Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

LeBron finally drove to the basket.

It's infuriating and I'm not even a Heat fan.

He had a good game stats wise but he was a no-show in the 4th, again.

Dallas finally had their great 3pt shooting game, and that was crucial.
Lebron, where did all that passing get you? 
dumb %%! n' doesnt know when to stop passing and take over the game. there are times when its acceptable to be a ballhog and the 4th quarter of this game was one of them. 
Lebron, where did all that passing get you? 
dumb %%! n' doesnt know when to stop passing and take over the game. there are times when its acceptable to be a ballhog and the 4th quarter of this game was one of them. 
LeBron finally drove to the basket.

It's infuriating and I'm not even a Heat fan.

He had a good game stats wise but he was a no-show in the 4th, again.

Dallas finally had their great 3pt shooting game, and that was crucial.
Man I swear the Mavs fans been crying wolf all night and then the Zebra fades in the Mavs favor when its Tyson Chandler vs LEBRON (The GOLDEN CHILD mind you) and all the sudden the refs are not on the mind.

HUGE call goes against the #1 selling jersey in the game, and I bet yall will be back on the refs as soon as the next game starts.
Too ridiculous man.
One final point for the night:

Miami hasn't been in an elimination situation this year, esp not in the Finals.

How do they respond to this.
One final point for the night:

Miami hasn't been in an elimination situation this year, esp not in the Finals.

How do they respond to this.
Man I swear the Mavs fans been crying wolf all night and then the Zebra fades in the Mavs favor when its Tyson Chandler vs LEBRON (The GOLDEN CHILD mind you) and all the sudden the refs are not on the mind.

HUGE call goes against the #1 selling jersey in the game, and I bet yall will be back on the refs as soon as the next game starts.
Too ridiculous man.
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