[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

I just got back. **** was crazy packed. Got there around 7:30ish on the corner of Park Place and Broadway, in front of the Duane Reede. I was probably 3-4heads behind the barricade. It started to get packed fast after that. Straight sardine can status. Some of my observations:

- people were ODing with the toilet paper, so much so that there were people selling and buying toilet paper
- cyclist riding by got it the worse

- open car windows, bus doors, and people getting out of buses received high fives and toilet paper rolls to the face
- cops were real chill
- chants varied from Let's Go Yankees, **** Boston, %!** Philly, MVP [when Matsui was shown on the big screen and passed by], ***hole [when a Philly fanfully dressed was walking by], We Want Jeter [when the no name buses passed by], Take It Off [one of the player's family member was hot and the crowdbeasted over her, she yelled back, "I'm not drunk yet!!!"], and Who Are You?!?! [when the family buses passed
- everyone around me were trying to throw **** into the tubas and trombones of the marching bands

The players that were real into it with the fans were: Alex, Swisher, Jeter, CC, Mo, Petite.
A.J., Girardi, and Alex were swatting toilet paper rolls left and right.
All the mayors got no love, boo fest.
The float Cano was on went by mad fast for some reason

Some dude standing in front of me was taking a piss on himself, dude was drinking beer since 7am, obviously had to go but couldn't get out/ didn't wantto lose his spot. He was standing in his own piss

One dude was dressed as Waldo, and there would be random Waldo chants as he tried to climb random things

After the last float passed, everyone seemed to bum rush the street and make a mosh pit. They were going crazy, throwing shredded paper everywhere, trying to**** up one of those crane cams.
Thanks for the pics, man what I would have given to have been there. That looked awesome. So glad we can finally enjoy 27 for a few months!
What a day! I wound up going last minute, wish I would have known in advance, I would have met up with all of you guys.

I got home from the parade a few hours ago. Here's my story, worth the read.

I went with two of my friends (last minute decision last night to even go). I got to Rector St. at around 9. Walk towards Broadway, not sure where to go fromthere. We hear some cheers, walk towards them, and from there we watch all of the players come off their buses!

When that was done, we really had no idea where to go, and so we were aimlessly walking towards Ground Zero, hoping to get through one of the barricades to getto the other side where the parade and floats run through. No luck. No luck until we skeemed our way through by walking through Century 21 and using the sideentrance. The cops didn't catch on until after the fact.

From there, we watched the whole parade from Broadway and Fulton/Dey St. Awesome view of everyone. A really great time, I'll never forget it.

I took a bunch of pictures, some came out good, but it was hard to take pictures with my cheering and others in front of me taking pictures as well. Here isthe best one I took though.


His float stayed in front of my section for about 2 minutes. He was getting really pumped up.

- Also by my section, Texeira was BOWING to us fans.
- The "Who are you!?" chants for the tour buses and other rides
- Swisher was looking dapper with his peacoat-fawx hauk combo. He was really into it with the crowd, so was Sabathia.
- (At least when he passed my section) A-Rod didn't show much emotion.

Check out this hat

Gotta' love it
i got about 200 pics ... whas a easy place to upload em on the web so i can put em up so i can post em
Got way too many pics to sift through right now.

Great experience. The "Who Are You" chants were hilarious.

I was on Vesey and Broadway. I was like 30-40 heads behind the front but it was still a decent view.

CC Sabathia became our section's "Where's Waldo" -- We thought we saw him on one of the earlier floats so any big black guy on afloat was assumed to be CC afterwards,

The excuses people came up with to get through the crowds,

Pardon me, I just *(#) myself!"
My water broke!
I have swine flu!
Yo briannnnnn, you were on vesey and broadway?! So was I . I was the one that was throwing all the toilet paper and trying to sell them.
There were so many people that I just could not move at all...at one point I couldn't even put my arms down
I woke up at the usual time I do to go to work...just kept taking the E to World Trade Center. I got there at around 9am
Some of my pics:




Spike Lee was in attendance.


Matsui, Hinske, Mitre, and Nady.


Cervelli and A-Rod


A.J. Burnett and David Robertson have hot wives.


CC and Tex


Chad Gaudin's significant other =






Big confetti/shredded paper party in front of the Woolworth Building. Cops eventually had to come break it up because it got too crazy. At least one personwas taken away by police.


Yo Briannnnnnn!!!

You were right in back of me. I was about 20-30 people in front of you to the left. I was in front of the Staples.
Did you stick around for the confetti party in front of the Woolworth Building?

Uploading vids right now, though they won't be up for another hour (I'm uploading like 8 vids at once here looll) but place was CRAZY.
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