Official: 2008-2009 Fantasy Basketball Thread *Sticky*

my 20 team keeper league is absolutely the BEST league i have ever played in. this league has been going on for 10+ years of which i have been lucky to be apart of for 7.
5 keepers per team, 6 plays max a day, 50 player add cap on the season, non playoff/eliminated playoff teams get locked.
think about that. you have to draft players that you will keep for the as long as they play or if you can even trade them when they get older.
so you need to think about packaging picks in next years drafts (amongst a player pool of the "non-keeper" players) with aging stars if you want tostay competitive this year.
do you want to go young and piss away the next couple years to set up a monster 5? all sorts of dilemmas you must deal with in a league like that.

additionally, 10-14 team leagues just are not as much fun, really. any given team can have at LEAST 7 keeper quality players. and i'm guessing 10 slots forplays a day.
you say that you need more "GM skills" for the smaller leagues, yet you say that your team flourished because of your "GM skills" in thelarger league when the others presumably had little.
10-14 team leagues is where you probably see the most negative effects on streaming plays. just think about it. in a 20 team league with active GMs (which wemake sure to have) who really is on the waiver wire? Kurz? Foster? Vujacic?
meanwhile, the 10-14 team leagues leave Dooling, Udrih, Mason, Hinrich, Villanueva-- all guys who were drafted in my league this year-- on the waiver wire.regularly.

so, not quite. more plays does not translate into a win. if someone had 10 more plays than me on crappy waiver pickups, that should not matter.

and for the most part, adds from waivers/free agents are pretty much bad players that deserve to be there. those who specialize in one category or don'tcontribute much but peripherals here and there. you can make that case for Korver, Sefalosha, etc.
who, really, is going to hold onto Luc M&Ms? Fisher? Wally? Telfair?-- the entire year in such a small league.

or, the adds can be sneaky players that might get hot, or will likely see a lot of clock in the upcoming week
(Pietrus is an example for this week, if Hidayet's injury is serious enough)

if your opponent is one of those bad drafters in a small league, you probably have problems to deal with.

forgot to add-- those players on waivers in a small league are available to everyone. it is a huge risk-benefit assessment to think about like you said. butreally, that guy loses a player (if he is desperate enough) that someone else will likely snatch too.

additionally there are much dirtier things to do like adding then dropping a player just so another team will have to wait for waivers to clear to claim.
Originally Posted by offbad

my 20 team keeper league is absolutely the BEST league i have ever played in. this league has been going on for 10+ years of which i have been lucky to be a part of for 7.
5 keepers per team, 6 plays max a day, 50 player add cap on the season, non playoff/eliminated playoff teams get locked.
think about that. you have to draft players that you will keep for the as long as they play or if you can even trade them when they get older.
so you need to think about packaging picks in next years drafts (amongst a player pool of the "non-keeper" players) with aging stars if you want to stay competitive this year.
do you want to go young and piss away the next couple years to set up a monster 5? all sorts of dilemmas you must deal with in a league like that.

additionally, 10-14 team leagues just are not as much fun, really. any given team can have at LEAST 7 keeper quality players. and i'm guessing 10 slots for plays a day.
you say that you need more "GM skills" for the smaller leagues, yet you say that your team flourished because of your "GM skills" in the larger league when the others presumably had little.
10-14 team leagues is where you probably see the most negative effects on streaming plays. just think about it. in a 20 team league with active GMs (which we make sure to have) who really is on the waiver wire? Kurz? Foster? Vujacic?
meanwhile, the 10-14 team leagues leave Dooling, Udrih, Mason, Hinrich, Villanueva-- all guys who were drafted in my league this year-- on the waiver wire. regularly.

so, not quite. more plays does not translate into a win. if someone had 10 more plays than me on crappy waiver pickups, that should not matter.

and for the most part, adds from waivers/free agents are pretty much bad players that deserve to be there. those who specialize in one category or don't contribute much but peripherals here and there. you can make that case for Korver, Sefalosha, etc.
who, really, is going to hold onto Luc M&Ms? Fisher? Wally? Telfair?-- the entire year in such a small league.

or, the adds can be sneaky players that might get hot, or will likely see a lot of clock in the upcoming week
(Pietrus is an example for this week, if Hidayet's injury is serious enough)

if your opponent is one of those bad drafters in a small league, you probably have problems to deal with.
I see what you're saying. My thing is that my opponent didn't necessarily have a crappy team to begin with. He had Duncan, David West,Troy Murphy (who I dropped because of faulty news given out by Yahoo
). It's the other people on his team that got shut down like Corey Maggetteand Stephen Jackson combined with the questionable players he had on his team like the Andres Nocioni, Brandon Rush, Anderson Varejao, Mario Chalmers, etc thathe was able to drop for additional players.

And the thing is that I BARELY lost to him. My team name is "Yup... Still Trash!".


If he didn't have those extra players picked up, I'm sure I would have beaten him in points and probably steals. That's where those extra gameswhere he had 10 or so more games than me killed me. That's what irked me the most.

I see what you're saying about Pietrus and Turkoglu. Because of the potential severity of Hedo's injury, that'd make Pietrus an even more valuablefantasy player.

Where I was coming from when I was talking about the FA being good, not great/weak was that if/when a player gets injured, which is likely to happen during thecourse of a season, the replacement player won't be formidable pick up like a Derrick Rose to replace Jose Calderon when he got hurt or won't be REALLYbad pick up like a Dan Gadzuric to replace Rasheed Wallace when he got hurt. The point I was trying to make was that there's a middle ground that I wouldlike to achieve in terms of balance.

In terms of GM skills, I consider making trades, making timely and smart pick ups GM skills... sort of like your example with Mickael Pietrus pending theseverity of Hedo's injury. What I don't consider GM skills adding players constantly to get more games in. In a league where there's a morebalanced FA talent, it's more likely to have those pick ups. In a 6 team league, it won't really hurt if Devin Harris is hurt and you can pick up TonyParker off the FA. In a 20 team league, if Andrew Bynum got hurt, then the talent left on the FAs is scarce and then likelihood of making a pick up is lesseneddramatically. Sure there are those our of nowhere players who come from nowhere and are capable of producing like a Ryan Gomes (don't know if he was onyour FA list in the 20-team league but just an example) but that doesn't come very often. I guess it depends on your definition of a good GM and a bad GM.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

@ iguodalas 10 TOs today.
Wow....that's some bad luck.

I lost my ship too thanks to Rudy Gay and Conley's HORRIBLE shooting today while my opponent had Mayo who was on fire.
ATROCIOUS shooting today for my team (conley, udrih (1/12!!!) still up by like .040 in FG%
Now down by like 17 in assists
dude is catching up in points.Hopefully birdman and noah can get me a bunch of blocks tomorrow (down by 5 in blocks) and i'm down by 5 threes with a bunch of shooters playing tomorrow.

currently down 4-5

I officially won my money league about 10 mins. ago... This is a league I share with family and friends so it was my most competative one. After losing in thefinals last season, your boy finally did it NT!!! Bragging rights and cash FTW!!!

Good luck to the rest of you still in the race for the CHIP!!!
Damn I forgot to read Josh Howard's thingy and I started him

Jesus *%#+%!! Christ. Can OJ Mayo start off a game any *%#+%!! worse? 0-6?

Also, someone tell me something didn't happen to Hawes

18 three's in one league in one day FTW.

I was trailing by a lot too.

Benched him for the week in one league though..

NOW Gentry decides to play his players most of the game..
Originally Posted by 430AM


I officially won my money league about 10 mins. ago... This is a league I share with family and friends so it was my most competative one. After losing in the finals last season, your boy finally did it NT!!! Bragging rights and cash FTW!!!

Good luck to the rest of you still in the race for the CHIP!!!

good job bro!

my boy conley caught me up in steals (only down by 3 now). I added a bunch of guards for tomorrow so hopefully i can hold on!
Originally Posted by 430AM


I officially won my money league about 10 mins. ago... This is a league I share with family and friends so it was my most competative one. After losing in the finals last season, your boy finally did it NT!!! Bragging rights and cash FTW!!!

Good luck to the rest of you still in the race for the CHIP!!!

congrats man. i think i pretty much won mine too. today should seal it. i've got d.will, rondo, ray ray and ariza going up against lou williams, bibby andchalmers with a nice 7-3 lead. after finishing 2nd and 3rd the last 2 years it's nice to finally take this league down. my other money league looks likei'm finishing 3rd in so overall i get a nice pot of money. thanks for all the help nt.

*hopefully posting this doesn't jinx me
who to start tonight?

joe johnson
josh howard
rajon rondo

i need 6 steals to tie that category or 4 threes to tie that category but i have no idea what to expect in terms of players being rested

edit: nvm decided to roll with joe johnson. Please don't make me regret it
sorry for the double, but i know you're kicking yourself int h e balls for starting JJ

not that it mattered, none of them really contributed much anyway.
I just calculated by hand (yes by hand) and I got Points/Rebounds/Assists/Steals/Blocks locked up. So basically I won my league 5-4 at worst.
This was after all his players were done and I still got 3 more players.
Had two leagues this year... went 1st place in one and 2nd in the other...dammit.
im Womp.

Lost by .001 in FG% would have won if Azubuike hit one more shot, or started Richard Jefferson instead.

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