Official 2012 Boxing Thread: JMM/Manny IV - FOTY.

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by HankMoody

So NT's very own Ben Baller has been saying all week on twitter that the fight would be fixed and he bet 5k on Bradley, which turned into 20k.

Real life is a trip.
At no point would anyone be able to bet 5K and turn it into 20k. Bradley was anywhere from +300 to +325.  His odds were never that high. Regardless, he won a ton of money if he put 5k on Bradley. 

ReTweet him to post a pic of his ticket......MM style!

No Bradley was def up to at least +432

From now on when I watch HBO fights, I'm going to watch on mute. I like Lampley but he has such a bias that is really colors the fight in a certain way. I thought PAC won tonight but I didn't think he dominated in the way HBO made it out to be.

Manny dominated the middle rounds, but the early and late rounds were closer. Manny did himself no favors by waiting until the last minute of every round to fight.
Is it safe to say mayweather is just in a different class then pacman? I never thought he would have a chance and the whole boxing world knows it.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Boxing is dead.

#RIPBoxing is/was trending worldwide.edot: Teddy Atlas said Arum fixed the fight for Bradley because Pacman will soon leave TopRank.

Pac needs to join the Money Team.
Originally Posted by Steven1562

Originally Posted by Battousai701

so who here thinks that bradley won (outside of the judges) and please explain how?
I don't think he won but i can see why the judges scored it the way they did .... people forget that the judges don't have commentary so there not influenced like we are ... we hear what the announcers are saying and are easily swayed towards one fighter ... and the 4 criteria for judging is Clean punching, Effective Aggression, Ring Generalship and Defense .... i think the judges saw that Bradley was coming forward a lot and thought he was winning the fight ..... either way Manny was still landing cleaner shots ... i think Manny won it but with all boxing matches stranger things have happened ...  Still a bull *!!+ robbery 

I don't know. I watched the fight with about 15 other people. Sound wasn't on, and during the decision announcement none of us were really paying attention because we all thought manny was a lock. Nobody had Bradley winning (even me, a Floyd fan) and each of us thought they read the card wrong. Just from my own perspective with no audio and me being biased against Manny, I thought Pacquiao won the fight 12-0 maybe 11-1 at the worst...even the layer rounds he took off he landed cleaner punches and did just enough to win them IMO
One fight left on pac's top rank deal? Guaranteed rematch clause in the contract? Coincidence? When Bob Arum is involved it makes a person wonder.
supposedly manny's top rank contract ends at 2013.... he wanted one more fight then retire because he wants to run for senator, then vice president...   but we'll see 
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by HankMoody

So NT's very own Ben Baller has been saying all week on twitter that the fight would be fixed and he bet 5k on Bradley, which turned into 20k.

Real life is a trip.
At no point would anyone be able to bet 5K and turn it into 20k. Bradley was anywhere from +300 to +325.  His odds were never that high. Regardless, he won a ton of money if he put 5k on Bradley. 

ReTweet him to post a pic of his ticket......MM style!

If Bradley was +300, then 5K would have won 15K. 5+15=20. Bradley decision would've won more obviously.

I turned this fight off during the 8th round because I thought Pac was handling him and it was gonna be a wrap and I had to wake up early... I find out Pac lost.. crazy, I bet this place was going nuts with all the Money stans
The only conspiracy i think is possible is that both fighters were in on it from the beginning ..... the rematch was planned .... Bradley posted photo's of a poster with Pacquiao - Bradley 2
a couple of weeks before the fight .... and they are both promoted by Bob Arum .... so 2 PPV's means more $$$$$$$ ...... and they avoid any momentum towards a Mayweather bout ... i never even paid for the PPV so i'm not complaining
..... i streamed it haha ... but i'm never paying for any boxing PPV anymore after this ... unless it's Manny - Floyd
yoooo get outta here with this planned rematch crap.

those were made by Bradley to hype himself up and drum up interest during 24/7

the fight was a media dud. they needed every stitch of promotion

the posters and explanation were well known Long before the fight. where were the conspiracies then? dudes were laughing at Bradley about it on twitter for his "wishful thinking" when he unveiled them

is that marleysomething or other with all those ellipticals and extra dots
But Gunna, I'm just sayin...

Some of the best talkers in the sport have never done that, but "family man" Tim Bradley does? Hell nah.

P.S. Mike Jones is an idiot...

Keep him off my TV screen...FOREVER, along with Kayode.

EDIT: And y'all can miss me with all that "Bradley" had heart talk...if Manny actually put in 3 mins of work for EVERY round, and NOT left this to the cards...this fight would've been stopped.
Thats why I was rooting for the Bailey knock out so bad, so we would never have to see Mike Jones Ever again on a PPV card.

that Uppercut Under the Jab was SOOOO LOVELY.



Bye Bye Forever Mike Jones
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

Now PAC fans can feel what us JMM fans felt. Especially the last fight. Smh at boxing tho

Miss me with that +%%*$%@$... The 1st 2 fights are a action pack wars that could have gone to either fighter.. With all the knockdowns it's easy to see why PAC won them fights.. I always had PAC winning the 3rd fight Again this fight was a beat Down not a close fight at all
bad decision aside...      Manny didn't look as fast and dominant as usual.  This is a man who's knocked down a bigger Miguel Cotto, cut up Oscar, Tonio, and Cotto, but couldn't do that to a smaller Bradley.  And its not like Bradley was running away like Mosley or countering like JMM.... Bradley was right there in front of him trading with him.  Bradley was eating a lot of left hands but had no cuts or welts on his face.  Were they fighting with 14 oz gloves? lol...

All of Manny's activities have caught up to him..   politics, bible study, age, etc...  dare i say it, PEDs during the previous fights
  ?  The fire in his eyes we saw in the Barrera/Morales, first 2 JMM fights, is not there anymore.  He reminds me of Oscar when he had too much going for him late in his career and still trying to fight.
Its really a sad day for me as a boxing fan to see this happen. All jokes aside its upsetting to know how many repercussions there are based of this fight. Bradley gets put over as the next big thing he "beat" Pacman, Pac doesn't lose in the eyes of the fans, Arum gets to have Pacs last fight be with a Top Rank fighter and now Arum never has to negotiate a potential Pac vs Money fight. Lets say for argument sake that the next fight is fixed to put Bradley over again. What reason would Mayweather ever make a fight with Pac if he loses again to Bradley? I always felt that it wasn't Pac ducking Money, it was Arum ducking Money May.

Now the PPV buys for the next fight automatically go up just based on the casual boxing fan tuning in. People didn't know who Bradley was until lastnight now the whole world knows his name. Most people will just read the headline Bradley beats Manny and they will tune in droves for the rematch. Its disgusting how Arum made all this go down, but hey I got to hand it to him, he's a good puppet master making his fighters dance to the music.

i hope people realize that this man has been the root of all evil for years. And last night was the nail in the coffin
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Pretty much feel the same way, no way Bradley made that thing on his own. I hope nobody buys Pac-Bradley 2 or goes to Vegas to see it. Anyone who pays for that fight is basically supporting a corrupt system, and in essence, allowing for these types of things to continue. If Pacquiao has a backbone he should say he doesn't want the rematch and ask for a competitive fight with someone else.

Manny has never been the outspoken type of person he always says he will leave it up to Arum to set up his next fight. Pac needs to grow a set.
I can't imagine why anyone would buy a Bradley PPV if he is the next "cash cow" he has no ko power isn't fun to watch & doesn't do anything for me. At least Mayweather can get a tko or a clear wide UD.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Pretty much feel the same way, no way Bradley made that thing on his own. I hope nobody buys Pac-Bradley 2 or goes to Vegas to see it. Anyone who pays for that fight is basically supporting a corrupt system, and in essence, allowing for these types of things to continue. If Pacquiao has a backbone he should say he doesn't want the rematch and ask for a competitive fight with someone else.
Manny has never been the outspoken type of person he always says he will leave it up to Arum to set up his next fight. Pac needs to grow a set.
I can't imagine why anyone would buy a Bradley PPV if he is the next "cash cow" he has no ko power isn't fun to watch & doesn't do anything for me. At least Mayweather can get a tko or a clear wide UD.

Manny is always saying "Depends on my promoter, Bob Arum." 
If pac was in on the rig I would think he would make I look more realistic. Landing less and throwing less but I just think the judges where paid off plain and simple, Vegas elite got them by the balls. Bodies will end up in the desert
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