Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

To think if the Heat FTs were going in. 16+ point lead
dirk went at the ref hard. then they quickly changed the shot. sneaky ABC

I hop Cuban goes on a rampage after the finals. always fun to see him go bonkers
dirk went at the ref hard. then they quickly changed the shot. sneaky ABC

I hop Cuban goes on a rampage after the finals. always fun to see him go bonkers
It'll be interesting to see the LBJ stans reaction when Wade gets Finals MVP again...
It'll be interesting to see the LBJ stans reaction when Wade gets Finals MVP again...
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

It'll be interesting to see the LBJ stans reaction when Wade gets Finals MVP again...
Not really they'll just compare it to Kobe not winning it in his first 3
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