**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Everyone admitted he played horribly, but the fact is that we almost won him with playing horriby and him playing horribly and the rte' screwing us are independent issues.

And has anyone seen Landry Fields is about 3 months? The guy has been non-existent since the 'Melo trade, having him give us anything out there would be huge.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Everyone admitted he played horribly, but the fact is that we almost won him with playing horriby and him playing horribly and the rte' screwing us are independent issues.

And has anyone seen Landry Fields is about 3 months? The guy has been non-existent since the 'Melo trade, having him give us anything out there would be huge.
He played good defense on Ray Allen though.
I liked Fields off the ball defense guarding Ray but he was such a liability on offense that he looked worse than Jeffries

A lot of players were off last night in a very tough defensive game, so there really is no point in finding "blame" in one player (from both sides).

Like I told TB earlier, even if the Knicks lose Game 2, it's not the end of the world. Knicks win Game 3 and its a series again, that's the beauty of a 7 game series. As long as the Knicks play with that same defensive effort and intensity, play off of Rondo and force him to shoot more jumpers than he is accustomed to, the Knicks have a shot. D'Antoni had a great game plan yesterday.
The first five minutes tomorrow night will tell you if they'll win or not. If they come out with the mindset that all the fans seem to have today and are all about "We got robbed, the refs are against us" this series will be over in 4.

They need to come out and realize that they played a hell of a defensive game and almost beat them. Go out there and give that same effort, don't sulk or pout (I'm looking at you Melo) and bring the game to them again. Feed Amare the ball until KG stops him. Get TD a shot early to see if he'll be hot or cold and if he's cold get Carter in there to calm things down.
^ You're right JJ was solid reallt defensively most of the time, but his offense just got worse and worse. He kept rolling to the basket, but couldn't even catch or make a layup. That putback in the 3rd, when Purp gave him training wheels killed me.

And that .5 sec oop was kinda his fault. Doc ran a great play, but he forgot to put pressure on the pass. Just stood out there looking like who shot who.

Melo's 3rd quarter was
, but people forget that Jermaine O'Neal was half the reason AND dude came outta nowhere on the offensive. We treated him like JJ and he made us pay.

Amar'e did work though.



And Mez is right about Fields. A part of me thinks, if it wasn't Douglas who hit that big 3, Pringles would've put in Fields for the last possessions.
Pringles has been doing a lot of offense / defense subbing with Fields and TD down the stretch though. I think the style of ball being played isn't conducive to what Fields does on the floor. Yes, he should be playing better but this isn't the regular season where teams are running up and down vs. us, all our plays are broken down and magnified x 100 and I'm sure Doc & L. Frank are keeping all the Celtics aware of Landry's habits of cutting, crashing the boards..just trying to neutralize him. Hopefully Billups being out tomorrow forces the issue and makes Landry step it up with TD running the point.

Tomorrow can't come fast enough. Last night and up till now had me
all day as a fan but from a basketball point of view we had this for 47 minutes and 20 seconds. Gotta take the positives out of this. Let's do what we do, bring it on D and I guarantee the refs won't be able to do anything to take this W from us tomorrow.

Should Billups coach for Pringles if he's hurt the rest of the series?
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by DubA169

Amare is a beast . Carmelo played horribly. shame it gets lost in all the ref talk
That "fix" makes no sense, since it was the refs who hit him w/ 2 quick fouls in the first 2 min of the game throwing off the entire team chemistry for the Knicks. Plus the BS call on Melo, followed by the no call on Garnett (tripping Toney Douglas), followed by the no call on Ray (that Doc Rivers admitted to).

Nice try, though,

Spoiler [+]
Not really
I think TD is gonna have a good game tomorrow, i hope Fields steps it up.
STAT was going HAM!!!
Who was the one who said STAT jesus?
yeah i remember billups saying when he took off the left leg it just gave out. It wasn't really much of a foul on o'neal, I can say that much

If we feel like this for game one of the 1st round I can only imagine Mavs fans in the finals a few years back.

Now it sucks hearing chauncey is questionable. Regardless if he makes some bad shot selections sometimes, Toney Douglas isn't quite chauncey billups. People fear billups in many situations. That much couldn't be said about Douglas. I know they respect him hitting that 3 though.

Douglas is gonna get exhausted all those minutes . I know we have carter out there for defensive purposes but he obviously can't do THAT much on the offensive end.

All in all I hope it goes well
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by DubA169

Amare is a beast . Carmelo played horribly. shame it gets lost in all the ref talk
That "fix" makes no sense, since it was the refs who hit him w/ 2 quick fouls in the first 2 min of the game throwing off the entire team chemistry for the Knicks. Plus the BS call on Melo, followed by the no call on Garnett (tripping Toney Douglas), followed by the no call on Ray (that Doc Rivers admitted to).

Nice try, though,

Spoiler [+]
Not really
Not sure if serious.

I wasn't attacking anyone, but your opinions (threw off chemistry) and nuance of "bs call"

even though it was a bad call is a terrible response to carmelo having a bad game.

Quantifiable fact = It was 24-23 after the first quarter.

Good luck with Game 2 im hoping for knicks win.
I think if we played Melo at the 2 we could do better on the boards. Have Douglas defend Rondo and Melo on Allen. Stick Shawne Williams at the 3 , Stat at the 4 along with turiaf at the 5. Landry, walker, jeffries, and Carter should get the minutes off the bench.
sucks we are going to weaken the celtics and make it much easier for miami in the second round
maybe I shouldnt be watching ESPN .... but a fan asked BRUCE BOWEN on sportsnation "how come ray allen was so open for that shot" and he said EVERYTHING BUT say, "Toney Douglas was tripped"
Would he get fined or fired?

I mean he drew up the play and everything on the board. He had a lot of points as to how the play was drawn up in a smart way by Doc Rivers, I give credit to how it was drawn up. But in reference to the question "How come ray was so open" I can't believe or accept that the most blatant thing was left out.

Yeah i'm a lil salty.
Does is bother anyone that Melo doesn't dunk like at all ? Just thinking if he would've went strong to the rim and yammed it O'Neil wouldn't have blocked those attempts.
Turiaf played great yesterday, leave my guy alone. Jefferies as well, for what we ask those guys to do they played their roles great yesterday.

We need our 3 point shooters, Landry or Shawne to regain their touch bad, we are a different team offensively when our role players hit 3's cause it opens !#** up so much more for Melo/Stat/Toney
This hurt me.

But at the same time, it was a one possession game with ^ that. Seeing the game again, Melo was hungry and overconfident from sitting the 1st and going in the 2nd, that he got shook out the paint by JO and forced pretty dumb shots.
I really wanted the win for STAT's effort last night. I mean, he almost willed us to the win, but after 2:40, well, you know what happened. Oh well, nothing more need be said about that game. We need to bring the same intensity on the defense with smart, active hands, and a block party in the paint. Regardless of what's happening offensively, these guys can't get rattled because one end isn't going as planned. Defensive effort always wins out.

didn't realize STAT traveled on that YAM.
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