Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

heat got the free throws they are entitled to. Mavs out of rythem. the recipe for success
good half lets go heat

Time to run these clowns out the gym 2nd half, these dudes don't even deserve to be on the same court as us.

Time to run these clowns out the gym 2nd half, these dudes don't even deserve to be on the same court as us.
"we stopped worrying about what we weren't getting"

wade. you are a punk. at least he knows why he's so great. Dwhistle
salty dallas fans acting like heat stans. JapanAir where's your class???? you're as low as the cornball new age stans
"we stopped worrying about what we weren't getting"

wade. you are a punk. at least he knows why he's so great. Dwhistle
Horrible way to end the quarter for the Mavs. LeBron out with foul trouble, lots of missed FT's, a solid rebounding half and instead of having a double digit lead, now it's a tie game.
salty dallas fans acting like heat stans. JapanAir where's your class???? you're as low as the cornball new age stans
Horrible way to end the quarter for the Mavs. LeBron out with foul trouble, lots of missed FT's, a solid rebounding half and instead of having a double digit lead, now it's a tie game.
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