Official: 2007-08 Chicago Bulls Season Thread

Im very pleased with the game and how we played. But at the same time we must realize that we arent going to score 135 every night. The other thing is we mustalso understand that Noah and Tyrus both wont go for a double-double every night. But they showed me a lot last night. BG is not going to let his spot gowithout a fight and we all know that he is our best scorer. I think this was a game where all of the players wanted to let Boylan know that we are not going togive up our spots or minutes without a fight.

Tyrus showed us what he could become. Keep working Tyrus we all like to see you out there on the floor, just continue to get better and you will get theminutes
those 135 ponts were the most scored by the bulls since '91 great game...I may actually watch the next one
it will be most interesting to see Noah and"cold garbage benidict" go at it on the court after that locker room mess that transpired
its really too bad that we have the Rockets the next game. They are on fire right now and i have a feeling that they are going to give it to us
I just noticed that we don't have a single player of the age of 30.
well it is a young team.....

Pax needs to sign a quality FA this summer or next summer and rebuild around a superstar or at least a star instead of a "core".... granted, thisteam hasn't had a superstar in nearly a decade..... But once he gets the superstar then he should build a core around him....

It's no coincidence that this team has not won anything or even got to a conference finals with no superstar, although I think Deng can be a good player asa second option, but not a player to build a franchise around....
I still think a core of Tyrus, Thabo, Deng and Noah should be given more time to develop.

Everybody else is expendable.

We're in decent shape, cap wise, I think, so we got options.

Hopefully we miss the playoffs and roll up an "asset players" along with our pick to move up in the draft

Hey, I'm just saying is all

Man I think Pax's mistake was that instead of building the "core" around a star, he built the team around the "core".... He pretty muchtried to copy what Joe Dumars did in Detroit and failed

but ya I'd keep those 4 guys, but also bring a star in to build around...
As said before keep Deng, Thabo, tyrus, and Noah. Everyone else can go.

This is nothing more than when a bad season gets worse. I dont want us to make playoffs
Even if we dont make the playoffs, we're not gonna get a high pick........

The Denver games was false hope....we're gonna lose again at Dallas...season's been over....even though its really not.
I pray that we can drop into the Top 10 somehow and then jump into the Top 5. We need one of the stars in this draft.

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

We could always package up someone along with our pick to move up in the draft

Ben Gordon?


Ben Gordon and our 1st rd. pick for DWade! The Heat will have two picks probably in the top 10! they can start rebuilding after that. Try to tradeeveryone on this team except Deng, Joakim, Tyrus, Gooden! Im sure we can package Gordon, Noc and a pick for a pretty good player!
Oh nos. I don't want Dwayne Wade. He's becoming a turnover machine that dominates the basketball.
Originally Posted by AiRjOrDaN1217

^^^ Dwade on the team would be great.

If that happened lets just say you can add more years on to your SIG! i think miami would approve, especially if Dwade made it clear hes not coming back...they would be forced to trade him. Man if we get the 1st pick in the draft... jesus christ... i dont even wanna think about that. Teams would be ON OUR NUTStryna to get that pick, to pick up BEASTley. But in that case, Unless someone was gonna trade an ELITE Top 10 N.B.A player im taking beasley and restingeasy!!
Hmmmm.....i just might do BG and the pick for Wade.....

but there's no way we get the number one pick. Honestly, I still think we're gonna trip and dive into that last playoff spot.
Bulls fans. Please please please watch some of these games from Dwayne Wade. I promise you. The more you watch him the less you will like him. Yes, the Heatare bad, but it's primarily because of Wade.
Originally Posted by chikickz

Bulls fans. Please please please watch some of these games from Dwayne Wade. I promise you. The more you watch him the less you will like him. Yes, the Heat are bad, but it's primarily because of Wade.

I think he's just frustrated right now at his current situation... i think he would start over fresh and tear it up again! ANYTHING to get Ben Gordonout of here... ive never seen someone with such bad ball handling, and why the hell does he always end up damn near at half court when hes got the ball andsomeones setting a screen for him.
i dont want Wade either. His ball handling isn't much better than BG's. Wade is too turnover prone for me, i think he will bring down the develpomentof Deng and Thabo. Wade hasnt come through in the clutch in a while.

Honestly we have too many players that play the same position, that is our biggest problem. Too many guys can play and deserve minutes. Larry, Thabo, BG andKirk all deserve to play. Noc, Lou, Gooden, Tyrus and Noah all deserve to play. Gray deserves some minutes. That is 9 players that can play 30+ minutes. Weneed to downsize quickly. Tyrus and Gooden are going to be constantly fighting for minutes which will slow Tyrus' development.

This team has potential and talent but we cant have all these guys that do the same thing
Yeah, a core of Deng, Tyrus, Noah, and Thabo leading us to a 4 or 5 finish and 2nd round exit at their peak year after year sounds exciting. These guys willNOT develop into a championship-caliber group of players...

I highly doubt Wade would be available, but it would be insane not to do everything possible to get him. Then again, I felt that way about Kobe and KG, and notenough was done to get either here.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Yeah, a core of Deng, Tyrus, Noah, and Thabo leading us to a 4 or 5 finish and 2nd round exit at their peak year after year sounds exciting. These guys will NOT develop into a championship-caliber group of players...

I highly doubt Wade would be available, but it would be insane not to do everything possible to get him. Then again, I felt that way about Kobe and KG, and not enough was done to get either here.

Their is a difference though, for wade we wont have to give up every $@$+*$% player on the roster! which is y the Kobe and ESPECIALLY the garnett dealdidnt work out!
So you guys want to trade BG......but you wouldn't want D. Wade for him???!?!?!? What are you guys expecting to get for BG? I don't even want to tradeBen, but damn, if I can get an All-Star calibur player like D. Wade for him, then shoot, I'm in.

And we're not gonna get a top 5 or even a top 10 pick.
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