**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

i like chauncey but him shooting 3's on the break and early in the shot clock annoys me and is getting old... and ya yesterdays game really pissed me off... hopefully the knicks turn it around tomorrow
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

^^ C'mon now Neg, damn got me feeling
all over again

We gotta move on from Game 1..We got robbed, there were bad calls, etc.. I understand and totally agree..However, if Carmelo hit 1-2 more shots in the 2nd half rather than put up enough bricks to build a 2nd Great Wall of China, we wouldn't be sulking and be celebrating.

Here's how I feel though...Amar'e was UNBELIEVABLE in the beginning of the season because he was fresh..He got a lot of rest before the season ended so I'm confident that he'll keep his solid play going for the next few games.

Turiaf is an adrenaline player and there is nowhere with more adrenaline than the NBA Playoffs, especially when you're an underdog so I can see him keeping up his scrappy play.

Remember the last time Melo had a bad game? How many points did he score, 10 or something like that? The next few weeks dude went OFF and was arguably playing better offensively than any other player..So even though he picked a bad game to suck up the gym, at least it means he's gonna be on point for the next few games.

Billups out worries a lot of people but TD played well in Billups' absence after he ran into Howard's knee so I'm confident he will step it up in game 2.

Bill Walker has been playing well lately and you could tell in Game 1 that he had a chip on his shoulder playing against his former team..I can see this guy being a big factor off the bench.

Overall, I'm EXTREMELY confident in this squad after the toughness they showed in Game 1..Let's not panic..Down 0-1 isn't that bad..If we go down 0-2 then you can panic
Barkley been calling us out all night about not feeding STAT down the stretch...

And they just did an HD zoom in on KG's trip.
son dead *!# i just woke up from a dream that I was playing against the celts in game 3 in the garden and everytime ray allen caught the ball I stripped him....

This damn series is weighing on me too much.
Lets effin get it tomorrrooooowww!!!
just saw the slow mo replay of the KG trip on douglas... cant stand that dirty MF... I hear boston fans are denying the whole thing hahaha.
Terrible shot selection aside, we'll miss Chauncey more than we think. He has leadership ability. Toney scares me with his gunslinger mentality but I do like when him and AC play the 1 and 2 since both of them are good defenders.

I dont trust Mike's ability to get the most out of his players. Even watching Vogel, he knows ho to motivate his team. I dont get that from Mike in or out of games and it does worry me. Part of me wants the Knicks to win, but the other part knows that Mike is a half @#* coach.

Amare beasted. This is what we're paying him 100 mil to do. They need to feed the ball to him. Melo isnt a 3 point shooter. He should know his spots by now. his midrange game is damn near impeccable in a triple threat position. Walker adds grit and defense and a 3 point threat and Williams can contest shots and pop the corner trey. Im not particularly worried about this team because Amare is a tremendous leader but they need to funnel the ball to him. Garnett, O'Neal and Davis cant hold him and the sooner he can get their bigs in foul trouble, the better.

The mystique of the Celtics is gone to me since they traded Perkins. You cant replace his interior toughness with the likes of Jermaine O'Neal . I dont get that the Knicks are scared of them either. It's gonna come down to getting Amare in a position to dominate and getting Melo to take smarter shots. He's a volume scorer and we have to live with that, but his shot selection at times is too undisciplined.
melo needs to start bodying paul more. Point BLANK. We all know melo is a great shooter in the midrange and his quickness is hard to deny, Stoudemire is there for a reason. If melo can't see himself getting a decent shot off, dish it to STAT. I know it's easier said than done but this is a game of basketball and there are 4 other men to pass to.

I want mike to speak up. He's too cool, way too cool.
Our guys can either be demoralized or even more fired up tomorrow. And i''m hoping its the latter

Get shelden williams in the game for about 5-10 minutes please
The Oneal's aren't their young selves but I can see them punishing jared jefferies and turiaf

I wish there was something in which the fans could talk to the players and the coaches and we give input or ideas somehow.

Boston is not gonna definitely try everything for stoudemire to not dominate them like that again. Expect them to have a game plan for that man.
I got a good feeling about Toney starting actually. Remember when Chauncey got injured during the season, Toney stepped in and filled in really well.

If melo and stat both have good games we will win. With Shaquille out, no one on the celtics can guard Amare. Dude took kg, big baby, krstic, and Jermaine to school in game 1.
Melo has a much tougher task. Boston plays tight defense and he loves doing that one dribble and shoot move. But he'll be ok as long that he isn't off.

Man I think no one on this earth Hates rondo more than me. Dude just irks me
we need fields to set it up offensively tonight. i still think we should have put him in those last few seconds of the game to guard ray allen.
Originally Posted by Pysch

we need fields to step it up offensively tonight. i still think we should have put him in those last few seconds of the game to guard ray allen.

cut me some slack, it's early
i !##%**% hate boston, dead #*%. i still can't get game 1 out of my head. we had that.

i'm confident that toney douglas will be fine tho and that not having billups in the game won't be as bad as espn is making it out to be. we were fine last time and i feel like he's hungry and ready for this.

God i hope we win game 2.
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