Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

I like Lebron and I laughed about his comments because he might as well just go ric flair on us and turn into a "bad guy" but the @%@% he said was WAY out of line. like so far out of line it was actually comical....

I dont understand how people can even co-sign that
I just find it funny that taking his talents to southbeach he would be the main reason why they didn't win.wade carried the team as far as he could and needed bron to go off tonight.its plain as day to see that lebron and wade in the same team will always lose to a team orientated style play.Dirk can proudly say he beat all three as the main guy while his robin was a 6th man off the bench,yet lechoke was not even worthy of the robin role since bosh outplayed him in the finals.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DT43

Lebron's response clearly shows that his head is not in the right place. 
Sure, people sit on their +#*@* at home and criticize players like they know them.. but that's just part of sports. At the end of the day, those people are still fans of the NBA and without them Lebron James would be nothing. Whether someone loves you or hates you as a player, you should still be appreciative of the fact that they're giving their input into the game of basketball. That's like the #1 rule of the professional sports, don't talk $%$* about the fans. Because without them most players would probably be working in a McDonalds or on a corner slinging rocks. 

And what he said is also offensive to his own fans and supporters.. they're everyday people going through struggles too, and after investing their lives and money into the Heat only to end in disappointment, their comfort is that they have to sit there and listen to their star player say he's better than other people because he's rich. 

Lebron's response just shows that he doesn't get it. He thinks he's better than other people just because he plays basketball on TV. Dude has a lot of growing up to do.  

but what he said is 100.. whether you hate it or love it he is in a better place/status then most. It kills me how esp on here we have threads in general about how im to good for mckie dees its beneath me, or this check doesnt have this or that etc... im better then them. But when a person who reached a status above you then its oh um he is wrong etc. They lost yes... But all in all in life which is outside of his job and sports 99% of the ppl hating on him etc aint shis, wont be shis and will live meaningless moot lives. Bumping and grinding slaving for the rest of their lives just to line the pockets of another man.

And ok yea you can say im mad salty etc... but ill still be able to bs tommorrow on here chill, enjoy my life with my kids etc...  and youll be getting your monkey suits on getting prepared to go get pimped yet another day at someone else job.

You can't be serious my man.  Diginity, honor, respect and things of that nature will always be ranked higher than money.  LeBron can live in his mansion and wear nikes all off-season but his actions have shown his true character.  I love being me because people respect me.  Realtalk EVERY pro athlete could say what LeBron did.  Guess what he doesn't have the respect of most his peers or the legends that came before him.  Maybe that doesnt' matter to him but all that "my life>yours" talk is a cover-up for the pain inside. 

Imma need you to get out of the life you live in a bubble. people who say believe that say that cause they dont have are $*#*@ and its whats keeps them going, gives them will to carry on. Ok quit your job and when your bills are due i want you to write your bill collectors what you said on a check. And why would you care what others thinnk feel about you.. end of the day, i promise you when you die youll be the only one in the casket. Am I saying be an a hole to ppl no... But trying to please/appease and get the respect approval of ppl wont lead you to nowhere but a monotonous life.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by Big J 33

What did Lebron say that was untrue, though?

At the end of the day, hating on Lebron does nothing to improve your life in a positive way. Spending your time criticizing another man doesn't change your own life or your problems... so what should he care if people hate him? He's lying of course when he says he doesn't pay attention to the criticism, he had that tweet where he said he was making a list of everyone who was making fun of him
so that was dumb

People hold NO punches when it comes to making fun of athletes, their families, their appearance, their career, WHATEVER... the general public is cruel as hell, so when a player gives a response where he doesn't sugar coat things and speaks his mind... I'm all for it. If people can spend their time criticizing and scrutinizing an athlete, I'm cool with them being allowed a human response.

Lebron by no means has been perfect, he's done a lot of jack ##% things so there's no defending him 100%. But when a majority of people on here crack jokes routinely about him, he's got the right to respond.
Lebron's response clearly shows that his head is not in the right place. 
Sure, people sit on their +#*@* at home and criticize players like they know them.. but that's just part of sports. At the end of the day, those people are still fans of the NBA and without them Lebron James would be nothing. Whether someone loves you or hates you as a player, you should still be appreciative of the fact that they're giving their input into the game of basketball. That's like the #1 rule of the professional sports, don't talk $%$* about the fans. Because without them most players would probably be working in a McDonalds or on a corner slinging rocks. 

And what he said is also offensive to his own fans and supporters.. they're everyday people going through struggles too, and after investing their lives and money into the Heat only to end in disappointment, their comfort is that they have to sit there and listen to their star player say he's better than other people because he's rich. 

Lebron's response just shows that he doesn't get it. He thinks he's better than other people just because he plays basketball on TV. Dude has a lot of growing up to do.  

but what he said is 100.. whether you hate it or love it he is in a better place/status then most. It kills me how esp on here we have threads in general about how im to good for mckie dees its beneath me, or this check doesnt have this or that etc... im better then them. But when a person who reached a status above you then its oh um he is wrong etc. They lost yes... But all in all in life which is outside of his job and sports 99% of the ppl hating on him etc aint shis, wont be shis and will live meaningless moot lives. Bumping and grinding slaving for the rest of their lives just to line the pockets of another man.

And ok yea you can say im mad salty etc... but ill still be able to bs tommorrow on here chill, enjoy my life with my kids etc...  and youll be getting your monkey suits on getting prepared to go get pimped yet another day at someone else job.
Fans will be fans man. You don't have control over what fans say, but you just have to accept that it's part of the game and just brush it off. The bottom line is that he was asked a valid question about his poor performance, and he couldn't handle the criticism (which is valid being that he performed poorly and let himself/his team down) so he deflected his pain by lashing out at the fans. 
He came off as a tool trying to act like he doesn't have personal problems and insecurities like the rest of us.

And by the way Lebron, not all of us have a problem when we "wake up." I'm perfectly fine with my life. At least my mother isn't a crackwhore and I know who my father is. I wouldn't give that up for any amount of money, and that's real. 
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by JJA89

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

You KNOW me A.
You knowww I aint salty 

Making it to the finals was good enough on the first try,  we are ahead of schedule 

Plus my team dismantled your team 

We'll have more fun next year.

I'm gonna bring something new to NT next year.

I did it first with the big bold words, next year imma see what I can cook up to give yall a couple laughs and make people take what I say seriously to get suspended 

You don't have a team though. Just a LeChoke D Rider

Beeen riding with the Heat.
Don't think because this is my first time these couple of months of the playoffs I appear on the scene and yall look confused 

If yall personally don't know me, I'm not surprised. 

When LeBron get bashed, I expected to get bashed right with him.

Wherever he took his talents, I took my talents

It's simple.

   Air Freshh ride or die troll.

I'm surprised Myto hasn't come out of hiding after the Heat got bounced with a #6 rant.
Regardless of whether it's true or not, the arrogance and overall demeanor he had when he said it was what I had a problem with. It's just more of the same though "King James", Chosen 1, frontrunning douche he's always been. He's a walking contradiction. No way this stuff doesn't bother him or get to him, otherwise he wouldn't have been so salty and butthurt.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I like Lebron and I laughed about his comments because he might as well just go ric flair on us and turn into a "bad guy" but the @%@% he said was WAY out of line. like so far out of line it was actually comical....

I dont understand how people can even co-sign that

How so though? &*#&$s take shots at him and his mom and making up stuff about his girlfriend now, and yet he is supposed to placate the egos of the same people who have absolutely no respect or regard for him?
Originally Posted by durantula

The main thing wrong with what he said tho is that he said something along the lines of regardless of what I did they have to wake up with their same personal problems tomorrow, but if he woulda won his fans would have still had to wake up with the same personal problems tomorrow, he better hope that doesnt come back to bite him in the !@*.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I like Lebron and I laughed about his comments because he might as well just go ric flair on us and turn into a "bad guy" but the @%@% he said was WAY out of line. like so far out of line it was actually comical....

I dont understand how people can even co-sign that

Gunna I been on NT for years just like you.  You played sports at a high level too.  You know high level athletes.  

So I ask can you be a fan of LeBron?  Dude does so much d-bag, weak-minded stuff that I don't understand how real athletes can respect him.  He's an amazing talent but he's 8 years in the game.  I can't co-sign 90% of the stuff he does.  If you just like watching him play I agree but this man LeBron has a long list of stuff that real competitive athletes that respect others don't do.  Whats good Gunna?

I understand he's under the microscope but that comes with the territory.  I'm not worried about bloggers and newpapers if I'm "King James".  Dude just don't got it upstairs 

Dude more insecure than arrogant.

I always criticize game never personal like his moms....those dudes are clowns. He deserves everything
That comes his way basketball wise....he needs to man the $@*! up.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by JJA89

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

You KNOW me A.
You knowww I aint salty 

Making it to the finals was good enough on the first try,  we are ahead of schedule 

Plus my team dismantled your team 

We'll have more fun next year.

I'm gonna bring something new to NT next year.

I did it first with the big bold words, next year imma see what I can cook up to give yall a couple laughs and make people take what I say seriously to get suspended 

You don't have a team though. Just a LeChoke D Rider

Beeen riding with the Heat.
Don't think because this is my first time these couple of months of the playoffs I appear on the scene and yall look confused 

If yall personally don't know me, I'm not surprised. 

When LeBron get bashed, I expected to get bashed right with him.

Wherever he took his talents, I took my talents

It's simple.

thats not having a team though.
I tell you one thing you talk about my moms and GF getting violated by my co-workers I could give a god damn about you. I just want Bron to go all the way bad. I thought him and Wade were going to when Wade said "We just care about our fans, supporters, friends & family". Should have just added a F everybody else.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LDJ

but what he said is 100.. whether you hate it or love it he is in a better place/status then most. It kills me how esp on here we have threads in general about how im to good for mckie dees its beneath me, or this check doesnt have this or that etc... im better then them. But when a person who reached a status above you then its oh um he is wrong etc. They lost yes... But all in all in life which is outside of his job and sports 99% of the ppl hating on him etc aint shis, wont be shis and will live meaningless moot lives. Bumping and grinding slaving for the rest of their lives just to line the pockets of another man.

And ok yea you can say im mad salty etc... but ill still be able to bs tommorrow on here chill, enjoy my life with my kids etc...  and youll be getting your monkey suits on getting prepared to go get pimped yet another day at someone else job.

You can't be serious my man.  Diginity, honor, respect and things of that nature will always be ranked higher than money.  LeBron can live in his mansion and wear nikes all off-season but his actions have shown his true character.  I love being me because people respect me.  Realtalk EVERY pro athlete could say what LeBron did.  Guess what he doesn't have the respect of most his peers or the legends that came before him.  Maybe that doesnt' matter to him but all that "my life>yours" talk is a cover-up for the pain inside. 

Imma need you to get out of the life you live in a bubble. people who say believe that say that cause they dont have are $*#*@ and its whats keeps them going, gives them will to carry on. Ok quit your job and when your bills are due i want you to write your bill collectors what you said on a check. And why would you care what others thinnk feel about you.. end of the day, i promise you when you die youll be the only one in the casket. Am I saying be an a hole to ppl no... But trying to please/appease and get the respect approval of ppl wont lead you to nowhere but a monotonous life.

Wait?  So your advice is that people should just focus on getting money and not on maintaining good relationships, making the people around them happy, and making an effort to earn respect/have a meaningful role in the lives of others?  LOL!  You must lead a bitter life my friend, that is a way to end up very, very unhappy.
The hate was savage man. I dont remember the last time I've seen anything like it. Fans of any team other than the heat are trashing these boys.
What LeBron said needed to be said. Guy are going for his head on the court, off the court, whatever he does. If he shoots, they say he shouldve passed. If he passes, he shouldve shot.
It's insane.

Anyway the year is over, I'm still riding with my guy LeBron
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I tell you one thing you talk about my moms and GF getting violated by my co-workers I could give a god damn about you. I just want Bron to go all the way bad. I thought him and Wade were going to when Wade said "We just care about our fans, supporters, friends & family". Should have just added a F everybody else.

getting violated?
 @ you acting like they got raped.

self-project much?
Originally Posted by f3DJam

The hate was savage man. I dont remember the last time I've seen anything like it. Fans of any team other than the heat are trashing these boys.
What LeBron said needed to be said. Guy are going for his head on the court, off the court, whatever he does. If he shoots, they say he shouldve passed. If he passes, he shouldve shot.
It's insane.

Anyway the year is over, I'm still riding with one of my guys LeBron

This but go bulls as well.
I try not to care about players off the court unless I know of what they do personally, because I know the media will spin it in whatever direction they want for guys they do or dont like
I like the dude as a basketball player.
he does make it hard to like him, like its hard work to actually sit and be like I hope Bron cooks these dudes tonite

that @*!! he said tonite was absolutely ridiculous... seriously i had to just laugh when he said it cus who goes that route in a press conference after you lose the finals? WHO??? who but Lebron LMAO

that was just crazy to me
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