Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

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Word on the street was that Canelo barely felt GGGs power in sparring. He must have quite a chin.

When did he spar with him?

GGG is a different kind of beast, and Saul has shown a great chin thus far. But he's young. And still time to see where that goes.

Fighting Golovkin in a pro fight would be different though.
Absolutely. People are throwing just every name at Canelo right now. :lol:. I believe GGG sparred Canelo sometime this year. GGG spars light heavyweights most of the time. So it's still nuts.
Absolutely. People are throwing just every name at Canelo right now. :lol:. I believe GGG sparred Canelo sometime this year. GGG spars light heavyweights most of the time. So it's still nuts.

I just read about it, only time I could see was 2011, which would explain a lot.

Canelo has no reason to fight Golovkin yet. Golovkin isn't big enough, that fight wouldn't be worth it for his camp yet.

I mean, there are still guys that can go at 147.

I know this is completely random, but could you imagine Timothy Bradley fighting this guy? :rofl: Timothy could get knocked down 64 times and still give Canelo his hardest fight yet :lol:

He gets in there with anybody like Mike Alvarado or JMM... Yeesh.
Canelo did enough to get the win. Canelo has great future just needs better conditioning but jesus this kid def next big Mexican sensation. As for Trout I felt he was not throwing enough power punches. I doubt Canelo would give him a rematch. Good fight though and the scoring just disgusting :x
i got no problem with canelo winning he won the fight, but people calling out others for saying it was close?
 canelo gave away almost 2-3 rounds by taken them off and not doing anything and trout won some his self. but people are stupid for thinking it was close?

Trout problem is he has no power behind any of his punchs. canelo didnt get rocked at all last night. once canelo started to walk through them jabs it was over for trout

i like that canelo is now moving his head around and showing other kills and not using his face to block shots. cotto better not take a fight VS him. my god its going to be ugly
gunna,freaky,pro,JA,dako and other regulars. how do yall score fights? like what do fighters have to do win rounds for yall?
- Which fighter had more cleaner, crisper, effective blows
- Was either fighter physically affected by the other?
- If the first two are fairly close, which fighter controlled tempo, and showed ring generalship
I like when boxer is effective and aggressive, who's in control of the round,

I hate scoring a round even 10-10 or 9-9 or like yesterday when Canelo knocked down Trout some judges scored it 10-9 because they thought that Trout won the round I score that 10-8 they didn't score it 10-8 but rather they have Trout a 9
those 14 or whatever dudes that Trout KOd must have been some real tough guys lol :lol:

I wonder who punches harder, Bradley or trout!?

trick question lmfao
Aggressiveness has a lot to do with it IMO. Not necessarily moving forward, but who's throwing more punches, who's landing the cleaner shots, and how well a boxer is protecting himself from harm. Not escapinp and running, but dodging and effective head movement. I'm fine with a guy doing potshots and countering if he's getting good defense in.

I agree with the 10-9 during a knockdown round. Only way I'm scoring a round even is if they each knock each other down, or the opponent gets close enough to ending a fight. You have to justify getting knocked down, and saying you made it an Even round.

I also like the analogy of "which fighter you'd rather be,"

I don't think I'm even close to decent at scoring rounds, but when it's close I feel like its a matter of time and control of the round. If a guy controls and dominates the first two punches with effective jabbing and good defense, I don't think it's fair if the other fighter gets in good shots at the end of the round due to aggression and sloppiness
Absolutely. People are throwing just every name at Canelo right now. :lol:. I believe GGG sparred Canelo sometime this year. GGG spars light heavyweights most of the time. So it's still nuts.

When GGG spars though, he looks like he's going about 50% from the youtube vids I've seen so far... so that's why Canelo probably didn't feel his power :lol:
Haven't watched the Canelo fight yet....don't have showtime...only HBO...i hate these promoter beefs.

Anyone hear the rumors that Broner got knocked out cold in training by Errol Spence? Saw some twitter rumors about it but couldn't find any real answer.
Would be no surprise to me, his defense is not really that great. He probably was getting cocky right before he got caught.

Just looked on Spence's twitter he denied it. If we see him with some new toys, then we know he got paid to say that .:lol:
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What are you guys predicting from the Mayweather/Guerrero fight ?
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Mayweather fights super safe. Guerrero makes it competitive. Result: Mayweather by Decision.

Basically this.

Guerrero has a solid chin so i don't think floyd will be able to floor him. So Guerrero will probably be the aggressor push the pace keep pressing and getting countered most of the fight.....Floyd by unanimous decision maybe Guerrero gets 3 rounds?
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He does not need to be "good" to be competitive with Floyd, he just needs to be smart and go toe to toe with him i.e. cut off the ring and just throw with a high work rate. Jose Luis Castillo wasn't that good either.
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Castillo was the bigger stronger fighter so he was able to bully Floyd around the ring. It's not going to be the same story with Guerrero. He might be able to make it as entertaining as Cotto did but my guess is he won't win as many rounds as Cotto.
...isn't what you described being good? :lol: unless we have different definitions of good. It's easy for a fighter to come up with that plan and almost impossible to execute against him. You using a 11 year old example is a kind of proof of that, no?
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