Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Lebron is Nothin' without the refs and leagues help. No wonder he stays getting dunked on in pickup games.

Now Bibby is FINALLY hitting shots and he's a savior.. Gotta love being 5th or 6th option.

but lebron is better than MJ 

how you can watch a game like this and believe that 

Kidd is trash sorry to say it. playing like doodoo

game is done
 what are yall talking about??
Blocking foul from ref 25 feet away OUT of position.... Nice.. and with that, I have tried to watch an entire nba game.. not happening tonight.
Blocking foul from ref 25 feet away OUT of position.... Nice.. and with that, I have tried to watch an entire nba game.. not happening tonight.
I'm SO glad the commentators addressed the heat getting preferential treatment, after that tech on carlisle.
Little momentum shifts/ stops like that a critical in a game.
I'm SO glad the commentators addressed the heat getting preferential treatment, after that tech on carlisle.
Little momentum shifts/ stops like that a critical in a game.
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