks than these....So why go unprotected when u kno someone could try to start some unnessary bs....u dumb hat,i hope u dont cop yours
if i get them tomarrow then i get them, if not, i'll be happy knowing that i spent the same amount money to get these babies. and you guys seen, WOW, 3 days ago they were 229, then 249, the 2 hours ago 269, now 289!! good lord. well, hope i get them, if not, my og's will keep me happy...that i paid less for only 3 weeks ago, buy the o.g.'s if you can for the SAME price, its crazy.
Gonna cop mine and I am not a PUNK, so I do not need to carry anything with me except my wallet and my good looks. I hope to read about you tomorrow night on the evening news, when they report that some idiot(you) got caught pulling some heat on a 12 year old child because he was just curious as to what size shoes he wears. Next time you come back at somebody after they say you are not the brightest person in the world you might want to do a spellcheck or have a dictionary nearby! LATA! Remember who wore baggy shorts with no socks, gold chains, and shaved his head first.
Your a maloof.Im not gonna pull a gun on anyone for asking me what size shoe i wear and i can tell an obvious threat when presented.The dictionary i could care less about b/c im typing form my sidekick.Yeah sure buddy im going to be on the 6 o'clock news for pulling a gun on a lil kid :stoneface:
.Who uses the word punk,what are u some 40 year old dad from the 80-s?get real man,if your gonna talk sideways at me at least let me know face to face.
Yall cats flamin must not be gettin'
Alts in the mornin. I gotta get up at 3
to get dressed and be at the mall by
4, to wait on FA to open at 6.
Yall should be making yalls
game plan for the pushing and shoving
contest while in line.
I plan on winning 1st place.
Why do the damn posts keep getting deleted. This Effin sucks
WANTED::: Any Bo Jackson in a size 12. Especially OLDER Air Trainer SC's.

You Know he was POUNDING his invisible meat to that costume! ~The MONARCH~!!
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