Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

The clincher about what LeBron said in the post game conference is that they just lost the NBA championship.  On their home court.  And he disappeared yet again.   

Something about being smug after getting your %$% handed to you and playing like !*@% on the biggest stage in the world just rubs me the wrong way.  Call me crazy.  
I agree- no matter what LeBron does, he'll get scrutinized for it, if the Heat had won, he still would have been hated on (oh, it was Wade's team...or oh, they got it easy playing the Mavs and not the Lakers...)
He has every right to say what he said; easily the most scrutinized athlete in sports in recent memory, especially for someone who didn't commit a crime. The amount of hate he gets is unjustified; he's a douche, but it's still uncalled for. The amount of "haters" Kobe has pales in comparison to the amount Bron has...
Something is definetly off with lebron in his head.I lose more respect for him each time he opens his mouth.I really can't see anyone being a fan of someone like him.
Something is definetly off with lebron in his head.I lose more respect for him each time he opens his mouth.I really can't see anyone being a fan of someone like him.
I got respect for Bosh after seeing him cry.

Bron may be a douche but he still wants to be liked. He ain't built for the villain role like Wade is
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I try not to care about players off the court unless I know of what they do personally, because I know the media will spin it in whatever direction they want for guys they do or dont like
I like the dude as a basketball player.
he does make it hard to like him, like its hard work to actually sit and be like I hope Bron cooks these dudes tonite

that @*!! he said tonite was absolutely ridiculous... seriously i had to just laugh when he said it cus who goes that route in a press conference after you lose the finals? WHO??? who but Lebron LMAO

that was just crazy to me
That's why I appreciated it. Do you honestly think no other "superstar" in any sport who's been crucified by the media doesn't want to say that? And it's hard to compare to Lebron cause most players just have regular criticism (They're soft, not a winner, no ethic, all about themselves) he gets that plus rumors about his mom/girlfriend having sex with teammates/ other basketball players, plus a written letter from his former boss ripping him, a city burning his jerseys, ripping signs down.

Of course we expect players to be superhuman and be humble like a Dirk or a Kobe and it makes them look like great people. But at the end of the day some aren't built like that and Lebron isn't one of em. It isn't about defending his comments because I'm one of the people he's talking about. I'm going to my 9-5 barely surviving on my paychecks with my own problems. It's more about why should he care about someone's feelings who is rooting for his downfall? (Which was the original question)
To me, Lebron showed his true colors in that post game conference. He obviously plays for the money and the accolades and not for a chip. How could he even %$% on the fans who watch the game like that? Even if they root against him and talk smack, it's sports, its part of the game.

Dude couldnt even shoot over Barea or post him w/o getting call for a push off in the elimination game of the series. And there was a stretch early in the game when Terry was on the floor and he didnt score. He couldnt even shoot over Terry.

Dude just made himself the biggest villain the NBA's ever seen. At least you can say AI and Kobe went all out for a win.
Glad to see the Mavs win the title. If you beat the Lakers like they did they deserve the championship. Just hope LA can take it back next year
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by JJA89

You don't have a team though. Just a LeChoke D Rider

Beeen riding with the Heat.
Don't think because this is my first time these couple of months of the playoffs I appear on the scene and yall look confused 

If yall personally don't know me, I'm not surprised. 

When LeBron get bashed, I expected to get bashed right with him.

Wherever he took his talents, I took my talents

It's simple.

thats not having a team though.
When LEBRON is on the Cavs...

When LEBRON took his talents to south beach...


I don't care how you people define "being a fan" 

You people have to LIVE with that when you see me type.
How would they "gut" the roster...No one wants anyone on that team outside of Bron or Wade...they stuck with this roster except any old vets who want to take the minimum
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

To me, Lebron showed his true colors in that post game conference. He obviously plays for the money and the accolades and not for a chip. How could he even %$% on the fans who watch the game like that? Even if they root against him and talk smack, it's sports, its part of the game.

Dude couldnt even shoot over Barea or post him w/o getting call for a push off in the elimination game of the series. And there was a stretch early in the game when Terry was on the floor and he didnt score. He couldnt even shoot over Terry.

Dude just made himself the biggest villain the NBA's ever seen. At least you can say AI and Kobe went all out for a win.

So for the people making the "it's only their first year" excuse, what about Boston? They did it their first year together...
Did none of guys here the question he was asked? He didn't just "go there." He was lead there by the question, which was not about basketball. The reporter asked if he is bothered by the fact that so many people root for him to fail and much criticism about him is about off the court. People are going to $@%$% no matter what he said anyways, so props for answering in what appeared to be an honest way. If the public and media were nice to him and he was just a %!%$**@%* to them, that'd be one thing, but what goes around can come around IMO and even still the public/media/www is still WAY ahead in the amount of venom they have thrown at him for things that have nothing to do with basketball.

Ric Buecher even tweeted about how after Wade and LeBron left, half of the room left even though Jet and Kidd were next.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

To me, Lebron showed his true colors in that post game conference. He obviously plays for the money and the accolades and not for a chip. How could he even %$% on the fans who watch the game like that? Even if they root against him and talk smack, it's sports, its part of the game.

Dude couldnt even shoot over Barea or post him w/o getting call for a push off in the elimination game of the series. And there was a stretch early in the game when Terry was on the floor and he didnt score. He couldnt even shoot over Terry.

Dude just made himself the biggest villain the NBA's ever seen. At least you can say AI and Kobe went all out for a win.

Of course, he didn't take less money to play for the Heat to try to put himself in a position to win titles....

I think Miami could try to trade Bosh and get more depth. As much criticism he gets for how soft he is, he's still a very good big man, lots of teams would love to have him, and his trade price is lower now compared to previous years when he was on the Raptors...
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

you think Miami guts their roster and makes major trades?

Miami roster is not in stone, they still need a huge 1 and 5.
Big 3 is staying, The Warden, Miller, and Chalmers.

The rest I dunno about, but Pat Riley can bring good people to the table.

I know The Heat and the Knicks are after Dalembert.
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