*** Official 2010 WWE Royal Rumble Thread - 8pm et Jan 31 PPV (pg 13) ***

Crowd is chanting for Orton to give Cody an RKO.

Orton just popped Cody and the crowd is way behind Orton.

Ted came in and broke things up.

Ted tried to help Cody, but Orton knocked Ted out too.

Orton screamed at both and stomped them in the corner.

Sheamus is back in the ring. Orton turned around and Sheamus hit the running kick.

So it looks like Legacy and Orton are done.

Remember a few months back when Orton RKO's Dusty Rhodes and the crowd was WAY behind Cody? Yeah, not anymore. Crowd loved Orton tonight. I have a feeling Rhodes and Dibiase are going to have a hard time getting over.
Legacy is officially done!
Yeah I think Randy gets in the Rumble but gets eliminated. It would be real
if he won it for a 2nd year in a row though.

And I'm glad they had heel vs. heel with Sheamus since Orton was gonna get a babyface reaction...it only makes people there "hate" Sheamus more.
I'm actually looking forward to this Women's title match; it's easily the best feud on any of the brands right now.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

I'm actually looking forward to this Women's title match; it's easily the best feud on any of the brands right now.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

I'm actually looking forward to this Women's title match; it's easily the best feud on any of the brands right now.

What makes that such a stretch? The men are lucky if they have a month to build a feud. This women's feud has been brewing for the last several months.
Mickie squashed (no pun intended) Michelle McCool in about about 10 seconds with an implant DDT. Thank God.
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