**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

da knicks suk s000 bawwwfdddd thst we nd starkss 4 !@3  hopw don n can trde 4 melo n dight n ewig git dat outta retrmint mez1 shutup
I stopped watching the game at halftime. Glad I did. We will make trades after all star weekend. I don't think we are getting melo real talk. It should have happened by now and I don't see it happening anytime soon. Knowing our luck we won't even get him this offseason.
Ya'll really jumping off the bridge right now. What happened to all this leverage we had with Melo, huh? I mean, coming into this season, what kind of team did you expect us to be? A 50 win team? If so, you my friend were severely delusional.

With Felton, let the man continue to grow. Hell, he's only under contract for 2 seasons. You seriously want to trade a young player like him for Chauncey Billups? Chauncey Billups?! And furthermore, Denver should get as little assets as possible from us. How many teams have screwed us over these past few years? It's time for us to get gifted a player like the Pau for Brown trade. Why do we have to gut our team to get a guy who doesn't even fulfill our most pertinent needs at the moment? We have bigger issues than Melo right now. If he comes, we still can't battle any teams with length. Oh wait, Pryzbila & Cook (I don't even know where that came from) will solve that
. We still don't have an effective backup PG. We still don't have a player that plays defense first.
I'm not opposed to the Chandler & AR deal from recent weeks, but we shouldn't have to ante up the offer if Melo is truly about coming to NY.

Sometimes the best trades are the ones you don't make. These last 30 games or so will show us the true character of this team IMO.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

da knicks suk s000 bawwwfdddd thst we nd starkss 4 !@3  hopw don n can trde 4 melo n dight n ewig git dat outta retrmint mez1 shutup


But on a serious note, the bipolar disorder in this thread is so out of hand.  Either you want to trade for Melo or stand firm and try and acquire him in the offseason via free agency.  I understand the mood will sway with winning and losing,  but everyone is quick to ship everyone away after a loss.  It's ridiculous, especially when you lose to a high caliber team such as LA.  Everyone needs to just relax.  If at the beginning of the season we said we'd be the 6 seed a week prior to the All-Star break, we'd ALL sign up for that no doubt.  I understand that expectactions change as the season goes on, but looking at the big picture, this team is one of the youngest in the league and we will not get any higher than the 6 seed with the pieces we have right now.  Even with Melo, I don't think we'd crack the top 4 in the East.  I'm just going to try and stay positive and enjoy the team being in the playoff hunt after that decade of irrelevancy.  I do hate losing(who doesn't?) but just try and see the light at the end of the tunnel because the Knicks are still in the process of restoring this thing. 
After watching that game last night, Knicks better make this trade happen immediately. Sixers are closing in on them and so are the Pacers. Chandler has looked BAD the past 5 games or so I've seen of the Knicks. Gallo's done a good job of being aggressive as of late, but he does it in such a goofy manner that you can't really take it serious. It became obvious to me that they needed Melo last night when every time that Amare touched the ball outside of the paint you could see the Lakers waiting in the paint to double and triple team him. He needs another guy that actually scares an opponent coming into a game. I think on top of the Melo trade they should make a deal for Dalembert. He has the length and experience to go head to head with Pau or Bynum. Mozgov looks ridiculously bad out there sometimes like he's scared. He would be a solid backup to bring in but there is no way in hell you're getting anywhere with him as your starter right now. Best case is maybe they could get Birdman in the Melo trade, that would be a good look. And why the @!%+ did they not give Turiaf like any burn last night? He could have done alot better job than Mozgov's clueless %*!.
The knicks can't trade for carmelo if denver doesn't want to negotiate with us. This has all been a ruse so they can convince him to sign an extension
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

did the Gr8 hacked GabeGramz s/n ?
 I'm flattered ?

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Ya'll really jumping off the bridge right now. What happened to all this leverage we had with Melo, huh? I mean, coming into this season, what kind of team did you expect us to be? A 50 win team? If so, you my friend were severely delusional.

With Felton, let the man continue to grow. Hell, he's only under contract for 2 seasons. You seriously want to trade a young player like him for Chauncey Billups? Chauncey Billups?! And furthermore, Denver should get as little assets as possible from us. How many teams have screwed us over these past few years? It's time for us to get gifted a player like the Pau for Brown trade. Why do we have to gut our team to get a guy who doesn't even fulfill our most pertinent needs at the moment? We have bigger issues than Melo right now. If he comes, we still can't battle any teams with length. Oh wait, Pryzbila & Cook (I don't even know where that came from) will solve that
. We still don't have an effective backup PG. We still don't have a player that plays defense first.
I'm not opposed to the Chandler & AR deal from recent weeks, but we shouldn't have to ante up the offer if Melo is truly about coming to NY.

Sometimes the best trades are the ones you don't make. These last 30 games or so will show us the true character of this team IMO.
I understand that maybe A LOT of us are starting to expect too much right away, but it's gotten to the point where we have the opportunity to get better right away. If Amare is supposed to be part of our championship runs, then playing on 6th seed, 1st round exit teams is a waste and risky as you can see how much the load has effected his health.

If you can bring a guy like Melo in, then it's gotta get done. We are not gonna get a Pau for Kwame type deal and we are not owed any type of deal like that either. Just cause we been screwed over numerous times, doesn't mean the Nuggets should or are even going to feel bad for us and say here take Melo for peanuts, because we know how bad you guys have had it.

I also agree that we need to address other issues. But Melo is the type of player that will put things in a clearer perspective. For example, IMO the need for a back-up PG will not be as obvious or necessary anymore, because he is capable of running the offense and capable of having the offense ran through him, so a guy like Toney Douglas becomes formidable as a back-up.

The Center position will still be an issue, because all the current contenders have that position filled up nicely and always seem to reload every year. We will def. have to get some help there. Although like I've said Moz should become a great big man for us. Starter or not.

Originally Posted by youngin33

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

da knicks suk s000 bawwwfdddd thst we nd starkss 4 !@3  hopw don n can trde 4 melo n dight n ewig git dat outta retrmint mez1 shutup


But on a serious note, the bipolar disorder in this thread is so out of hand.  Either you want to trade for Melo or stand firm and try and acquire him in the offseason via free agency.  I understand the mood will sway with winning and losing,  but everyone is quick to ship everyone away after a loss.  It's ridiculous, especially when you lose to a high caliber team such as LA.  Everyone needs to just relax.  If at the beginning of the season we said we'd be the 6 seed a week prior to the All-Star break, we'd ALL sign up for that no doubt.  I understand that expectactions change as the season goes on, but looking at the big picture, this team is one of the youngest in the league and we will not get any higher than the 6 seed with the pieces we have right now.  Even with Melo, I don't think we'd crack the top 4 in the East.  I'm just going to try and stay positive and enjoy the team being in the playoff hunt after that decade of irrelevancy.  I do hate losing(who doesn't?) but just try and see the light at the end of the tunnel because the Knicks are still in the process of restoring this thing. 

It's all good to be happy with getting back to relevancy, but our main piece (Amare) isn't going to get any younger and he's not going to stay healthy if we keep trying to use him as we have while being JUST a 6th seed. We should be trying to as good as we can get as soon as we can.

Again, I was one of the dudes until just a couple games ago that said we should stand pat, but the 3 dudes being mentioned in the talks are showing me that they don't have what it takes to proceed with. Championship type players aren't going to let trade RUMORS affect them. It's not like they are in and out of the rotation and have no idea if they will play. They just not tough enough mentally.

We can't continue to be happy with mediocrity while Amare gains more wear and tear.

Buc Em-

Turiaf is injured at the moment.

I agree that Moz looked scared out there. I mentioned it in here during the game, but I still believe that he is the right guy to start for us in the future, he has to continue in the starting position, gaining experience. This was a learning game for him. The Lakers are the biggest team in the L. He wasn't going to look good against them. At least not yet.

At the end of the day, I don't want Amare wasting his health, while dudes who may not even be a part of what we do in future are going out there playing like they don't know whether or not TO play.
Melo or not, I would hope a big man gets bought out after the trade deadline. Samuel Dalembert or Troy Murphy would be veterans that could help the Knicks big time.
Man, I don't even want to get into trade discussion.

Just win tonight please, this is a game we SHOULD win (just like the Clippers game was a "SHOULD" win).
While I liked the 99 jerseys, I think a large part of the appeal is the nostalgia of the team who wore them. For a lot of us, that was the best Knicks team we've seen except for those who are old enough to remember the early 90s squads well.

I loved the throwbacks, and if the new jerseys are a return to that style I'll be pleased.

Anyway, about the game... whatever. I'll care once the deadline passes and see who is still here.. until then, let's just tread water.
I'm not one to start rumors or anything, but my high school basketball coach (huge knick fan) just hit me up saying we're about to get melo and billups. He knows people in the organization and he saying its a 4 team trade, but didnt mention who we're giving up.

He's the one that told me we're drafting gallo (he coached a player that played with gallo in Europe and dude said Gallo got a guarantee from Knicks in draft) weeks in advance.

I'm just passing along info, take it for what its worth...
I was talking to my boys all last night about how "beautiful" those jerseys were. Maybe it was the HDTV, but that blue was so damn vibrant & the color scheme is just ill. Very clean. It would be sweet if we just wore those jerseys day in and day out.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

I'm not one to start rumors or anything, but my high school basketball coach (huge knick fan) just hit me up saying we're about to get melo and billups. He knows people in the organization and he saying its a 4 team trade, but didnt mention who we're giving up.

He's the one that told me we're drafting gallo (he coached a player that played with gallo in Europe and dude said Gallo got a guarantee from Knicks in draft) weeks in advance.

I'm just passing along info, take it for what its worth...

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