:: Official 2009 NBA Draft Thread ::

The Nets messed everything up.

Terrance canceled his workout bc he had a deal worked out with the Bobcats. Now we're stuck with catfish lookin' G Henderson.
Scratch golfer


Golf 10 times harder then basketball

(coming from someone who has played basketball since the age of 5)
The Stephen Curry pick was possibly made for the Suns, according to the Arizona Republic. An announcement on Amare Stoudemire going to Golden State isforthcoming.
Ugh Bulls why couldn't you move up to get T-Will.

If we pick Tyler Hansborough, I might just resign as a Bulls fan.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I like what the Nets are doin'....Still keeping my hopes up that Minnesota didn't utterly screw this all up.
For the sake of the T'wolves, I hope a trade is brewing.
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