Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Lebron scored in the 4th.

They pulled out the 3s on us.

All I can say is game 7.

That homecourt advantage tho
Originally Posted by trunks206

this guy JET.
when he looked at the camera I losted it.

Son losted it though
Some chick below me just yelled out her window: GO Mavs!Heat can suck a ****!
This series is over.Miami simply can't close and once again lebron lost this game with some stupid shots down the stretch.Dallas can be down 20 in the fourth and still win the game.
I'm here trolls, what ya got to say.

Mavs won this game, I'll give them credit.

We played no defense til late, also Bron HAS to attack the rim. He got a triple dub, but he needs to attack, ESPECIALLY when Kidd is on him. I can't wait for Sunday, hopefully Bron goes off next game in the 4th, and stop being passive.
Originally Posted by trunks206

this guy JET.
when he looked at the camera I losted it.

Son losted it though
Some chick below me just yelled out her window: GO Mavs!Heat can suck a ****!
I'm here trolls, what ya got to say.

Mavs won this game, I'll give them credit.

We played no defense til late, also Bron HAS to attack the rim. He got a triple dub, but he needs to attack, ESPECIALLY when Kidd is on him. I can't wait for Sunday, hopefully Bron goes off next game in the 4th, and stop being passive.
This series is over.Miami simply can't close and once again lebron lost this game with some stupid shots down the stretch.Dallas can be down 20 in the fourth and still win the game.
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