I don't know why yall raider fans keep saying crab to the raiders..

He already indirectly expressed he doesn't want to play for the raiders...
Originally Posted by thetruth03

I don't know why yall raider fans keep saying crab to the raiders..

He already indirectly expressed he doesn't want to play for the raiders...
did he? when was this... i haven't heard that
SUPER BONUS DRAFT FACT: Draft-coverage bitter rivals ESPN and NFL Network promise there will not be a repeat of last year, when bitter-rival draftniks MelKiper Jr. and Mike Mayock began brawling on-air like Peter Griffin and that giant chicken from Family Guy.

-Greg Cote
i couldve gone to RJ draft party, can't go
...Big daytoday
It was like 2 days ago..

He was asked how would u feel about playing with the raiders with the number 7 pick?

Crab: no comment
Originally Posted by thetruth03

It was like 2 days ago..

He was asked how would u feel about playing with the raiders with the number 7 pick?

Crab: no comment
Hm.. i need to see the context of the whole interview. Could be taken two ways. 1) He doesn't want to play for the raiders, or 2) Hedoesn't want to say anything about any team so it won't hurt his status.
What do u mean he doesn't wanna say anything about any team?

As a professional your supposed to play the role of accepting anybody that selects.. Especially in the top 10.. He obviously doesn't wanna play there bysaying " no comment"
Damn...I woke up all worried like I was about to miss it. Bout to go back to sleep.


Cushing/Jenkins/Raji(unlikely) or trade down

My hopefuls though:


Round 2/Day2:

Alex Mack
Duke Robinson
Phil Loadholt
Mike Mitchell
Nick Harris
Russell Allen
Vaughn Martin
Tony Fiammetta
Ramses Barden

Time for TC

Sig check
Josh Freeman will be a better pro than Mark Sanchez. Sanchez is an overhyped, overconfident QB. Dude onlystarted for one year and acts like he is the next coming of Joe Namath. Freeman has the tools and the size, and as long as he doesn't have to start rightaway, he will develop into a good QB in this league. He's already more of a TRUE Qb than Vince Young.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Josh Freeman will be a better pro than Mark Sanchez. Sanchez is an overhyped, overconfident QB. Dude only started for one year and acts like he is the next coming of Joe Namath. Freeman has the tools and the size, and as long as he doesn't have to start right away, he will develop into a good QB in this league. He's already more of a TRUE Qb than Vince Young.
josh freeman's throwing mechanics > vince's
when it comes to qb's.. it all depends on what teams select them because the fit has to be right..

reggie and the saints...
malcolm jenkins or brian cushing!!
i'm so mad we traded our 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th picks away...
i hope free agency looks good..

we have to win our division this year...
falcons got tony g... matt ryan is going to be set
panthers got nobody.. good!!!
bucs they suck!
im really mad cause im going to be at work all day and miss the entire draft...

but on a side note

i hope my Giants get the deal done for Edwards and then draft Nicks at 29
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Josh Freeman will be a better pro than Mark Sanchez. Sanchez is an overhyped, overconfident QB. Dude only started for one year and acts like he is the next coming of Joe Namath. Freeman has the tools and the size, and as long as he doesn't have to start right away, he will develop into a good QB in this league. He's already more of a TRUE Qb than Vince Young.

Saying someone is a "TRUE" QB in comparison to VY really ain't saying much....that's a bold statement about Freeman tho. I agree he doeshave all the physical tools to become better than Sanchez, but unlike Freeman, Sanchez isn't being looked at as a project.
smj im going to miss most of the draft cuz of the late start time like wth is up with that nonsense bears dont pick tell the 2nd round anyways
******** trying to make early move for USC QB Mark Sanchez
by Dave Hutchinson
Saturday April 25, 2009, 10:23 AM

Goooood Morning, Jets fans,

Just heard from one of my guys and the latest word is that the ******** are trying to get up to the No. 2 slot to take Sanchez but it's an uphill climb. Owner Daniel Synder has said he's not going to give up a No. 1 in his 2010 draft and that's probably what it would take to get to the second spot in the batting order.*******s_trying_to_make_early.html
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Josh Freeman will be a better pro than Mark Sanchez. Sanchez is an overhyped, overconfident QB. Dude only started for one year and acts like he is the next coming of Joe Namath. Freeman has the tools and the size, and as long as he doesn't have to start right away, he will develop into a good QB in this league. He's already more of a TRUE Qb than Vince Young.

I don't think Mark Sanchez thinks he's Joe Namath.

The reason why he's getting hyped is because of his personality and how he's doing on interviews. If you actually watch his interviews and stuff youcan't help but love the guy. He seems humble and hard working.

But the real question is can he really be a franchise quarterback I mean he couldnt beat out John David Booty 18 months ago. He only has 16 starts and theoffense was not the strength of that team.

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