OFFICIAL 2011 DODGERS SEASON THREAD [ 79-77 ] : MLB asks for sale of Dodgers

Loney keeps tearing it up
a few hours ago. you should do the same. Troll the hell out of those idiots for even having such a survey.
Happy belated fb23!

Damn so yeah things are moving fast, im now engaged with my gf of almost 6 years.

Also just found out last week that im gonna be a daddy
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Happy belated fb23!

Damn so yeah things are moving fast, im now engaged with my gf of almost 6 years.

Also just found out last week that im gonna be a daddy

Thanks bro.  And Congrats to you.  
Not sure if anyone else got the email but, 25% off one item @
I would pick up that shirt on the last page, but XL ain't fitting my fat %$%....

Ellis with his first career home run. I swore this guy has been around forever. turns out he's only played in 73 games in the bigs...

Congrats BN!

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

BN is gonna have a baby on board sticker next to his Famous sticker on his lifted 4 runner, Bro

Itll look so much better next to my SOCAL decal
Thx guys, trying to buy my first house his grown up thang is a trip lol
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

Congrats BN

What you guys think are the chances Kemp gets MVP and Kershaw gets Cy Young

Unfortunately, the first thing MVP voters see are team win/loss records.    Kershaw on the other hand, has a legit chance. 
Russ with 2 jacks, including 1 Grand Salami.

, how Colletti decided to give Barajas $3 million instead of giving Russ $4 million will always baffle me.

Spoiler [+]
Yes, I'm aware Russ' power numbers would've dipped at Dodger Stadium.  Still better than having Barajas/Navarro behind the dish
Saw him hit that GS and just laughed, would've been a flyout, as would most if not all of the HRs he's got. Good for him, don't miss him.

Vin being back is awesome, hopefully, although a longshot i.e. nearly impossible, we'll have a new owner early on next season and bring back some sort of excitement for him to call on the field.
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