Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

That's weird, it's the same way as Law's first game, his stats didn't show up while the game is being played but showed up afterwards. Hopefully it shows up because it's the weeks last game I could use all the help I can get.

Hes weak Hes unsure of himself Hes a coward.
Clark Kent is Supermans critique on the whole human race.
^^^ Sounds good. Thanks.

Hmmm... Games been over for a while but Law's stat is still not showing up. Hmmmm.....

Hes weak Hes unsure of himself Hes a coward.
Clark Kent is Supermans critique on the whole human race.
diew its james, do yourself a favor and don't accept that trade. That guy is just trying to take you for a fool since you see 2 big names in "Howard" and "McGrady".
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Hudson - Jackson - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
Need some Trade advice. I got an offer for my Deng for his Kaman. Should I pull the trigger?
Need some Trade advice. I got an offer for my Deng for his Kaman. Should I pull the trigger?
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
Kaman is not a 10th round pick, :lol:
Proving the doubters wrong
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
Do you really think Brand is coming back this season? I for one don't.

What does Luol do significantly better than Kaman? Score? Scoring should never be a problem in fantasy leagues if you keep up with your roster. Kaman will outrebound Deng night in and night out, and Kaman doesn't shoot many jumpers, if he takes shots, they're on the inside. Kaman will also block shots.

I say Kaman, but that's just me.
Proving the doubters wrong​
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
I'm not sure if Brand will be back (he's hoping for a February return), but I sure as hell hope so (I took a flyer on him in the second-to-last round in my favorite league). :lol:
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
But do those stats take into consideration that Kaman is the only big man worth mentioning that the Clippers will have for the entire season? Of course not, you have to factor in the situation they are in. He will average more rebounds because Brand isn't out there gobbling up rebounds alongside Caveman. Whatever assists Kaman/Deng gives you in assists is a bonus, it really shouldn't even be taken into consideration. Kaman will log tons more minutes this year, and he will be depended on a lot more. Kaman's rebound #'s will go through the roof, Kaman WILL score more this year, taking away 20and ten from a team will make things more difficult in the low post... Also, FT% is only slightly better, I mean, Kaman was 77% two years ago, Deng was 77% this past year, it's not enoguh to matter.

It's hard to take a jumpshooting swingman over a low-post beast in Kaman, Deng could go ice cold and miss 10 shots, and shoot 30%, but with big men you knwo what your getting...

I'm sure John Salmons ADP was horrendous, as with Kelenna Azubuike, but does your draft selection really make much of a difference? Fantasy Basketball is about adjustment, not just sticking with waht you got throughout the year.

Case and point, you can name more SF's that are better than Deng than you can name C's better than Kaman.
Proving the doubters wrong​
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
I hear you, but is that more because Kaman is better, or because C is such a putrid position? I'd say more of the latter. And if you look at their respective season splits from last year, you could actually make the argument that Deng was across the board more consistent with his shooting than Kaman. Deng doesn't have the typical swingman's shot selection: he knows his game (perfect example is his lack of 3PA) and has one of the most automatic mid-range jumpers in the game, so he's far more steady from the floor than most perimeter guys.

And yes Salmons and Azubuike's ADP's were horrendous (as a matter of fact, they've gone largely undrafted). But while they've both started very well, I think there's also some knee-jerk reactions at work in that some people see 2-3 great games and automatically think they're gonna ball out all year. At that point is it worth taking a flyer on them? Sure, but they're far from a sure thing.

At any rate, the ADP point was more to illustrate that by and large, Deng has more perceived value than Kaman by a pretty good margin. I'm actually with you in that Kaman will have a good year, but I don't I'd give up Deng for him. At the very least, given Deng's perceived value as illustrated by his ADP, I'd try to look to trade him for guys of a similar perceived value first such as Okur, Aldridge, Okafor, or Chandler, all of which who I think will be better fantasy C's than Kaman.

At the end of the day I'm with you though that Kaman will be a good play this year. I'm just not as, um, enthusiastic about him as you are I guess. And you may be the first person to ever call dude a beast and mean it in a good way (word to Cavemen). :lol:
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
You guys think Erick Dampier is worth stashing away on my bench? How's the center situation in Dallas?
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Hudson - Jackson - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
^ Damp will probably start and log 20 to 25 minutes. He'll split time with Diop. Unless it's a very deep league, I suggest you stay away until he comes back 100 percent and shows some consistency.
Team Grizzlies
Deng for Kaman :lol:

That is a horrible trade. Centers have value, but not THAT much value. Not to mention Deng is in a contract year.
808. PERIOD.

20% off with code: JBOAT

^ Andruw Jones was in a contract year last year, and we all know how that went. Contract years can be taken into account, but I don't think it should be one of the main deciding factors in a trade.
Watch The Franchise
^ Contract years shouldn't be a deciding factor in trades... but it definitely can help.

Every time I think of a player in a contract year "I think of Adrian Beltre". More often than not, a player in a contract year will preform.
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Hudson - Jackson - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
Andruw Jones is one of the few players who didn't perform in a contract year. I'll take a player in his contract year any day over one who is not. I won't turn down a trade strictly based on their contract year but when you consider that Kaman is only being considered because he is a center PLUS Deng is in a CY, it's a no-brainer.
808. PERIOD.

20% off with code: JBOAT

wat do you guys think about this trade?

im giving up melo & david west, getting gilbert & bogut in return
^^^I think you get the better end of that one.
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
Take that trade.

David West > Bogut. West gives you more points and isn't that far behind in REBS.

Arenas vs Melo is the deciding factor. Scoring is about the same and both are high turnover guys. But Arenas > Melo because Arenas gets more assists and steals than Melo.
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Hudson - Jackson - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
How is my team? H2H 10 team league. I had the 4th pick.

LeBron James
Chris Paul
Andre Iguodala
Joe Johnson
Tyson Chandler
Ray Felton
Andrea Bargnani
Rasheed Wallace
Mike Miller
Z Ilgauskas
Jeff Green
Martell Webster
Charlie Bell
Al Thornton
^That's a great team right there imo.

Do yourself a favor and pick up REGGIE EVANS off the wire.
Free Mike
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