*** Official 2010 WWE Royal Rumble Thread - 8pm et Jan 31 PPV (pg 13) ***

Wait a minute...if that spoiler from earlier is true...then

Spoiler [+]
Edge vs. Sheamus at WM26
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Since John Cena joined the WWE, all of his WM matches involved in a title match. I don't see that stopping this year.

That better stop

Hopefully its him and Batista.
Edge coming back and winning.
Once he came in there was no way he wasn't going to win. You dont bring back a superstar in the Rumble without having him win (IE: Cena)
- You know what I'd love to see at the Royal Rumble...2 men in the ring: HHH and HBK..they fight each other..countdown for 29 starts..Chris Jericho's music hits..both DX members are near the ropes fighting..Jericho eliminates HHH and HBK as they are fighting each other (now he can brag he singlehandedly destroyed DX)..countdown for 30 starts..random face jobber's music hits and random face jobber hits stage..Jericho laughs..cue Metallingus..Edge spears said jobber, enters ring and fights Jericho...doesn't really matter who wins cuz the loser will win the title at No Mercy or whatever it's called now and we would have a month of awesome promos leading to Jericho/Edge for the title at Wrestlemania......but that's all a dream...
Damn I should be a writer.....*proceeds to Barry Horowitz Pat on Back*

But I am glad the E finally got something right.
Appreciate it airUphere.

Wwe has a history of not following the majority in terms of storylines scripts and favorites. I had a feeling that edge was just about ready to come back. Not a better time than the rumble.

And there was no leak no Internet speculation that edge was coming back or the favorite to win the rumble.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

HHH's favoring his quad.  Please God let it be a real injury.
I laughed so hard at this.

I'm real satisfied with how this Rumble PPV turned out. Christian vs. Zeke and MVP vs. Miz were both good matches ...Sheamus vs. Orton was a bit slow but I liked how Orton got a babyface reaction the whole way through...Women's match was kept real short and good thing they let Mickie win the strap after that pathetic angle...Taker vs. Mysterio was the match of the night...and
@ the first 10-15 minutes of the Rumble with the entertainment and my dude Punk. HGH NOT winning...

Edge comes back and wins his first...the 'E swerves again.

...TNA got a loooooooooong way to go before they catch up. 

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by FilthyMcnasty

I how they managed to keep the Edge news from leaking Ill never know
There was talk months ago about Edge's health status, and that he wasvery probable for the Rumble due to his fast healing...not surprisingto me.
Yeah there was definitely talk but an Achilles heel injury is no joke, especially for someone who's as injury prone as Edge. It was questionable if he'd even be able to make it for Wrestlemania but I guess the final reports were true that he was doing much better over the last few weeks.

I think Cena vs. Batista at WM still gets done...but after that I have NO idea what they're going to do. I don't even know if they're planning on having Edge vs. Jericho anymore...maybe they have that at the Elimination Chamber PPV. A lot of things are up in the air as of now...we should get a better idea of what'll happen during tomorrow's RAW though.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Appreciate it airUphere.

Wwe has a history of not following the majority in terms of storylines scripts and favorites. I had a feeling that edge was just about ready to come back. Not a better time than the rumble.

And there was no leak no Internet speculation that edge was coming back or the favorite to win the rumble.
yeah there was... there was a ton of it... a lot from WWE themselves, saying he was recovering way ahead of schedule...

lots of directions the E can go in now.does Edgo go face and go after Sheamus then Jericho can do the whole challenge him for the title spot line... this depends if Edge is one on one match ready.
Edge can go heel and no way out they get the belt off taker unless they want taker/edge at WM again.
They planted seeds for batista/cena and furthered HGH/HBK
They need to do the legacy split right if not everyone will cheer orton and boo cody and ted.
This was basically the WWE's way of saying F the Smarks!

Anyways, Wrestlemania should be immense.

Heres what I'm seeing:

HBK vs. Taker
Cena vs. Batista
Edge vs. Jericho
HHH vs. Sheamus
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. Dibiase
Punk vs. Rey
Bret vs. Vince

  If something like this goes down.
sounds like a good show. Quick predictions for WM- hhh/hbk, punk/619(hair/mask), edge/y2j(title), taker/tista, cena & rko/legacy(yea i said it), sheamus/kofi(title), morrison/miz/swagger/macintyre, christian/yoshi/shelton(mitb)

True but nobody knew an exact timeframe on when edge would come back.

Everyone was caught up with the possibility of HBK winning the rumble. Which only made edges return more surprising
Originally Posted by DangerousG

This was basically the WWE's way of saying F the Smarks!

Anyways, Wrestlemania should be immense.

Heres what I'm seeing:

HBK vs. Taker
Cena vs. Batista
Edge vs. Jericho
HHH vs. Sheamus
Orton vs. Rhodes vs. Dibiase
Punk vs. Rey
Bret vs. Vince

  If something like this goes down.
I like that but HHH vs. Sheamus will be disappointing. Unless Sheamus wins.
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

I think HHH is hurt, like 4w was saying, he was heavily favoring his quad.
If true, he couldn't have picked a better time.

Him getting eliminated before the final four was definitely surprising though...maybe it is the quad...
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