Fair enough.

My bad.

In your defense, that's the first time I've seen a post from you like that. But in my defense, your reply was one of MANY I've seen from people regarding this single play, so I just quoted you and ranted.

Again, my bad.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Kind of unfair for you to act like the rest of us are crazy and then just say you're over the whole thing.
Going pages and pages, though? I've replied 7 times on the play, and I feel like that's about 4-5 too many; y'all are going pages and pages and pages... and feel ike you still need to keep going.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.

I have fewer than 7 posts on this, so I'm definitely not going pages and pages on it. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Kind of unfair for you to act like the rest of us are crazy and then just say you're over the whole thing.
Going pages and pages, though? I've replied 7 times on the play, and I feel like that's about 4-5 too many; y'all are going pages and pages and pages... and feel ike you still need to keep going.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.

I have fewer than 7 posts on this, so I'm definitely not going pages and pages on it. 
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Fair enough.

My bad.

In your defense, that's the first time I've seen a post from you like that, but one of MANY I've seen from people regarding this single play, so I just quoted you and ranted.

Again, my bad.
Alright.  No problem.  
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Fair enough.

My bad.

In your defense, that's the first time I've seen a post from you like that, but one of MANY I've seen from people regarding this single play, so I just quoted you and ranted.

Again, my bad.
Alright.  No problem.  
all y'all shut the hell up the weekend is over ...
  back to the regular season
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

^ Yo you work for Lebron? You spent 2 days in this thread defending him

 Explain to me how I'm defending him though? 
You spend 2 days reading my posts? 

How are you not defending him?

No...I didn't even spend a few minutes reading your posts, you got about 10 on each page.

Let it go already 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

^ Yo you work for Lebron? You spent 2 days in this thread defending him

 Explain to me how I'm defending him though? 
You spend 2 days reading my posts? 

How are you not defending him?

No...I didn't even spend a few minutes reading your posts, you got about 10 on each page.

Let it go already 
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Wade checking to see if Bosh's manhood was still there after the Kobe dunk


man wat the got damn #%%+ is happening here?  I always thought Bosh was wild suspect, but now it appears Wade is the mastermind.  why are they even that close to begin with, they aint checking each other.  back in the day, Tmac did say there was alot of gay dudes in the L..
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Wade checking to see if Bosh's manhood was still there after the Kobe dunk


man wat the got damn #%%+ is happening here?  I always thought Bosh was wild suspect, but now it appears Wade is the mastermind.  why are they even that close to begin with, they aint checking each other.  back in the day, Tmac did say there was alot of gay dudes in the L..
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Jesus, it really is time to start cleaning house in this forum.

Where the hell did the people go that actually know how to freaking debate their point without resorting to belittling?

By the way, common knowledge here: if your argument includes belittling the other person, you're only proving that you really don't have much support for whatever the hell you're trying to say. Because... if you had good supporting evidence and valid points, you'd... use them.

Using 'belittling' when making your point suggests that either your point is weak, or that you are.


Please do.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Jesus, it really is time to start cleaning house in this forum.

Where the hell did the people go that actually know how to freaking debate their point without resorting to belittling?

By the way, common knowledge here: if your argument includes belittling the other person, you're only proving that you really don't have much support for whatever the hell you're trying to say. Because... if you had good supporting evidence and valid points, you'd... use them.

Using 'belittling' when making your point suggests that either your point is weak, or that you are.


Please do.
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

^ Yo you work for Lebron? You spent 2 days in this thread defending him

 Explain to me how I'm defending him though? 
You spend 2 days reading my posts? 

How are you not defending him?

No...I didn't even spend a few minutes reading your posts, you got about 10 on each page.

Let it go already 
I have since I haven't commented on this thread since yesterday...Why did you feel the need to bump this?
This thread should get locked and let's just move on with the season
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

^ Yo you work for Lebron? You spent 2 days in this thread defending him

 Explain to me how I'm defending him though? 
You spend 2 days reading my posts? 

How are you not defending him?

No...I didn't even spend a few minutes reading your posts, you got about 10 on each page.

Let it go already 
I have since I haven't commented on this thread since yesterday...Why did you feel the need to bump this?
This thread should get locked and let's just move on with the season
I didn't bump the thread up, it was already on the front page before I even commented or else I wouldn't have even noticed.
I didn't bump the thread up, it was already on the front page before I even commented or else I wouldn't have even noticed.
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