Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Carlisle with his patented "time to throw the game way" lineup

u cant save players for the 4th when the game is gonna be a wrap in the third
Come on BRON!! Stop missing those FT!!!.... OMG!!!! ALLEY OOP SMASHER!!! BRON BRON to D.WADE!!!! OH YEAH!!!
Why would u take such a desperate shot Kidd ...
Game is is still under control slow it down and swing it
Damb, when LeBron has a bad shooting night. He has a BAD shooting night.
Damb, when LeBron has a bad shooting night. He has a BAD shooting night.
So u make $20mil and can't find something to knock out a fever? That fever must be contagious cause all the Mavs standing around like zombies.Matrix u ain't gone even look at Wade?
That was an easy call. Cardinal was leaning right because Bron would have side stepped him. Sheesh. All this hateration, holleration, in this dancery
That was an easy call. Cardinal was leaning right because Bron would have side stepped him. Sheesh. All this hateration, holleration, in this dancery
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