Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

im sorry but NO ATHLETE knows about this Lebron James hate
this hate is the strongest hate any athlete has ever faced
he trends on twitter everytime he does something WRONG and makes a mistake
dont compare any athlete to him cause it just dont measure up

word. I'm not even a Lebron fan like that, and this hate has gone way out of control. the hate has gone away from the game of basketball, and now his personal and private life along with his family are targeted with the insults.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by LDJ

cornzilla wrote:
Who handles his PR? They should be fired. Don't they know they he will be asked these types of questions and that he should be taught how to respond to them. This was just a horrible way to answer that question, no class at all. If I were him I would have said something along the lines of "They can be happy for however long, but believe I will be in the gym working on improving my game and they will see me again next year in the playoffs."

Or something like that, I mean show some class and poise. Just because they are taking shots at you doesn't mean you should fire back.

But why tho? What difference would have made? He couldve got his post comments written by the pr congressional who right for obama and it wouldnt have made a damn. Ppl just gonna hate him no matter what. So i guess yall saying if he gave this perfect speech the 10+ or so directly/indirectly threads related to hating him would have stopped? The massive amount of twits on twitter about him would cease? Clevland would have had a good job parade for him?

The funny thing is he is getting more general public etc... hate then Vick did? And he killed dogs... And we all know how much a certain large marjority of a certain demographic of ppl loves them some animals.

It is mind-boggling that he gets more hate/backlash then Kobe/Tyson during their rape case stages. Big Ben thru his rape incidents. Farve who well pretty much did what lebron did, Ray Lewis and his whole stab kill situation. Jordan and the whole fix games/point shaving/gambling getting caught up in strip club stage. Kidds wife beater moment, Barry Bonds etc...

If i wasnt hip to the nba id think dude did some crazy #%+ like molest lil kids, ate babies, kept 3rd world children locked in the basement and used them as indentured slaves or something.
While there were allegations against Kobe, Ray Lewis and Jordan, I'm not 100% sure they actually committed those acts, they were just accused, I could be wrong though. Now Vick was arressted and jailed for his treatment of animals, and people still hate him. The thing with Vick and why people seem to look down at LeBron more than Vick today is, we know what Vick did, he admitted his guilt and he is trying to better himself as a person/athlete. Was it wrong of him to do that? Yes. Should he be in the NFL? It's very debatable, but at the end of the day, we hate him for what he did off the field, not what he did on the field. We all know some athletes are going to lead double lives, many of them bad double lives and they most likely shouldn't be represented in professional sports where children look up to them.

LeBron hasn't done anything off the court to make people hate him. It's the way his carries himself in the sports world that people hate him. Vick is loved as an athlete, not as a person. LeBron is hated as athlete and a person because of his treatment of his old team, city, fans and current fans that want to see him fail for taking an easy way out.

Now you mention Farve doing the same thing, going to a team to win. Many people hated him for that, but he never once spit in the fans face and that is what LeBron did last night. It was classless. Many people didn't care he made The Decision, but many did. I think those who didn't care about the Decision, now care that he spit in faces of millions of fans.

Nah brett just toyed with them and kept saying he may/may not come back all summer, held the sports world in the palm of his hands. Had tv do 24/7 around the clock footage of his life etc... Then he breaks up a big time sporting event covered just to still say oh ive decided that..... oh wait im not sure. Then had a major conference just to finally say he was leaving.

Not only that just like lbj, he was green bay. Even now when you think of packers you think farve. And he pretty much left cause he wanted to go to a franchise he believe could win. Only difference is he had a good football team/org. Matter fact he had the best one in professional sports and lbj had the worst. He did talk arrogant and say he was winning the superbowl.

So bascially outside of the words lbj said after they lost last night, farve did the EXACT same thing only it was televised more, and he left a winning franchise with a chance at a bowl, and he was the staple of a team for decades.

As far as with the other players before their incidents, where brushed off, paid off, or diverted by doing other things. The still wasnt getting this type of treatment. And even before vick made his apologies, when he showed no remorse, he still didnt get this amount of heat (no pun) lol
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

welcome2jungle wrote:
im sorry but NO ATHLETE knows about this Lebron James hate
this hate is the strongest hate any athlete has ever faced
he trends on twitter everytime he does something WRONG and makes a mistake
dont compare any athlete to him cause it just dont measure up

word. I'm not even a Lebron fan like that, and this hate has gone way out of control. the hate has gone away from the game of basketball, and now his personal and private life along with his family are targeted with the insults.

Other then Jackie Robinson and other Negro League players going into the Majors, LeBron James is getting a unbelievable amount of hate for someone who hasn't been charged with a crime or convicted of anything. From talks about his mom having sex with former players, talks of his children's mother and long time girlfriend involved with other NBA players its sickening. Its taking away from the sport and going towards a path of blantant disrespect. He's being provoked on all levels to the point were I'm surprised he hasn't lashed out and did anything crazy/regretful yet.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by manny1

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

I thought it was next week.

it says its the week of the 20th and that they announce a firm day this week. also Mark Cuban said that he will pay for the funds for the parade.

Yeah, I guess I was wrong. Someone told me Thursday...
Actually, Im still hearing Thursday morning for the parade.
Listening to those post game comments again just confirms how much this guy just doesn't get it.

He really shot himself in the foot with those comments, if there were some people who were on the fence about this guy....he literally just helped them get over to the other side.
His hairline, my respect, his potential legacy as the GOAT, and the NBA Finals. what do all of these have in common? All of the things Lebron James has lost.

Congrats Mavs, you DESERVED this title. Dirk and Terry are the TRUE clutches and can teach the Big 3 how to be. Im sure the rest of the Bulls fans/ Laker fans/ rest of the fanbase of the NBA can agree
It's easy to say 'Bron should just accept the villain role, but he just ain't built like that.  
I'm still amazed at how bad Wade and Bron played in the 4th.  Credit the Mavs D and the Heat's "un-clutchness".
Oh wow I just saw the clips of Bosh barking on his team in the huddle and then him collapsing

I'm a lil tight I missed all that during the game and after. There has to be gifs
Originally Posted by axel f0ley

bill walton version:

Once in France LeBron ordered a Quarter Pounder with cheese. The waiter yelled to the back "Give me 3 Royals with cheese, but hold the 4th".
LeBron "blaming" GOD for losing is in essence the same exact thing Terry did when he credited GOD for winning.
Originally Posted by JUS3

It's easy to say 'Bron should just accept the villain role, but he just ain't built like that.  
Pretty much.

He needs to just keep his mouth shut...or like ppl said just say @*+@ it and fully embrace being that villain...He's trying to play the grey area...ain't happening
Wait so if God depicts when it is your time to win a title.. And you never win one, does that mean God just doesn't like you?
Man, I don't understand what's the big deal over Lebron's quote. If somebody asked me about how I felt about people wanting me to fail, I'd say they can kiss my @#&!

But Lebron gets asked the same question after losing the biggest game of his life, and yall expect a politically correct answer about working hard and what not. I'm surprised dude didn't just go off and catch a 50K fine.
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