Official 2012 Boxing Thread: JMM/Manny IV - FOTY.

i have no interest in the fight hopefully Manny just KOs Bradley within 4 rounds never liked big head.

Mosley & Winky retiring i liked both. Winky got robbed plenty of times. Hope Mosley can do well in his promotional company.
Glad to see Winky retire himself, and not continue to get beat on (I'm talkin' to you, Roy)

Although he's had a great career, I think he pretty much screwed himself out of having a better one...

1. By giving up the 12th round against Taylor...and I had him up by a round going into the 12th.

2. Turning down 5 mill for the rematch?
Is Kelly Pavlik fighting this weekend? 

I am rooting for The Ghost's comeback, many before have succumbed to worse, I think he's got alot left in the tank.  
Yea, on FNF. My bad, I'll update the title right now for this weekend. I put up the schedule at the start of each month in the first post.
danrafaelespn Dan Rafael
Jean Bedard, @InterBoxBute's promoter, is in Vegas to talk to Arum and watch Pavlik on Friday. They're talking Bute-Pavlik maybe in fall.
You know what Jones is gonna do, he's gonna stay outside and push him off with the jab and run around the ring. He's got a good 3 inches height and 3 inches reach advantage, he won't wanna let him get close or really make a fight out of it.
Welp Game 7 has made this an easier decision. Will get the results Sunday AM and then watch the replay next week.
Erick (Corona)

Is a victor Ortiz fight possible for canelo in September?

Dan Rafael (12:05 PM)

Yes, that is something Golden Boy is considering looking at if Ortiz beats Lopez, which he should. I think Canelo-Ortiz is a terrific fight. It would sell and excite fans and be an action fight.

BTW Jay, Jones decided to go with :nerd:z gloves instead of 10oz gloves for the fight
I think Bradley might beat Pacquiao...Silly as it sounds, he seems to have that "eye of the tiger"...Should be a good fight...
I think the Pac/Bradley fight will be boring i give Bradley no chance for an upset.

and why is GB so eager to put Ortiz/Canelo when Ortiz has just fought once at 147 and nothing above that.
Exactly the reason you mentioned
they'll make more money in the future with Canelo than Ortiz so they'll throw him out there.
don think they're eager, dan said they considered, who knows.
Sounds more like a desperate attempt to sell HBO a Sept card that Arum wants.

Lance Pugmire
Lol Mike Lee on FNF. Fights a guy who had 5 day notice and is deducted pt for low blow by MORA! Then for good measure they added 2rounds without telling his opponent
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Lol Mike Lee on FNF. Fights a guy who had 5 day notice and is deducted pt for low blow by MORA! Then for good measure they added 2rounds without telling his opponent

straight up trolling.
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