Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

People really need to understand that LeBron is the "fill in the holes" guy for this team. They don't have a proper PG, so he does that with his play making, dishing out assists setting up shots for his team mates. They need clutch defense, so he does that. Last night in the 4th, nobody he defended was able to score. Wade had the hot hand and was being guarded by a 38 year old PG. That was not a hole that needed to be filled.

Stop expecting LeBron to be an MJ type player on this team. That's not the role he needs to play for this team to be successful. Him and Wade are both doing exactly what needs to be done to win.
Terry is in such denial. If he keeps defending you this way there won't be 7 games.

I really hope Dirk demands a trade if they lose.
Terry is in such denial. If he keeps defending you this way there won't be 7 games.

I really hope Dirk demands a trade if they lose.
I'm a Mavs fan that doesnt try to sugar coat the realities of this team and franchise.
So far this series looks more like the Miami Globetrotters vs the Dallas Generals.
We seem scared of the Heat and have to force ourselves to challenge them.
We are still a little too soft around the edges, and the Heat know it.
Dunk after dunk after dunk, and not one HARD foul to send a message yet.

JJ Barea and Jason Terry doin' all these interviews and aint produced jack s--t in the fourth when it matters most.
All of a sudden JJ cant finish at the rim, and cant run the pick & roll the way its supposed to.
How u gone kick the ball to Marion in the corner for an end of quarter 3ptr, when Dirk at the top of the key wide open.
Jason Terry look scared as a mutha when LeBron run at him. LBJ is in mid-air.
A pump fake dribble and shoot, would free Terry up for an easy 18ftr, but he panics and jacks a brick.
Not to mention the run out 17ft jumper he loves to brick, and shoots it like its money in the bank. I consider that an unforced turnover.

Dirk is ballin out of control, but its going to take an OKC game 1 performance to beat the Heat.
He has to go for 40plus every nite. This aint the time to be waitin on Jet to take off. Dirk has to get it done, and thats the bottom line.
Its the NBA Finals, and Batman aint got time to wait on Robin to find his cape and his tights.
I'm a Mavs fan that doesnt try to sugar coat the realities of this team and franchise.
So far this series looks more like the Miami Globetrotters vs the Dallas Generals.
We seem scared of the Heat and have to force ourselves to challenge them.
We are still a little too soft around the edges, and the Heat know it.
Dunk after dunk after dunk, and not one HARD foul to send a message yet.

JJ Barea and Jason Terry doin' all these interviews and aint produced jack s--t in the fourth when it matters most.
All of a sudden JJ cant finish at the rim, and cant run the pick & roll the way its supposed to.
How u gone kick the ball to Marion in the corner for an end of quarter 3ptr, when Dirk at the top of the key wide open.
Jason Terry look scared as a mutha when LeBron run at him. LBJ is in mid-air.
A pump fake dribble and shoot, would free Terry up for an easy 18ftr, but he panics and jacks a brick.
Not to mention the run out 17ft jumper he loves to brick, and shoots it like its money in the bank. I consider that an unforced turnover.

Dirk is ballin out of control, but its going to take an OKC game 1 performance to beat the Heat.
He has to go for 40plus every nite. This aint the time to be waitin on Jet to take off. Dirk has to get it done, and thats the bottom line.
Its the NBA Finals, and Batman aint got time to wait on Robin to find his cape and his tights.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Terry is in such denial. If he keeps defending you this way there won't be 7 games.

I really hope Dirk demands a trade if they lose.
Lol @ Terry. Bro, the king held you to 0% shooting in the 4th last night. I repeat, ZERO FREAKING PERCENT!!!
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Terry is in such denial. If he keeps defending you this way there won't be 7 games.

I really hope Dirk demands a trade if they lose.
Lol @ Terry. Bro, the king held you to 0% shooting in the 4th last night. I repeat, ZERO FREAKING PERCENT!!!
Jet is all talk. Dude stays running his mouth and fails to back it up ever.
Jet is all talk. Dude stays running his mouth and fails to back it up ever.
If I was the Mavs I wouldnt give the heat any more motivation, the heat are clearly the better team, I feel like they get a little unfocused at times playing the Mavs so if Terry keeps running his mouth its going to get ugly fast. Lebron and Wade can go to the hole anytime they want, Terry is about to make them attack the hole for 48 minutes.........................
If I was the Mavs I wouldnt give the heat any more motivation, the heat are clearly the better team, I feel like they get a little unfocused at times playing the Mavs so if Terry keeps running his mouth its going to get ugly fast. Lebron and Wade can go to the hole anytime they want, Terry is about to make them attack the hole for 48 minutes.........................
Predicting who's gonna win is ok
But don't brag about it
Regardless I think the heat are the better overall team
Damn novitski can ball though I hope he gets a ring not this year though
Predicting who's gonna win is ok
But don't brag about it
Regardless I think the heat are the better overall team
Damn novitski can ball though I hope he gets a ring not this year though
So the nba really isnt going to come out an say, "oops we !*%$#+ that up for the mavs."

when the refs messed in game 1 of Den/OKC, the nba immediately said we blew that call. no word yet?
So the nba really isnt going to come out an say, "oops we !*%$#+ that up for the mavs."

when the refs messed in game 1 of Den/OKC, the nba immediately said we blew that call. no word yet?
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