**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

I agree with you Pro, I'm not a D'antoni guy but it is ridiculous to act like he was the reason this team didn't do anything. This team didn't do anything cause we had Melo, Stat and a roster full of NBDL players. Shawne Williams, Landry Fields and Bill Walker were guys who were barely in the league before this year and they were playing major minutes. No coach could do anything with those guys.

And why is everyone clamoring for a PG? That is about the least of our worries. I've had my issues with Chauncey and his forced 3's at times but the guy is still a fine PG. And Toney is fine as a backup PG, as a starter going up against elite guys he'll get burned but otherwise he is fine.

Our holes are at SG and other swingmen besides Melo. I have a hunch Landry is closer to the guy we saw in the second half of the season than the guy we saw in the first half. The combanation of him, Shawne Williams and Bill Walker is atrocious. We need 2/3's who can play. Chandler, Hill, Redd, JR Smith, J Rich would all be huge additions for this team.

And the biggest hole is at Center. If we can't get any of the restricted guys which Pro is right we prolly won't, I'd rather try for Oden (who is restricted as well and I have a feeling Portland will keep him) than I'd also prefer waiting for Dwight than spending money on some Sam Dalembert.

Also, after this series I think Orlando is going to really have to consider trading Dwight cause that guy is good as gone when is contract is over. Although I just said earlier I wouldn't trade him, I'd do a Dwight for Amar'e swap in a sec, although I assume Orlando is trying to rebuild instead of taking on another huge contract.
dantoni may not be the sole reason we lost but i don't see many positives about him.

we would be dumb to pass on someone who is clearly a better coach. gotta see who will be available first.
Alright than who is a better coach out there.

Mike Brown? I mean, everyone used to roast him for letting 'Bron coach but the guy certainly can get a team to play good D.

I just don't see there being an instant upgrade at coach neccesarily. I could really care less if he stays or goes to be frank but I'm not one of y'all in here ranting about D'antoni cause even if we *$$@@*@ resurrected Red Auerbach from his grave he couldn't get any more of that crap we had on the floor.
Good season for the Knicks, tough it had to end in a sweep tho

def need a new coach if theres one out there that would be an improvement. Look into improving in the C and SG positions. Also much needed depth in the bench. Things are looking bright, just got to pull it all together. i see a good summer for NYK
wait till the off season. gotta see who's available. what if phil jacson comes back and we go after shaw?

maybe we shouldn't go after a big name for once. we could have had thibbs when he was a "nobody"

absolutley not to mike brown unless he is strictly a defensive assistant

i want a coach that won't suck up to amare and melo. i want someone to hold the team accountable. i want someone that calls timeouts before a lead balloons to 17 and can actually draw up plays out of timeouts. i'm not asking for anything crazy

we are loosey goosey team and that starts with him.

honestly if i was the owner i would offer popovich an obscene amount of money to come. i don't get why nobody has a problem paying a bench player 11 million bucks a year but not a coach
My 4 points on how to improve in the offseason:

1. 90% of the time we dont agree with dantonis decisions, and i cant remember 1 time where it worked out. (ex: no sheldon in playoffs, brewer getting cut, and the list goes on). The only coach available better than him is Adelman/Sloan. Either fire dantoni, or make sure you get a Defensive Assistant.

2. We all know we need a C. We gotta not pick up Chauncey's option and use that $$ on Dalembert or Deandre (might be too expensive), but i think Nazr and Pachulia might be available. With Jerome Jordan coming, hopefully he can contribute too.

3. We need a PG. Chauncey does not want to be here, you can tell by his demeanor. Everyone still thinks he still has "it." Besides for that one shot against the Heat his Pistons-like days are over. He takes dumber shots that Felton and is getting old. At this point he has nothing but a few 3s and some veteran leadership.

-Unless Brandon Knight falls in our laps, If we are looking at a cheap PG with talent Dragic has talent. Watch some games of him (not highlights), he can run a team and IMO he's the best back up PG in the league that can be a legit starter when given consistent minutes. Playing behind nash and a improved lowry doesnt help much.

4. The only way we can improve our bench is by getting lucky in the draft. Hopefully Douglas (i wouldnt be against trading him to move up), Billy Walker, and Shawne Williams get somewhat better.
I havent been in here this much for the playoffs, just been depressed lately. The feeling that the knicks getting swept is synonymous with being stood up by the popular girl in school just to find out that it was a tease and now youre called a loser by everyone.
anthony carter said that he wants to be back next year. "oh yeah big time. where else would you want to play?"

shawne williams told paul pierce after the game, "next season I get that call" referring to the 4th quarter charge. Pierce said "you're right"

i really like that quote. much respect because if that was me i would have spazzed on the ref.
Originally Posted by DubA169

anthony carter said that he wants to be back next year. "oh yeah big time. where else would you want to play?"

shawne williams told paul pierce after the game, "next season I get that call" referring to the 4th quarter charge. Pierce said "you're right"

i really like that quote. much respect because if that was me i would have spazzed on the ref.
I like Carter's leadership a lot for this team and the way Shawne has matured. Both dudes should definitely stick around.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Alright than who is a better coach out there.

Mike Brown? I mean, everyone used to roast him for letting 'Bron coach but the guy certainly can get a team to play good D.

I just don't see there being an instant upgrade at coach neccesarily. I could really care less if he stays or goes to be frank but I'm not one of y'all in here ranting about D'antoni cause even if we *$$@@*@ resurrected Red Auerbach from his grave he couldn't get any more of that crap we had on the floor.
That's Dantoni 2.0 only difference is he preaches defense. He might not be bad at defense but dude is a terrible Coach. As much as I hate Lebron that team only won because of Lebron, he put the team on his back and had no support. They need to look Jerry Sloane if he is available.

I also would like to add he is the worst Coach I ever when it comes to close games in the 4th quarter. His decision making from Phoenix to NY was atrocious no wonder Knicks lost so many close games.
I think Thad Young might not be a bad pickup.
If im a NYK fan I look at him like this.
He isnt anywhere close to his potiental, he turns 23 in June. And although he isnt a shooter he fits Dantoni's system and the majority of other systems.
At worst hes a glue guy and if the Knicks want to go small can matchup with most 2's all 3's and most 4's.
at best imo he is still a potiental NBA star.
He will be comfortable playing 25 minutes too
And so the offseason begins.

We need to hand D'Antoni the walking papers. This guy is a joke. Small ball never works. Even from a common sense standpoint, 3 pointers are a lower percentage shot than inside the three point line. I was never a fan of picking up D'Antoni as I felt that he was always exposed for being what he is: a poor coach whose system is only good for bringing in revenue. You all talking about keeping Mike have to understand that the team is an extension of the coach's personality. Teams that get it done have structure and responsibility on both ends of the floor. Teams like the Spurs, you dont play hard on both ends of the floor, you dont get burn. There's no accountability on this team because there's none from the top down. I've always thought Thibbs wouldve been the better coach for this team, due to his resume especially with the Celtics, much less against a team like the Lakers.  DAntoni has no sense of defensive schemes. That puts players like Carter, Billups, Shawne and Landry who can guard players in bad positions because none of the other guys can or dont want to pick up their man and there's no repercussions from the top. Then when there's no repercussions on your star players for not playing D, the rest of the guys tend to rlax because they think it's sweet. There were flashes of Melo showing ability to play D and I'd like to see that more as his career here progresses.

Out of our free agents, I say we keep Shawne and Anthony Carter. Shawne's reliable from 3 and has toughness and willingness to defend. Anthony Carter brings toughness at the one and can run the team in spurts. That cant be taught. Those two really made an impression on me. 

Landry Fields was looking like food all series. He hit the rookie wall at the worst time possible and it was evident post the trade. I do like his bball IQ and saavy. He'll be ok. I do think that Bill Walker is better than he showed. Even things like his defense and willingness to take the ball to the rack mean a lot when you got a squad like this. I really felt they shouldve kept Brewer and picked up Barron, but the points ya'll raised about Mike not playing guys who dont fit in his system are valid. Mike also is one of the worst coaches with plays out of timeouts, when he does actually have them and doesnt run out trying to stop runs because HE doesnt have players making effort on D. Toney Douglas is terrible. I dont know what this guy is doing. He can't run a team and for all his lateral quickness, he got exposed this series by Rondo. He was playing scared. He shows no IQ, takes terrible shots early in the shot clock, has no court vision and doesnt get his teammates involved enough to be running point as a started. I think Billups will provide a steady veteran hand for this team, but he himself needs to show better shot selection at times. Jeffries is who he is. Turiaf was a somewhat pleasant surprise but ideally I'd want him off the bench behind a real 5 with size.

Amare finally go help and I'm not mad at that at all. He hit a wall and the relief of not having to carry a team will ease some of the pressure on his knees and back. The city has embraced those two and now the onus is on management to bring in the personnel to compete consistently. Melo to me became a Knick in game 2 of the playoffs and we finally have a player of his caliber. I'd like to see him go to the rack more and not depend on long shots. The first order of business is to keep Donnie then getting a C and PG then we can look into our options as far as firing Mike.

Marc Gasol isnt going anywhere and we'll see about De Andre. He compliments Griffin really well, so we'll see. At this point, I'd take anyone over 6'11 with some weight on them who can show some guts in the post on the defensive end. When Jared Jeffries is playing the 5, it's an obvious disadvantage.
Props to philly and Indiana for not getting swept.unlike us they have some kinda heart.once again it came down to defense in the playoffs something we have no clue playing.rondo completely embarrassed tony douglas.got his teammates so many wide open shots it was disgusting.most were saying we would be measured on what we did in the playoffs which wasn't much.
i hope amare works out on his post moves and boxing out skills during the summer.
wish we can run a pick and roll with melo and amare
do not want billups but i think we will regretfully extend him 1 year
adelman would be nice but dantoni aint going no where
we need big men.
we'll see what happens with the draft. gonna need either a pg, sg, or big man out of it
only bench players i like are walker, toney, and williams. i like live without walker
Good season. We will regret picking up Chauncey's contract.. but something tells me he won't resign with us. He should though. If we lose him. We need major help at PG. I thought it was evident this series we needed someone running point.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Props to philly and Indiana for not getting swept.unlike us they have some kinda heart.once again it came down to defense in the playoffs something we have no clue playing.rondo completely embarrassed tony douglas.got his teammates so many wide open shots it was disgusting.most were saying we would be measured on what we did in the playoffs which wasn't much.

did you watch game 1 or 2? we lose those because we had no heart?

[h2]Knicks considering two-year extension for Walsh[/h2]
NEW YORK -- The Knicks are considering a two-year extension for team president Donnie Walsh, with the matter expected to be resolved in the next two weeks, a person familiar with the organization's thinking told CBSSports.com Sunday night.  

Walsh, 69, has an option for the 2011-12 season to be exercised by April 30, but the more likely scenario is a two-year extension that would keep the architect of the Knicks' revival at the helm through the critical next phase of the rebuilding plan. If the option is not picked up, Walsh's contract expires June 30.  

"It's basically going to be Donnie's call whether he wants to come back," said the person with knowledge of the organization's intentions.  

No final decisions have been made on Walsh or coach Mike D'Antoni in the wake of a 4-0 first-round sweep completed Sunday with a 101-89 loss to the Celtics, and sources cautioned that several issues could complicate both situations. For one, neither Walsh nor D'Antoni has been given a clear indication as to their respective statuses, which explains why D'Antoni took some off-guard with his postgame comment Sunday, "I don't know what the future holds."  

D'Antoni's comment was not made with knowledge of his status one way or another, one of the sources said. The coach's fate is strongly tied to Walsh, whose future has been shrouded in secrecy and subject to the whims of Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan. Even those with ties to Walsh who've had dealings with Dolan have been unable to decipher in recent weeks how far Dolan will go to try to keep Walsh.  

Another complicating factor could be an attempt to force something on Walsh that he's not comfortable with, sources said. Such a circumstance could be another attempt by Dolan to bring former coach and president Isiah Thomas back into the organization in an official capacity -- an unequivocally destructive move that is believed to be no more than a remote possibility, one of the sources said. Dolan's attempt to hire Thomas, the coach at Florida International, as a consultant last summer was shot down by NBA rules forbidding team employees from having contact with college players who are not yet draft eligible.  

Walsh has consistently sidestepped questions about his future and has grown increasingly aggravated that his status has become a news item as the Knicks made their first trip to the playoffs in seven years. Before the Knicks' brief return to the postseason ended Sunday with a 4-0 sweep at the hands of the Celtics, Walsh testily tried to deflect questions about D'Antoni's status and a looming decision on whether to guarantee point guard Chauncey Billups' $14.2 million contract for next season.  

Walsh appears to be leaning toward keeping D'Antoni -- "Overall, he's done a good job," he said Sunday -- given that the Knicks lost Billups for the final three games of the Boston series and were further compromised by Amar'e Stoudemire's back injury in Games 3 and 4. D'Antoni has one year left on his contract, had only two months to integrate Billups and Carmelo Anthony with Stoudemire, and hasn't coached a stable roster from start to finish for three seasons.  

The decision on Billups, 34, must come first due to a five-day clock that began ticking Sunday on a deadline to fully guarantee his contract for next season. But the most important call is on Walsh, who restored dignity to a lost franchise, cleared a mountain of cap space to attract stars, and now is expected to embark on the third phase of a massive reclamation project that began when he was hired to replace Thomas in April 2008.  

Walsh has endured several health problems during his tenure, including a successful bout with tongue cancer and hip-replacement surgery in November that has him still using a walker. But those close to Walsh have described him as being in good health and spirits as well as invigorated by the prospect of completing a rebuilding job that began with the signing of Stoudemire and escalated with the February trade that paired him with Anthony.  

After Sunday's loss, both Anthony and Stoudemire deflected questions about whether Walsh and D'Antoni would be back next season.  

"I'm pretty sure the front office will handle it to the best of their ability," Anthony said of the multitude of offseason decisions. "They have one of the best front offices in the NBA right now, so they will do their job. I'll let them handle that."

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