Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

^ Couldn't agree more.

Only five stores in Columbus, Ohio got them in, and no store had more than a dozen pairs. Four KC Sports and the only Harold Pener in the city. After driving around most of the afternoon to see if I could scoop any leftovers to resell, I managed to get the last pair in the city at the KC's near OSU campus, a size 9.5 for $180 and change out the door. After holding these in my hand, they've got to be the worst colorway of the XIII's that has ever been made. :x

I am so grateful for HYPE and eBay. There's no better way to get paid.


Strugglin since January 3rd, 1980.
yo mj23thegoat. I was at ******** today also. Me and my homeboy were the 5th ones there and we parked across the street. I'll probably post the same story on the other thread. Well here's my altitude (San Diego) story. I set my alarm at 6:45am. Left the house around 7. Headed to plaza bonita mall to hit up sheikh's. I called them yesterday and they said they open at 7:30. I got there at 7:10 (thinking that no one would be there) and to my surprise there was a line. Right when I got there I saw my homeboy from H.S. and told me they ran out because they had a limited amount (thinking less than 10). So we said let's go to ******** A.K.A San Diego Sports Shoes. On the way there we were debating if we should go to the sheikh's at fashion valley, but we just decided that we probably had a better chance at ********. It was around 7:30 when we got there and there was 4 people in line. I guess mj23thegoat was the 1st one there. The store doesn't open until 10:00 so I decided to check the shiekh store at horton. I told my homeboy to save our spot. When I got to horton there was already a line and I was the 10th in line. I met a fellow NTer andre, (hopefully you can hook it up with future nike discounts). We talked about j's the whole time until the store manager showed up at 9. To our disappointment, they only had 7 pairs. We waited in line for an hour and half for nothing. So me and dre went back to ********. There was a line outside and my homeboy was able to save my spot after peeps tryin to say I was tryin to cut...please! After the 4th person, my homeboy and I were able to get our pairs. They had a little trouble with the credit card machine cause I guess people were trying 2 call the store at the same time. But everything worked out good at the end. For those that got their pair, we got lucky. For those that didn't, I'm truly sorry. I would blame the store employees at shiekh's for holding (who knows how many pairs) of shoes for themselvers and to their "loyal customers" and not giving it to the public. But what can we do. Overall, it was a koo experience. I haven't woken up this early to get j's since the black and red XI's came out. Until the next hype j's come out, see you fellow NTers in the mean street of Daygo ! Peace!
where is everyone that waited at TRUE on Haight? there probably sleeping now, something im bout to do. i was there yesterday at 11am for 11am release today. i cant believe i waited 24hrs for some shoes but it was fun. i saw the most random stuff and at the end of it i got 2 pairs.they wrote my name down on friday so i wouldnt get jacked for my spot. hella ghetto people came like at 8 this morning and thought they were going to get there pairs i was laughing. :rofl:
they were cutting and stuff and the cops had to come and help organize the line. we can all thank the guy that decieded to wait at niketown 3 days ahead that made us have to go wait realy early too. i cant believe i saw a bum in like at NTSF and he was like #25. i was so mad cuz he doesnt want them he wants to sell them for more money. you know what sucks is that a lot of people wanted them just because they are limited not because there jordans and not cuz they apprieciate them. If they were a GR no one would want them but since its all hyped they all want them.
I just got back from the mall. I went to get a haircut and also to see if FA had the Altitudes (not to get them, not enough cash) They still have them, not FSR or anything but still a wide range of sizes. I guess people here not feeling them. I would if i had the cash. But i'll settle for Laser ivs.
Walk one day in my Jordans.
^^ ArIan23, do you know how many pairs TRUE got? Also how many people were in line when they opened?
...Ima enjoy life from birth, to the nail in the coffin
Cus I'm only human i fear bein pale, stiff, and rottin...
true had 39 pairs and i was #2 in line with my friend(#1) and this morning maybe 60 70 people showed up
quite possibly the worst experiance of my life when it comes to dealing with here's the story

me, billy hoyle, mending the ending and hoyles friend leave eugene at 12:00am friday morning / thursday evening cause we here that there are already dudes in line. w get to seatle at 4:30 and proceed to get in line....they hand out wrist bands and the four of us get the last clear things up a bit, ntseatle had 57 pairs, they hand out 57 bracelets......we wait around all day.. everyonce in a while people would show up and check out what was up, some choosing to stay in line, others giving up and leaving....around 8pm, the employees come out to get sizes and check inventory [which makes no sense, who cares what sizes they have, if your in line with a bracelet you should get a pair regardless of if its your size or not] so people start going crazy, nike does nothin to try and control all the people to calm down, by this time about 30-40 people had lined up behind us and all expected to get a pair as well even though they knew nike only had 57 gets out of control, people are acting so damn childish trying to do anything they can in order to get a pair....freakin savages....people were tryin to hustle there ish away [the bracelets] which is stupid because the damn bracelets become void when you cut them off, anyway as all the drama happans we are just tryin to get a pair, some stupid lsoccer mom came and was pissing everybody off and hasslin dudes cause her spoiled kid couldnt get a pair.....the cops finially show up at 11pm and try to help but people without braeltes are getting out of hand....acting like savages once again....completely absurd.....people procceed to try and get into numericle order once again but ofcourse it doesnt really work.....we wair around for about an hour.....12 am hits and nike starts letting 4 people in at a time....somehow because of all the crap and drama that haapanned somehow people got there pairs and about 12 people didnt get some altitudes who had bracelets....which doesnt make sense cause they only had 57 pairs....but if they only handed out 57 bracelets how come 12 didnt get a pair?....another case of absurd people, nike employees not running things like they should and now me and my friends lose about 33 hours tryin to get some kicks.....this is why i gave up J's after the II's....too much drama;......though i enjoyed meeting all the dudes from NT.....props to blake btw who was there for 3 days....iit was overall a terrible experiance, hard is it to organize a release....come on nike,.

ill post some pics later...right now, i am stressed out over all the time i lost tryin to get caught up on HW..... i can beleive what has gone down over the lest day and a half....completely crazy.....

though there were some great moments mixed in i can honestly say that i will never go back to another release at seatle niketow EVER AGAIN.........such a waste of time.....managers need to take charge of the situation instead of letting the mob rule....

[email protected] aim-kixslf mike
WELCOME TO NIKETALKwho have hated on today?
overstand X kixslf...overstand X kixslf...overstand X kixslf...overstand X kixslf...overstand X kixslf...overstand X kixs
I pulled up to FA in Serramonte this morning and damn it was just crazy. But anyone here line up at Nort for one of their 40 pairs?

Oh and if you're in the Bay and you missed out, Hazard Shoes (Retro cats probably know more about Hazard) is supposed to get a shipment in sometime within a week or so
pg plaza was the craziest. glad i was able to pick my self a pair. wow. crazziest stuff i seen in my life :wow:
i went to the FA at the fox hills mall this morning. got there @ 4:30 am. s ome people were there since 2:30 AM. it was real chill. not too many people there. i was choppin' it up w/ some dudes that work for the FA in bakersfield (CA). one of them was the AM for the FA in bakersfield and was a REAL shoe head. i guess he attends some of the NT shoe things too.... the funniest part of the morning was when we saw a dude roll up in a taxi cab. NOW THAT IS LOVE. we all talked about him for a min but he was real coo too.

FA had their line organized and nothing really went down w/ out a problem. only problem is that a chick who has been there since 2:30 didn't get her size 6 or 7 and the dude at the cash register in front of me was 7.00 short so i fronted him a 10. there was no way i'd let someone suffer thru all of that trouble we went thru to get these. not like it was A LOT of trouble but i did druive 30 miles for these at 4AM. i haven't waited for shoes like this since the CG XI's. couldn't let dude not have his pair. i wasn't looking for the 10.00 back but he caught me walking out of FA and gave me 10.00 back.

smooth transaction... now justgotta wait for the blues.
I'm the ugliest version of passed down toxic capitalist
rapid emcee perversion -- I'm America!
Your bleeding-heart liberal drivel gets squashed
Wash em with sterilized rhyme patriot-guided weaponry bomb
from the makers of the devious hearts -- I'm America!- EL-P
so i fronted him a 10. there was no way i'd let someone suffer thru all of that trouble we went thru to get these. not like it was A LOT of trouble but i did druive 30 miles for these at 4AM. i haven't waited for shoes like this since the CG XI's. couldn't let dude not have his pair
thats decent

if you guys want these shoes Church Square shopping center DTLR in BMORE has them pretty much FSR.. go cop!! :pimp:

Your Mother.
what's up yall this is nilly from so cal. and for those of you that seen me whats up?!?! this place was hectek early in the morning. most people that got their size's atleast got there at 12am (i was one of them) the only had 72 pairs and it was atleast 150-170 people there in line. i was the 34th person. omg cerritos need to get organized security at first the said 5:30 then they said 6:30 and thats the time we all got in the mall. and they didnt open store doors until 7:30. and they bad part about it is some of us didnt even get retro card's. but anyways here's the pics. feel free to post and enjoy the pics!!

ha ha this guy tryed to cut and he didnt even get a ticket. well thats what he get's.

here's my kicks(notice the grey tongue) with my ticket number.



this are the homie's laser 2k4's

awww group pic

here is the rest of the pics from the line.





this is at the end of the line, it was wayyyyyyyy around the corner.

and here is what i picked up


my FA i camped out all night and was the 1st person in line outside the mall they didn't come out cuz people would not forum a line, lots of cutters manager at FA Solano Mall (Fairfield,Cali) is a prick he was tellin everybody hella stupid stuff, the security was scared because all the african americans therefore they didn't even try to make people move, they stayed about 10 feet away from everybody, didn't do ish, then police came they were scared too they told everyone get out in 5 mins or your gonna get arrested so within a few mins everyone went out. we left for a sheikh that had 3 pairs of mine on hold, got there only 3 guys there, went to get em 5 mins before they open and he tells me the other guy (employee) has bought my 3 pair!!!!!!
if you have these size 12 and would sell em for $225 or less then please hit me cuz i thought i had these and i'm real mad
Reposted from Altitude Story post.

Heres my NYC Niketown story....first of all I realized I need to learn how to take better pictures half the pics I had came out horrible. Got there around 1:30 pm the day before..yes I know its early, please dont tell me how you feel it wasnt worth it cause I really dont care lol.







Line started to grow at around 9-10 pm...and continuted until the morning. Wristbands were given out at around 2:30 am. People continued to wait after ALL the wristbands were given out and they were told its practally impossible to get a pair, let alone in their size. NTNY had 172 pairs I believe, but as we went up we were told they put 20 on the side...for what reason I dont know (employees is all I can think of) Cops showed up early morning (first about 3-4 ..then around 7-8 more showed) and thought they were tough guy was giving the mean mug and swinging his nightstick around like he was gonna crack someone. At this point, they told us we werent getting in...and there was no order whatsoever...ppl were crowding the enterance and all, cops told everyone without a wristband to go home, and heads were looking vexed. Once again my pics are horrible, sorry.



Cops asking people with wristbands to hold theirs if that would of worked.




Finally order restored somewhat...and wristband less people off the line.


And the result.


They also gave free Jordan XX laser posters. I got the one of Mikes boy got the one of his face. All and all a very good time, met alot of nice people out there, and YES I would do it again.

BrOOklyn Ac..Never Went To Class but We Classy
i got mine!!!

hyped as hell b/c me and Freshness05 went out to pg plaza at like 7 in the morning and it was already waaaayyyy too crowded. like the entire bottom half of the mall filled up waitin on 3 stores.

so then we make a b line to Iverson Mall to the DTLR next to my job, and use some sneak tactics to but infront of ppl in line, and the time we got inside it was 3 pairs left, and we were kinda close to the front of the line so u know employees were holdin em like crazy. broke so many necks today at work, matched it w/ an LRG track jacket i got back in December, bought this bruce lee t=-shirt today that matches to wear on monday. the quality on mine were better than they usually are, was glad by that.

here's a pic in another matchup (in chill mode, eff how i look, i got the altitudes and i know alot of ppl who don't)

always sleep​
got the last pair at Harold Pener in PG Plaza. I got to PG at around 7 it was mad people already outside like 200-300 people. Me and my boy decided to wait by the Target entrance, when we noticed that they had already let people in so I started running to the main entrance but lucky for me I saw side entrance for construction and cut through there. to be right at DTLR. I got in line and was like number 15-20. Well my dumb *** friend was like we should go to Shoe City cuz the line was shorter.

That was a big mistake we should have stayed in line at DTLR and split up to go to footaction and copped our 3 pairs a piece. Anyhow dude from Shoe City comes in and tells us they not getting them, well lucky for us we knew Harold Pener was getting them so we started to walk down there but bammas was on to us so we had to run to Harold Pener. Too make a long story short they had 18 pairs. only they let the first 17 or so people in. Finally there was a size 13 left my size but it was like 5 people who worse that size. So we were like bidding on who could pay the most. Manager at Harold Pener wasnt budging. Finally he just picked me to get the last pair . I was so boosted. Went to go pay and my CC got rejected. Im like no way, I keep my financials on point. So I call my friend to come over and pay and his gets denied to. The cashier realized it was a prob with the system and fixed it and I finally got my pair.

I later went to DTLR in Mount Claire Baltimore and picked up the last pair of 13's they had their also a size 13. What a lucky day!!!!! :wow:

I got the last pairs of 13's both nn my sizer at 2 different places. On top of that my boy told me his store was getting more 13's but I wont say how. Will probably cop some at the FA he works at later this week.

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