Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Terry is just buns...wasn't expecting him to do much in this series anyway. He is what he is - a good 6th man being asked to be a Robin. Our only chance was Dirk continuing his legendary playoff run but so far, he's been buns too

That's why I've been killing this team's front office for riding it out with Jason Terry as their #2 scorer for years. Just to look at how bad it is for Dallas...he would have been the 4th scoring option on the past Lakers, Spurs, and Celtics championship teams.
LOL get these bums outta here, party on Biscayne next week, I'll be the guy in the Laker jersey out there.
LOL get these bums outta here, party on Biscayne next week, I'll be the guy in the Laker jersey out there.
Just awful from the Mavs
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