Official: 2007-08 Chicago Bulls Season Thread

Pax has to look at this roster and figure out the best way to get a guy that will net us 25PPG, get to the line close to 8 times per night on average, playgood D, be a vocal leader, take the ball when its time and demand a double team. If he thinks that person is on the team he is wrong. I do not want acombination of players doing this because it very rarely works. I think we have to look at the Top 5 in this draft class and see that a franchise player willbe sitting there for us. It is a must to land in that range by trade or luck and if not that, make a big trade that will give us this player. Marion is not theanswer. AK47 is not the answer. I would take a PG like DWilliams or CP3 and let BOTH Deng and Gordon walk. Plus, this team needs a coach that knows how tocoach proven NBA players. Boylan and Skiles need to be far, far away from this team. Pax has a lot to do before next October, hopefully he gets it right.
^^^Neither do I. How am I supposed to feel knowing we traded basically our highest name value and one of our most consistent performers in Joe Smith??
Originally Posted by MBlackmon

^^^Neither do I. How am I supposed to feel knowing we traded basically our highest name value and one of our most consistent performers in Joe Smith??

Name value with Wallets is something I am happy we got rid of. Joe Smith was a consistent player on a 21-32 team. That is not impressive. What did youthink we could net for these bums? We are lucky anybody wanted to take them off of our hands. And Joe wasn't setting the world on fire. He was averaging 11and 5 on the year. Sorry if I am not shedding a tear over those numbers. I just don't get why this deal is looked upon as one that has put us in a deeperhole. I bet this new group doesn't have a .396 winning percentage by the end of the year. I wouldn't even put it out of the questuion to see them getthose 2 games back and jump into the 8th spot. I know it doesn't seem like much but its better than what Joe and Wallets would have gotten us.
could this trade have been positioning on paxons part to prepare for when all the major names become free agents in the next couple years or am i giving paxsontoo much credit?
do you think they will make a run at a star player finally?
^^^yea, I agree that big ben wallets needed to go. Its just that IMO Joe Smith had the most name value and you get hughes and gooden? wallets, smith, gordon,and duhon needed to be packaged to bring someone of value. The Bulls are just a team of unwanted players...gordon and deng will most likely become fa's andsee the gap in their value and their asking price. they'll probably end up signing elsewhere for LESS than Pax was offering but in the end, Pax held on tohis core and ended up with squat. This trade is like an attempt in keeping his job by gearing for a (I say this cautiously) "play-off push" in theweak eastern conferece. Lost story short I just don't see how this improves the chicago bulls, if at all.

edit: future cap space?? I'm unfamiliar with gooden/hughes' contract situations.
should have never given up on tyson chandler one of the dumbest moves i have ever seen dude avg 9 rebs a game playing like 25 min a game for the bulls, . bulls are in re building mode yet again we now have to wait till hughes contract ends to make an move. damn man they should have just kept ben waited for abetter trade. i'm so mad at the state of the bulls right now, since the giants won the super bowl i havent watched them more than a few min here and thereits just to depressing right now.

bulls are cheap man they had ben wallace and tyson signed they gave tyson away which was dumb they should have held on to tyson having both of them would havebeen a nice luxury to have, and his trade value would have gone up. but the cheap way was to dump him. bulls will do the same thing with either kirk or bengordon watch one of them get traded draft night either for a pick or to move up in the draft. no way the bulls pay 3 guards 10mil a year each. bulls needto get elton brand back, how about kirk, noc, draft pick or tyrus for brand and livingston. bulls can afford to gamble on livingston they will have duhon, BG,thabo, hughes who could all handle PG if livingston cant play. Noah, brand, deng, gordon i would be happy with that 4 for next season. right now i ratherhave gordon than kirk.

your mother
larry hughes

that should be the guard depth chart for the bulls
Originally Posted by 6demonbag

could this trade have been positioning on paxons part to prepare for when all the major names become free agents in the next couple years or am i giving paxson too much credit?
do you think they will make a run at a star player finally?

I sure hope so, but it's naive as hell to think that Wade, James, or Bryant will come here.

We tried to get McGrady awhile back, but he spurned us......i don't know what to think anymore, i've lost all confidence in this team.

Maybe we can just bring back Jalen Rose, Eddie Robinson, Eddie Curry, Jamal Crawford, Dickey Simpkins, Jason Caffey, Jud Buechler, Tyson Chandler, EltonBrand, Ron Mercer, JoJo English, Dalibor Bagoric, and maybe even Dennis Rodman...

People want Chicago to obtain a superstar but there isn't one on the market. Also, they wanted to package Gordon with Wallets and something else to get astar, but again nobody wanted Wallets contract and Gordon coming into a FA summer. It was set up horribly with Deng and BG turning down contracts that theywill be lucky to beat this upcoming summer. They both have been terrible this year, injured or not.

BG has just proved again that he is nothing more than a 6th man and that is where he plays better, off the bench. He isn't a max contract guy like hethinks he is. He is an undersized SG with very little PG skills nor a PG mentality or vision. He is not as good as many think. He is almost more of a liabilitythan he is superstar. He is gone. He did his thing here and I would rather give more money to Monta Ellis than keep BG at a discounted price.

I think Deng re-ups for nothing more than $60 mil.

Then, you will see the Bulls try to get a great player to put next to him. Not Elton Brand. He would cost too much including our Draft pick which we need tokeep. I think Pax pulls a move to wash his hands of his past disasters these last 2 years. He will vindicate himself.
Yeah, i think Lu re-ups....BG might do the one year thing, but I don't know how much money dude wants. He aint done nothin all season....and he wants $15mill per...come on BG
This summer Gordon or Hughes will be traded. I think Gordon's value is right around 10 mil per. Chicago should not pay him more. He's a defensiveliability. If he was marginally improved on defense it would warrant 12-15 mil per range, but he's regressed defensively over his career.

Gordon says he wants to be a Bull. I think he wants to play for the Knicks. That's probably the only team that will pay him 15 mil per for what he producesright now.

I'm speculating that Chicago may do a sign and trade with the Knicks this summer to acquire the expiring contract of Stephon Marbury.
Gordon needs to work on his handles more. he has good court vision but forces pass at times his handles are piss poor for someone his size. i really thinkGordon would be much better with another socer on this team and not having to force shots up because no one else can do +%$+ on offense.
We are back where we started at a couple seasons ago. We are now looking toward the future and not looking to win now. Noah and Tyrus are going to be theprojects of the future. By getting rid of Joe and Wallace we made the statement that we are not looking to go far in the playoffs, if we make it at all. BGsaid he might sign for one more year after this year and i think thats a move to improve his stock for the following year in free agency. I think Loul willsign a long term deal this summer. We need to get a superstar in Chicago, it does not matter what we have to do.

I know Wade will be a free agent soon but honestly i dont want him. He is too turnover prone and i dont think he is the guy we need in Chicago. Kobe or McGradywould have been ideal but both of those ships have sailed. Pax is going to have to do a hell of a job this summer because i think a lot of Bulls fans includingmyself are starting to question his decision making. He is going to live or die on his core, which is sad because i think all of us know that this group hasgone as far as it will go.

C'mon Pax this summer will be your biggest summer yet
I could really care less what people say, I hope the Bulls go hard after OJ Mayo when Draft time rolls around. people do not like him but I think his game isgoing to be better suited for the NBA. I think he will develop into a real good NBA PG who scores 17-22 PPG and dishes out 7 spg. He has some maturing to doand his game needs to become under control but I think this kid is going to be special. Hopefully Zeke will throw us a bone and allow us to move up in theDraft while we give them BG.
Just got done reading some articles off the bulls website and it sounds like this is only the beginning for the trades. BG also sounds very upset with thetrade as he knows his time in Chicago is winding down. This summer is going to be when a lot of feelings get hurt and start shipping people out. I can'twait because this team thinks they are a lot better than what they really are. I think if Tyrus has a starting spot i think he will work out like a mad man, orat least i hope he does.
Originally Posted by jmause3

Just got done reading some articles off the bulls website and it sounds like this is only the beginning for the trades. BG also sounds very upset with the trade as he knows his time in Chicago is winding down. This summer is going to be when a lot of feelings get hurt and start shipping people out. I can't wait because this team thinks they are a lot better than what they really are. I think if Tyrus has a starting spot i think he will work out like a mad man, or at least i hope he does.

All Ty needs is someone to assure him that he will get some burn if he is willing to put in the work. Skiles was so cold to him that Ty lost interest. Nowthat Pax is calling all the shots Boylan HAS to play him. Ty has been decent lately and will continue to improve. Pax will redeem himself or else I will besitting here wondering what happened to a once good GM.
Just got done reading some articles off the bulls website and it sounds like this is only the beginning for the trades. BG also sounds very upset with the trade as he knows his time in Chicago is winding down. This summer is going to be when a lot of feelings get hurt and start shipping people out. I can't wait because this team thinks they are a lot better than what they really are.
thank goodness.... its time to start cleaning house and rebuild around another superstar or at least star....
Wow..Bulls with 135 points in a W against the Nuggets.....WOW.......i thought they would win tonight for some insane reason.

Joakim Noah is a ball of energy....dude plays all out
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Ben really wants out of Chicago


Yeah it is really sad too. I wish he would change his defensive mindset. But you knew he felt he had something to prove. But im glad that he had a biggame tonight. He could and should play like this every night. That run in the fourth broke it open
I've always said that I could part ways with BG if we replace his scoring with another guy, but who the hell are the Bulls gonna bring in that can pop 30.

It's like the Bears and Berrian. Dude doesnt deserve a HUGE contract, but who are the Bears gonna bring in that's better????
If you can, find a tape and watch that Bulls game last night if you missed it. It was the best game of the season for the Chicago Bulls.

I wanted Ben Wallace gone in mid January. I had seen enough. The corpse was half assing it out there. I never thought our guys would look so awesome by tradingBen Wallace.

We traded age for youth and it's the best move Paxson has made since he became GM. The energy was electric. Every player was hustling. Nobody looked at theother four Bulls on the floor and had to react knowing one of those four was Ben Wallace. The guys picked each other up. They weren't afraid to pass toanyone. It was team that played as a 5 man unit knowing that any of the 5 guys can score, can pass, and can get another teammate involved. The Nuggets wereblown away.

AI looked like a senior citizen on defense. Melo looked like he had bum knees. Marcus Camby was turned in circles by Joakim Noah and Tyrus Thomas.
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