Official 2009 ALCS Thread LAA Angels ( 2 ) vs NY Yankees ( 4 ) YANKEES WIN !!!

No work today so I'm ready for the game

Andy needs to come through big time today....
congrats jordan

i'm pumped for this one, but if we take a 3-0 lead u guys think we should start goudan or stay w/ CC on 3 days ?

i say rest CC, what say u ............
stay with CC, im pretty sure hes already locked in for game 4 anyway

this thread is such proof that NY baseball fans are the best in the country
Originally Posted by onewearz

congrats jordan

i'm pumped for this one, but if we take a 3-0 lead u guys think we should start goudan or stay w/ CC on 3 days ?

i say rest CC, what say u ............
That's a tough one....I say if we win today we should start CC to go for the kill and take the series.....I mean no matter what the W.S.scheduling won't change so that will give CC plenty of time to rest....

We gotta see what happens today first though
No matter the outcome of today's game we need to pitch CC for Game 4. If we lose today I'm not trying to have Gaudin come out and give the Angels anymomentum swings in this series.

Left home after the 9th and hopped on the railroad to the city got there just in time to see A-Rod's HR.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Feels good to sleep on a bed. Got a little small job in the mean time. Only problem is that I have no internet. But that's the least of my concerns
Good @*+% my dude.

Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by onewearz

congrats jordan

i'm pumped for this one, but if we take a 3-0 lead u guys think we should start goudan or stay w/ CC on 3 days ?

i say rest CC, what say u ............
That's a tough one....I say if we win today we should start CC to go for the kill and take the series.....I mean no matter what the W.S. scheduling won't change so that will give CC plenty of time to rest....

We gotta see what happens today first though
I say start CC in Game 4 regardless of w/e and go with a 3 man rotation. Worst case scenario, the series goes to a Game 7 and CC pitches on normalrest at the Stadium.

Even more so if we win. The Yankees should keep their feet on the Halos' necks from here on out.

The playoffs, especially in MLB, is all about momentum. Say we win today's game and the Angels, once again, have a good # of opportunities but can'tcapitalize. Then we start Gaudin in Game 4 and with their backs against the wall...they win big. Chone and Vladimir get out of their slumps and the Angelsoffense puts up big numbers. What if that's the turning point in the series? You don't want their bats to wake up and that team getting into theirgroove...can't have '04 happen again.

This Yankee team isn't the same as '04 but anything can happen in October...

Originally Posted by Proshares

No matter the outcome of today's game we need to pitch CC for Game 4. If we lose today I'm not trying to have Gaudin come out and give the Angels any momentum swings in this series.
Didn't see your said it in less words than I did.
buncha cowboys in here

everyone wants their foot on the angels throat and the old guy's calling for mercy

i gotta get the eye of the tiger back ..........
Damn its free to watch the game?

Too bad its FREEEZING!!! Edit: If I decide to go to the game, 1) can I walk around the stadium? 2) what seats are available? 3) what time do I have to be thereor can I show up a little late?
By the way, glad to hear everything's cool, Jordan.

Sorry, but I can't answer any of your questions.

I'm interested in the answer to those questions as well, though.
Alright. I called the stadium and I asked. They told me that the game was free, the only seats are the field level and I think grand stand, and she told methat you weren't allowed to walk around the stadium.

Can someone else call and confirm this? Cause if I can't walk around the stadium, I'm not even going.
Alright guys, I'm just gonna go. My girl hit me with the "you promised me you would take me to a game this year and you didn't"

I tried to explain that she wont be able to see the stadium. But whatever.

Where you guys gonna sit if you go? Or is this assigned seats in the field level?
Terrible scheduling, first forcing the Giants to reschedule their game now this foolishness. Ah well, I'll have the radio on in the office. Sterling FTW
Maybe we can hold a summit there today.

I'm just worried that if i show up at 4:30, there wont be any seats or good seats left.
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