Official 2012 Halloween costumes thread vol. what's everyone wearing for their parties?

Daughter wants me to be Batman from Brave and the Bold...Therefore, I will be Batman from Brave and the Bold. lol.
Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth,
They watch you in your bed.
Speak not a whispered word of them,
Or they'll send the Talon for your head.

idk who was but it, but whoever had that King Jaffe Joe costumer was the best one ive seen :lol: :pimp:

i was the red angry bird last year. This year, Im thinkin...either Ken Or M.Bison from SF or if not, ill be Lil B :rofl:
them CFX masks are serious but that 600$ price tag is crazy can't see myself spending that much on a mask for one day but there official 
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just need to cop the vest. everything else is easy.

goodwill matching brown pants, already have chucks, goodwill wig and indian necklaces.
idk who was but it, but whoever had that King Jaffe Joe costumer was the best one ive seen :lol: :pimp:

i was the red angry bird last year. This year, Im thinkin...either Ken Or M.Bison from SF or if not, ill be Lil B :rofl:

:lol: i remember that

I need ideas for something with a beard
cuz I aint shaving for no holiday :tongue:

Wife told me not only should I shave my beard, but should think of cutting my hair off(been growing it for 3 yrs.)..Just for a damn costume?..I was almost tempted to punch her in the boob..
Wife told me not only should I shave my beard, but should think of cutting my hair off(been growing it for 3 yrs.)..Just for a damn costume?..I was almost tempted to punch her in the boob..

Yeah I'm in the same boat. I recently trimmed everything down but I'm wolfing it come Halloween. I'm thinking Richie Tenenbaum even though my hair isn't that long.

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