Official: 2008-2009 Fantasy Basketball Thread *Sticky*

Playing for 3rd in my money league.

Playing for 1st in JapanAir's league.

Playing for 3rd in my NT GS Warriors league.

Playing for 7th place in the other NT GS Warriors league.
Originally Posted by nrg1604

season's winding down. what's your team current position?
no clue, I'll probably update on Sunday.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by nrg1604

season's winding down. what's your team current position?
no clue, I'll probably update on Sunday.
40 leagues.

Call it cheating, but either Sunday or Tuesday, drop all of your players that you won't be able to play due to Monday/Wednesday being a day when a lot ofteams play, and pick up players who are going to be playing Sunday/Tuesday. Do what you can to get an advantage..
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by nrg1604

season's winding down. what's your team current position?
no clue, I'll probably update on Sunday.
40 leagues.

Call it cheating, but either Sunday or Tuesday, drop all of your players that you won't be able to play due to Monday/Wednesday being a day when a lot of teams play, and pick up players who are going to be playing Sunday/Tuesday. Do what you can to get an advantage..
I call it cheating (yes, within the given rules, but still a cheap tactic). I hate people like you. These 'tactics' suck. Just an easy copout way if your team sucks and you have no drafting/scouting skills. Yeah, I'm calling you out JapanAir!

My team was easily the best team assembled in my money league but then the other team picked up and dropped people like crazy. I implemented a maximum of 7transactions per week when I made the league in the beginning but I'm thinking 7 transactions is too much. This year's fantasy baseball leagues that Imade have a maximum of 3 transactions per week. I think 3 is good enough so when a player is injured, the other team can make the necessary adjustments, butnot pick up and drop people to get in extra games.
Well if it's established money leagues you gotta have rules laid down, for fun leagues like I do, it's whatever because my point of view is, if youdon't do it, someone else may. It's like someone dropping a good player, and you picking him up if you are fast enough IMO.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Well if it's established money leagues you gotta have rules laid down, for fun leagues like I do, it's whatever because my point of view is, if you don't do it, someone else may. It's like someone dropping a good player, and you picking him up if you are fast enough IMO.

Yeah, I'm going to use this 'experience' next time I have a money league. IMO, 3 transactions is good enough... as long asKLJ isn't in the league. Dude be dropping and picking up players like crazy.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Well if it's established money leagues you gotta have rules laid down, for fun leagues like I do, it's whatever because my point of view is, if you don't do it, someone else may. It's like someone dropping a good player, and you picking him up if you are fast enough IMO.

Yeah, I'm going to use this 'experience' next time I have a money league. IMO, 3 transactions is good enough... as long as KLJ isn't in the league. Dude be dropping and picking up players like crazy.
3 moves a week?

I really think two is plenty, but I hate leagues that do a max of "x moves," and not per week, I always use them up way before the end of the season.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Well if it's established money leagues you gotta have rules laid down, for fun leagues like I do, it's whatever because my point of view is, if you don't do it, someone else may. It's like someone dropping a good player, and you picking him up if you are fast enough IMO.

Yeah, I'm going to use this 'experience' next time I have a money league. IMO, 3 transactions is good enough... as long as KLJ isn't in the league. Dude be dropping and picking up players like crazy.
3 moves a week?

I really think two is plenty, but I hate leagues that do a max of "x moves," and not per week, I always use them up way before the end of the season.
I did both for my money league
. I had 7 moves per week and a maximum of 100 moves for the entire season. Reason why I did the 100 moves forthe entire season was because I put out a vote for the other teams in the league. The consensus was to have 100 moves for the entire season. I tried to be fairand let other GMs have some say in this
7 moves a week? Damn, a few of my leagues were super-strict, only two-moves, and another was 25-max.. Screwed me over big time.

Kevin Martin, Camby, and Kaman all questionable.
im in the championship and this dude adds/drops every night and i try to as well but i never know who to drop on my team! plus he always picks up scrubs thatoverachieve

so frustrating. now i'm losing in assists and 3s. 4-5 overall, i was 7-2 before yesterdays games
This is the last week for me. Playing in the finals for first. i'm gonna drop everyone tomorrow and get a full lineup for Sunday
Question, does Yahoo provide an option where we can have a shorter season and start the playoffs like 2 weeks earlier?

Reason why I'm asking is because of the number of people that get "shut down" around this time. It seems like everyone's getting shut down.

WOW...i'm SOOOOO +%%*#$! pissed off i just need to vent. WHAT the %@#+ happen to that piece of @#+$ SOFT %@#+ YAO MING!!!! %@#+!!!!


I didn't hear NO reports of him NOT playing today. I'm +%%*#$! HEATED!!!
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Question, does Yahoo provide an option where we can have a shorter season and start the playoffs like 2 weeks earlier?

Reason why I'm asking is because of the number of people that get "shut down" around this time. It seems like everyone's getting shut down.
its funny cause my espn league i think did that, we finished our season already a week ago. i won 9-1 in the championship game and thought thenba season was finished as well. then checked and saw two more weeks. not sure if that was a glitch by the commish or how espn normally schedule it.
Now, I wasn't thinking it'd be this severe..

"Recent TransactionsView All
Date Player Type From To By
4/11 Glen Davis (Bos - PF,C) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Antonio McDyess (Det - PF,C) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Joe Smith (Cle - PF,C) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Greg Oden (Por - C) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Willie Green (Phi - SG) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Anthony Randolph (GS - SF,PF) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Quentin Richardson (NY - SG,SF) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Derrick Rose (Chi - PG) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Reggie Evans (Phi - PF) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Tayshaun Prince (Det - SF,PF) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Roger Mason (SA - PG,SG) Add Free Agents Sexual Chocolate Tricked Out Soul
4/11 Kirk Hinrich (Chi - PG,SG) Drop Sexual Chocolate Waivers Tricked Out Soul"

And this is within like 2 hours..
I take it back Paul, it's damn annoying when other people do it,

Also, way to have a great game tonight Dwight..
ain't nothin wrong with streaming plays, y'all is triflin.

especially during the last week of the season.

i don't think it is a cop out way at all to cover up for inferior moves in the draft.
if anything, it calls out your skills even more to see who you think will run hot.
and especially when you run deep in a 20 team league... who would actually think of picking up Brian Skinner last week? CJ Watson?

and then what when your star picks get injured?
it is a legitimate strategy in the game, and as said, there are ways to counter it.
Originally Posted by offbad

ain't nothin wrong with streaming plays, y'all is triflin.

especially during the last week of the season.

i don't think it is a cop out way at all to cover up for inferior moves in the draft.
if anything, it calls out your skills even more to see who you think will run hot.
and especially when you run deep in a 20 team league... who would actually think of picking up Brian Skinner last week? CJ Watson?

and then what when your star picks get injured?
it is a legitimate strategy in the game, and as said, there are ways to counter it.
It's not to see "who you think will run hot in the final weeks of the season." It's "oh, this guy's playing tomorrownight. I'd better pick him up." The players that these GMs pick up are on their roster for 1 or 2 games (depending if they have a back-to-back ornot). They're not keeping their players for weeks at a time. They don't ride their hot streaks and when they begin to fizzle, they'll drop them forthe next hot commodity. For them, it's all about picking up players to increase your total numbers for that given week.

When I was still in the hunt for 1st place, I would count the total number of games I could play in a given week (without any drops or adds on my roster). ThenI would count my opponent's total number of games. It'd be pretty even. We'd both get about 40-45 games in a given week. Now let's change it upa bit. Let's say the GM I'm facing that week is one of those, high transaction guys. It'd get 43 games played while he gets 54 games played.

How about this...

You have nobody to drop because they're all legit players. If you drop one player, other teams in your league are active enough to claim them off waiversand you lose that player for the rest of the season and you are stuck with a C.J. Watson or a Brian Skinner on your roster instead of Jason Thompson or RamonSessions. Not only do you weaken your team, but you strengthen another team, who may be on your heels in the standings. It's risk-benefit, IMO. You weighthe risks and you weigh the benefits. The other team on the other hand can drop and pick up whomever he chooses because his team's players aren't asgood as yours and the players he drops, the other active GMs in the league don't want to waste a waiver on that player? How about if your opponent canafford to do that because his team has 3, 4, or 5 players that he can drop at any given time and nobody else in the league will try to waste a waiver onwhomever he drops? That GM can get in a whole lot more games played than you can. With that strategy, he can be pretty good in 3pts, points, rebounds, assists,steals, and blocks... whatever category he chooses to fill for that given week. It all depends on who he picks.

Sure, some may view this type of strategy as "fair" but it's only as fair as with what team you're given. If you can afford to drop playersas you please without any other team picking up a valuable player, then it's more "fair" for you and not "fair" for the other guy.

And by the way, nobody should ever play in a 20-team league. Play in a 10, 12, or 14 team league. That's where the most "GM skills" comes intoplay, IMO. I played in the NT Fantasy Basketball League and there were 20 teams per league. Not fun, not fun at all. Though I won 1st place in the PacificLeague, it wasn't due to me making "great, strategic moves," it was won in the beginning of the season when we drafted our players. I was luckyenough (because it was auto-pick and I ranked my players) to be able to have the "most stacked" team in the league of 20. There was a huge disparityin the talent level in the team in 1st place and the team in 4th place... and I mean a HUGE disparity. Don't even get me started on the disparity from 1stto 6th, from 1st to 10th, and even from 1st to 20th. The ideal number of teams in a league for me is 12. That'll leave you with the best balance in talentlevel between teams (if they drafted correctly and stayed active) and also have a good but not great/weak FA. It's the best balance, IMO.
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